The relationship between marriage and divorce. Interesting statistics on marriages and divorces in Russia

Divorce. Divorce statistics

Marriage is not a life sentence in a cage for two.

According to experts, every second marriage now breaks up. Ten years ago, every third one fell apart. The growth is enormous – one and a half times! After all, these are broken hopes for happiness, unhappy children suffering innocently.

On years family life divorces are distributed according to the following pattern: up to 1 year – 3.6%, from 1 to 2 years – 16%, from 3 to 4 years – 18%, from 5 to 9 years – 28%, from 10 to 19 years – 22%, from 20 or more years – 12.4%.

Thus, in the first 4 years, about 40% of divorces occur, and in 9 – about 2/3 of their total number.

Statistics show that the most crucial period in the life of a family is when spouses are between 20 and 30 years old. It has also been established that marriages entered into before 30 years of age are, on average, twice as durable as marriages that arose when the spouses were over 30.

After 30 years, it is much more difficult for people to rebuild themselves in accordance with the needs of living together and entering into a relationship. family roles. Younger people more easily give up habits that traumatize their spouse.

The vast majority of divorces occur between the ages of 18 and 35. A sharp rise begins at the age of 25.

In 64% of cases, the court asks those divorcing to think and gives them several months to do so. About 7% of spouses withdraw their divorce petition.

Summarizing these statistics, we come to confirmation of the idea made in the epigraph that “marriage is not a life sentence in a cage for two.”

Proportion of married and divorced

According to micro-census data conducted in 1994, one can see what the “marriage” status of men and women in Russia looks like. The information is taken per 1000 people of the corresponding gender and age.

The apparent contradictions that married women turns out to be more than married men, stems from two circumstances:

The diagram does not show the absolute number of families, but their share in the total number. And since there are fewer and fewer men with age (their mortality rate exceeds that of women at all ages), the proportion of married women decreases with age. For the same reason, there are more divorced women than divorced men;

The census was carried out without checking documents, according to citizens. There are many couples in which a woman living in a civil marriage considers herself married, and her actual husband is recorded as single.

Reasons for divorce

There are 6 main reasons for divorce:

hasty, thoughtless marriage or marriage of convenience;


sexual dissatisfaction each other;

incompatibility of characters and views;

psychological and practical unpreparedness for family life and, as a consequence, the accumulation of errors in family relationships, disappointment in a loved one or yourself;


As studies have shown, main reason divorces is the psychological and practical unpreparedness of spouses for family life (42% of divorces). This lack of preparedness manifests itself in the rudeness of the spouses, mutual insults and humiliations, inattention to each other, unwillingness to help with household chores and raising children, inability to give in to each other, lack of common spiritual interests, greed and acquisitiveness of one of the spouses, unpreparedness for interaction, inability to smooth out and eliminate conflicts and in the desire to intensify conflicts, inability to lead household.

In second place is the drunkenness of one of the spouses (this reason was indicated by 31% of surveyed women and 23% of men). Moreover, drunkenness of one of the spouses can be both a cause that destroys family relationships and a consequence of abnormal relationships between spouses.

In third place is marital infidelity (this was indicated by 15% of women and 12% of men).

In the study, only 9% of women indicated the lack of help from their spouse in household chores as a cause of conflicts and divorces. It can be assumed that most husbands help run the household (it turned out that 40% of men do everything around the house that their wife requires).

Other reasons for divorce play an insignificant role: domestic instability (3.1%), differences in views on issues material well-being(1.6%), financial difficulties (1.8%), unreasonable jealousy one of the spouses (1.5%), sexual dissatisfaction (0.8%), absence of children (0.2%).

Divorced men complain that there was no serious intimacy (37%), everyday tenderness (29%), an orderly sex life (14%), care for him (9%), they felt enslaved (“a rope around the neck”) - 14%.

All this becomes known when the family has already broken up. And before that, neither the spouses nor those around them have a clear understanding of what is happening. This reminds us of the parable of the Roman man who divorced his wife. Hearing the bewilderment and reproach of those around him, he asked: “Here is my shoe. Isn’t it good? But how many of you know where it presses my foot?”

Perhaps we can conclude from this: if the spouses had communicated normally, they could have eliminated much of what led to the collapse of the family.

Divorce initiators

In 68% of cases, women file for divorce (in Moscow – 80%). Women predominate under the age of 50, with young women being especially active. After 50, men often initiate divorce.

There are serious reasons for both facts.

The first is that wives (as we have already mentioned) usually rate the quality of their marriage lower than their husbands. Hence their initiative in dissolving the marriage.

The peak of divorces in older age groups occurs mainly on the initiative of men. And this is understandable. The children have grown up and left the nest. You won’t have to pay alimony, and there won’t be any difficulties with changing your apartment. And at 50 and even 60 years old, a man still feels so strong that he can easily not only create new family, but also to bring into the house a woman much younger than his ex-wife...

Stages of conflict leading to divorce

The first stage is rivalry, struggle for power in the family, favorable distribution of rights and responsibilities.

The second is the appearance of cooperation. Having received a distribution of roles that does not coincide with the desired one, but realizing that nothing better “shines,” the spouses begin to “play by the rules,” i.e. staying within certain limits is enough formal communication according to the principle “don’t touch me, otherwise it will be worse.”

It is clear that such behavior gradually leads to isolation, when everyone lives their own lives. The family is preserved for the sake of the children, out of habit, for material reasons, and living space. In such a situation there arise sexual problems, because sex becomes mechanical.

At this stage of the relationship - best conditions for the emergence of sympathy “on the side,” which is a serious test for the existence of a family.

Attempts to prevent the appearance of a “homewrecker” are sometimes anecdotal in nature. A wife sorts things out with her husband: “Before you have a mistress, think about how you will satisfy her, if you cannot satisfy your wife either!” I wonder how she imagined them intimate life after such a statement? (They divorced six months later.)

It is at this stage marital relations The following maxim is common among wives: “All men are womanizers, they are ready to flirt with every skirt, it costs them nothing to change.” But this setting is wrong for three reasons:

firstly, they cheat with a woman, it is women who seduce men. So in men's infidelities Women are also to blame;

secondly, the other gets what the wife is unable to take: unclaimed tenderness, rejected sexual insolence;

thirdly, a man is designed this way by nature: a male always strives to fertilize as many females as possible. He is also an animal, and not just a person. Make sure that there is no strength for others, it is up to you.

A single domestic betrayal is not sufficient reason for divorce

It is believed that most often people get divorced due to infidelity. In fact, betrayal itself is not the cause, but a consequence more deep reasons. If everything is good in a marriage, then betrayal cannot turn back the flow of this river. If there is boredom, long-standing complaints, lack of trust, loss sexual desire, then, indeed, betrayal can become immediate cause divorce.

Don't abuse the threat of divorce

Since women are predominantly the initiators of divorce, they are more likely to threaten divorce than husbands. This is usually done in educational purposes to draw conclusions on how to behave. This tactic is destructive, because it comes from ignorance of the psychology of men.

We said earlier that men are more “doing” than “feeling”. For him, acting is easier than feeling. Divorce is an action, an attitude and is in the realm of feelings. Therefore, having heard the words “divorce,” the husband begins to think about it, weighing all the pros and cons. After each new scandal, there will be more and more arguments in favor.

For many men, the hardest part is not leaving (that's the action), but telling your wife about your decision. Woman in verbal confrontation stronger than men, he feels it, so starting a conversation on this topic is a grave torment for him. Many are also frightened by the unpredictability of her reaction. Therefore, when a wife announces her desire to divorce, it simplifies the matter so much!

Threat affects people in different ways. It can affect the weak, but the strong perceive the threat as a challenge and act contrary “out of principle.” A man is supposed to be strong. Therefore, they try not to give in to threats. And so that there is no doubt about their firmness, they will behave in a defiant manner. Even harmless white mice bite if they cannot find any other way out. How does a husband feel when his back is against the wall with threats?

Did you do the right thing?

How did life turn out for divorced people?

Having met with them, we asked: “Don’t you regret that you separated? Don’t you think that it was possible and should have saved the family?”

In 28% of cases ex-spouses They realized that they had made a mistake and the marriage had to be saved.

Here are some excerpts from the statements of single women after a divorce: “... Great joy I don’t see it because I got rid of my husband. Living alone is also difficult. Sometimes I think that I didn’t do everything to prevent conflict, and of course, I didn’t do anything to save the family. For this I am punished by loneliness.”

“...After the divorce, there were many men with whom I wanted to start a family again. But nowadays men are careful; as soon as you start imposing the simplest duties on them, they immediately leave. Yes, if I had had such experience with men before, I would never have started divorce proceedings. Mine was better in every way.”

Men also remember their failed lives with regret: “I got married unsuccessfully, of course. Only in many ways I was to blame. If I had behaved differently, everything could have been corrected. Now, after eight years of loneliness, I understand all this well. I’m soon forty, and I one like a finger. If I had a family, now my son would go to the forest with me to pick mushrooms, tinker with the car. This bob’s life is not sweet.”

The men explain the main reason for their unsuccessful lives this way: “I didn’t drink because I was addicted to the potion, but because I was confused and didn’t know how to behave in this situation.” similar situation. Children, diapers, washing, cooking - all this seemed like an unmanly task. So I freed myself from marriage, but it turned out that I freed myself from myself, from love, from everything that binds a person to life. I believe that all divorces have one common cause– our unpreparedness for family life.”

In one study, divorced men were asked: “Given the chance, would they remarry their wives?”

About 80% answered that they would marry (women, by the way, agree to “remarriage” less often).

Divorce and health

Divorce has an extremely negative impact on health: divorced people get sick on average twice as often as married people and live shorter lives. Moreover, morbidity and mortality rates among divorced, single, and widowed men are significantly higher than among women.

Among the causes of heart attack, divorce is in second place (in first place is the death of a spouse).

The reader will learn more about the impact of family and its breakdown on health in the last chapter of the book.

Frustrated hopes

Only 27% of women remarry, of which only 56% are happy. These figures should give some women pause: it turns out that only 15% of divorced women find their new happiness.

What about the remaining 85%? Or loneliness (3/4 divorced), or again an unsuccessful marriage.

As we have already said, in most cases the initiator of divorce is the woman. When she says: “That’s it, I’m getting a divorce,” she is guided by a conscious or subconscious confidence that with this she is taking the first step towards correcting a mistake she once made and a more successful life.

But time passes, and she begins to understand how difficult it is to enter into new marriage. Especially if you have a child - after all, the likelihood of getting married in this case is 3 times less than without him.

If at 25-30 years old woman walking divorce, then in five years she will feel that, strictly speaking, she has no one to choose from. After 35 years the main reason female loneliness there is a clear shortage of men due to increased mortality.

According to calculations by A. B. Sinelnikov, over 40% of divorced women could not arrange their lives simply because... grooms the right age there was none for them. In fact, their chances are even lower, since age plays a role in choosing a life partner. Indeed, among the potential “suitors” there are many heavy drinkers who are in prison (of the 1 million prisoners in Russia, the overwhelming majority are men).

It turns out that from the point of view of demographic reality, the increased initiative of women in divorce looks reckless. No matter how bad a rejected husband may seem, new wife there will be something for him much sooner than new husband for the one who started the divorce.

But, apparently, in order to truly be convinced of this and get rid of illusions, many people had to go through this in front of their family and friends. To understand that a second marriage, if you are lucky with it, when there are children, is not an easy matter. After all, fate is bound by people who have experienced a lot, who are irritable, offended, who are either separated from their children or who are forced to accustom them to new fathers and mothers.

So our advice to those who are on the verge of divorce. Don't rush into the pool of loneliness. Try to save your marriage. Be extremely self-critical. Education of husbands, mutual education in marriage - the best remedy escape from loneliness.

The “Iron Chancellor” Bismarck is credited with saying: “He is a fool who learns from his mistakes. I prefer to learn from others!” This is said harshly, and it is not always possible to avoid mistakes. However, you can’t argue with the fact that it is preferable to learn from other people’s mistakes!

Second happiness

68% of divorced men create a new family. The second marriage turned out to be happier for 73% of men.

As a result, about half of the divorced men found family happiness.

These data are several times higher than the corresponding “female” indicators and indicate that the position of a divorced man is much more preferable than that of a divorced woman.

However, we should not forget about the second half of divorced men, who either remained bachelors or married unsuccessfully a second time. You won't envy them!

As a rule, post-divorce experiences for ex-wives are acute for about six months to a year. For men, most often it is one and a half: the stronger sex does not “let go” of the past. Some people hate the woman they broke up with for a long time and passionately. Well, hatred is also a memory... A man traumatized by a divorce usually makes new acquaintances too straightforwardly, even with a challenge; he does not always manage to consolidate the contact that has arisen, hold it, clothe it in a certain form– friendly, love... During this period, a person seems to split into two: either he feels some kind of inferiority, or he makes too high demands. He rushes about, suffers... And often regrets that he did not consult with specialists. After all, he, a specialist, could artificially create a post-divorce situation: “This is what awaits you if the family breaks up!” Psychologists call this a “trial divorce.”


After a divorce, two options are open to a person: living alone or creating a second family. To some, the first path at first seems to be the only one and they explain their decision this way: “You come home and finally peace comes to you. She is her own boss. The apartment is clean, comfortable, the kind I’ve dreamed of having all my life. If I want, I go to the store, on a visit, to the cinema, without coordinating my decision with anyone. A feeling of freedom - after the family hard labor that I experienced.”

Indeed, after a divorce, especially if there was a difficult situation in the family, a feeling of liberation initially dominates. Time passes and the situation free woman begins to weigh on her. She begins to recognize the possibility of remarriage, but fears arise as to whether she will find such a husband so that the story with her does not repeat itself. bad marriage, will the child accept the “new dad” and will he be able to become a father to the child?


When, shortly after the divorce, his friends congratulated him on his “liberation,” one of the divorced people sadly said: “Well, what are you talking about, what joy is there? We have lived together for 12 years... What worries me is not the problem of finances, alimony... The main thing is how the children will appreciate us, not now, but later. In the end, it doesn’t matter which woman takes the wife’s place, but children cannot replace them, and who will replace their father?”

Many men experience such feelings because it is impossible to escape paternal duty, which, although it does not come to a man immediately with the birth of a child, and develops more slowly than maternal feelings, but appears so as not to let go all his life. And the older the children become, the more the man worries and realizes the need for his presence and participation for them. The man cares and public opinion: after all, in a divorce, as a rule, they blame him, first of all, him, and most often only him.

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Divorce. Divorce statistics Marriage is not a life sentence in a cage for two. According to experts, every second marriage now breaks up. Ten years ago, every third one fell apart. The growth is enormous – one and a half times! After all, these are broken hopes for happiness, unhappy

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Divorce statistics According to experts, currently every second marriage breaks up in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. Ten years ago, every third one fell apart. The growth is enormous - one and a half times! According to the years of family life, divorces are distributed as follows: up to 1 year - 3.6%; from 1 to 2

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Chapter 7. Single-parent family as a source of divorces “A woman who has given herself to one will never be able to completely give herself to another, for Her future depends on her Belonging only to the One. A man should strive to satisfy the slightest desire

Why do people even get divorced? Modern statistics on the territory of the Russian Federation indicate that today the number of official registrations has decreased marital relations. Couples prefer to live in a so-called civil marriage. Most give the following argument in favor of such relationships: why get married, you can just live together, and if irreparable problems arise family troubles, then you can disperse without paperwork.

Although there are still young people who want to formalize their relationship. At the same time, when registering their relationship, they believe that this is once and for all. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. Quite often families break up. If we look at the statistics, the majority of divorces occur in families with up to 10 years of marriage. The second place in divorces is occupied by long marriages– more than 20 years. It turns out that after 10 to 20 years of marriage, couples break up less often.

So, after all, why do people get divorced? What could be the reasons for the divorce of people who were once in love?


  1. Too early marriage 40%;
  2. Treason 25%;
  3. Sexual dissatisfaction 15%;
  4. Incompatibility of characters 13%;
  5. Alcohol and drugs 7%;
  6. Internet addiction.

Family life time

  1. After 1-2 years, 16% of marriages break up;
  2. After 3-4 years it’s already 18%;
  3. After 5-9 years, 28% of families divorce;
  4. After 10-19 years the percentage drops to 22%;
  5. And after 20 years, 12% decays.

Table 1950-2015

Reasons for divorce

According to sociological surveys, the main reasons for divorce in Russia can be identified:

  1. Getting married in a pretty early age. Quite young people register their relationships on an emotional level, without thinking about their future together. Sometimes, even the process of young people growing up and developing a personality becomes the reason for the dissolution of a marriage.
  2. Marriage registration in pretty late age. Average age The age for marriage is 22-24 years. Even psychologists say that after 30 years of age it is more difficult for people to get used to each other. Still, you should listen to the saying: everything has its time!
  3. Everyday life. Quite often you can hear that married life crashed into everyday life. To avoid the destruction of a marriage, you should treat each other with respect, help each other, and spend time together outside the home.
  4. Pursuing a career. Preoccupation with your career, as a rule, pushes family life into the background. Lack of interest in family issues, busyness at work leads to the fact that spouses have different interests and disappear common topics for conversations. As a result, the spouses become complete strangers to each other, and they have no choice but to get a divorce.
  5. One of the reasons for divorce is the infidelity of one of the spouses. Most cannot forgive such betrayal, which leads to the breakdown of the family. In this case, betrayal occurs most often due to the following:
    1. dissatisfaction of one of the partners in sex life(for example, due to irregular intimate life);
    2. search for new experiences and thrills (a partner trying to diversify his boring family life in this way does not think about the possible consequences);
    3. committing adultery out of revenge (usually out of anger to the other spouse).
  6. Material difficulties. Poverty and poverty leads to tension between spouses, which in the future can inevitably lead to family breakdown.
  7. Spouses can get divorced because of each other's habits. The partner’s behavior can be annoying, and therefore a certain hostility arises. To save a marriage, you should be more tolerant of your chosen one, because each of us has habits and not everyone may like them.
  8. Change of feelings. It's no secret that for many couples, love passes, only friendly feelings remain. Most of them see no point in living together and decide to divorce.
  9. The appearance of a child. Often families, especially young ones, cannot cope with additional stress and problems, which ultimately leads to divorce.
  10. A fictitious marriage, for example, registering a marriage to obtain a residence permit in another city. Naturally, such a marriage is not based on mutual feelings, human relationships, and as a result, has no future.
  11. No children. Infertility of a couple is also a cause of family breakdown.
  12. Deception of one of the spouses, constant lies. It will be much harder for the other spouse to find out the truth. In addition, trust in your soulmate disappears, which can cause a negative result.
  13. Personality incompatibility different tempers and outlook on life. One person likes to spend time outside the home, while the other prefers to sit quietly at home. Often such situations lead to divorce. If a person is dear, then it is worth looking for certain compromises to preserve the family.
  14. Marriage of convenience (pursuing selfish interests: obtaining material benefits).
  15. Bad habits of your significant other (dependence on alcohol, drugs, gambling addiction), use physical strength to family members (in other words, beating).
  16. Oppression. Most people are leaders by nature, which also manifests itself in family relationships. Not everyone is able to live under the same roof with a family despot, so marriages often break up for this very reason.
  17. Divorces also occur in cases of emotional immaturity in relation to official relationships. Marriage for female half is a guarantor of calm and stability. However, the male half is not always ready to devote himself wholeheartedly to the family. As a result, spouses have different family goals, which can destroy relationships.
  18. Another reason may be relatives, or rather their interference in the family life of the spouses. Trying to give advice to young families, older relatives can only do harm. Or there are often cases negative attitude any of the relatives to the chosen daughter (son). By throwing out their negativity, they involuntarily turn spouses against each other.
  19. Jealousy, and groundless and excessive. Such manifestations often develop into conflicts and scandals. And you must admit, any person will get tired of living like on a powder keg (a little late at work - you will get a scandal and hysteria based on the second half’s speculations about treason).


We discussed above why people get divorced. Although this list is not exhaustive. The reasons can be very varied, even comical: the wife cooks borscht tastelessly. Although in fact, the breakdown of a family is a kind of tragedy. And not only for the spouses themselves. And not only one of the spouses is to blame, both are to blame! And problems are brewing not every second, but over time. Therefore, if people really have something for each other warm feelings, it's worth trying to save marriage, find some compromises. Or maybe you can live five, ten, twenty, fifty years.

Causes of divorce - Divorce statistics in Russia and in the World.

The current statistics are simply frightening. The numbers are actually serious. Incorrect choice partner is the leading cause of divorce in the world. According to statistics, every second marriage breaks up. Almost half of marriages, alas, end in this way.

RISK FACTOR- Do you want to have strong family- don’t rush into marriage. Prolong this delightful period of getting to know each other. (about the peculiarities of his character) As evidence, here are some statistics: for 40% of couples who decided to divorce, the period of acquaintance lasted less than six months.

*Now in Russia almost 80% of marriages break up,

* in the USA - half,

* in the UK there are 51.9 divorces for every 100 marriages,

* in Sweden - 65.7,

* in Belgium - 59.7,

* in France and Germany - 40.9,

* in Finland - 57.6.

That is, almost every second marriage in the world breaks up.

According to statistics, in Russia there are 700 divorces per thousand marriages, and in Sverdlovsk region out of 30 thousand marriages, 28 thousand end in divorce.

According to the Federal State Statistics Service, Russian families break up less and less often, but the number of marriages is also falling every year, writes the newspaper Vremya Novostei.

According to the latest estimates by sociologists, in 2004, 630 thousand divorces were registered in Russia. Compared to previous years, this figure really inspires optimism: for example, in 2003, 800 thousand couples divorced, in 2002 - 850 thousand. However, fewer divorces also account for fewer marriages: 979.7 thousand in 2004 versus 1 million 90 thousand in 2003 and 1 million 20 thousand in 2002.

As the newspaper notes, the very latest statistics for Moscow look even more depressing: in April 2005, the capital's civil registry offices registered 4,460 marriages, which is one and a half times less than in the same month last year.

An obvious consequence of the decreasing number of marriages is the growing number of children born out of wedlock. Today their number is about 30 percent of the total number of newborns. True, this, as sociologists assure, is a completely pan-European trend, as well as another demographic feature - having few children. The so-called birth rate Russian women today it is 1.3.

As the newspaper writes, the most constant value in Russian family statistics is the number remarriages. For many years now, it has accounted for approximately 30 percent of the total number of registered marriages.

By years of family life, divorces are distributed as follows: up to 1 year - 3.6%, from 1 to 2 years - 16%, from 3 to 4 years - 18%, from 5 to 9 years - 28%, from 10 to 19 years - 22%, from 20 years or more - 12.4%.

Thus, in the first 4 years, about 40% of divorces occur, and in 9 - about 2/3 of their total number.
Statistics show that the most crucial period in the life of a family is when spouses are between 20 and 30 years old. It has also been established that marriages entered into before 30 years of age are, on average, twice as durable as marriages that arose when the spouses were over 30.
After 30 years of age, it is much more difficult for people to rebuild themselves in accordance with the needs of living alone and entering into family roles. Younger people more easily give up habits that traumatize their spouse.

The vast majority of divorces occur between the ages of 18 and 35. A sharp rise begins at the age of 25.
In 64% of cases, the court asks those divorcing to think and gives them several months to do so. About 7% of spouses withdraw their divorce petition.

Reasons for divorce:

There are 6 main reasons for divorce:
1.hasty, thoughtless marriage or marriage of convenience;
2.marital infidelity;
3.sexual dissatisfaction with each other;
4. incompatibility of characters and views;
5. psychological and practical unpreparedness for family life and, as a result, the accumulation of mistakes in family relationships, disappointment in a loved one or oneself;

Judging by statistics, the strongest and most stable families are Christian. The main constitution of Christians - the Bible, teaches what a wife should be like ("A wise wife builds her house, but a foolish woman destroys it with her own hands" - Book of Proverbs, 14:1) and how a husband should behave towards her ("You too “Husbands, treat your wives wisely, as with the weakest vessel” - First Epistle of the Apostle Peter, 3:7). Families that know and adhere to these truths are characterized by enviable stability.

LOOK FOR YOURSELF a life partner among believers, among brothers and sisters. May your marriage be happy! May your love be joyful!

Each country has developed its own traditions, norms of morality and behavior, and cultural values ​​over the centuries. Regardless of any factors, the family remains an integral unit of society. Although, unfortunately, for last years the number of divorces in our country has increased significantly, and citizens who were once married are getting divorced, often in conflict with each other, enduring family scandals on display and involving society and the courts for help.

Russia is no different long lasting marriages, although it is not a leader in divorce proceedings compared to other countries. But a certain number of families sooner or later break up irrevocably, and the tendency towards a decrease in the time period lived together is constantly growing. In addition, in recent years, many married citizens cannot get along together even for 3-5 years.

If you look at the statistics of divorces, there are more of them in Lately, but this was not always the case. Look into history and you will see that before the revolution the situation was different, and such a problem practically did not exist among people. It's all about the way of life that many families engaged in subsistence farming and living in the countryside adhered to.

This was a kind of obstacle to divorce, because a woman simply could not do without male support and do difficult work. physical work, and for men, often the only breadwinners in families, it was not entirely profitable to leave their wives and children, to leave what they had acquired for years together life.

It was the land that served as a source of income for many families; it was simply unprofitable for men to leave the family. Another reason was the church, which to this day is negative towards divorce, and previously accepted the most Active participation spending time with citizens various kinds conversations, motivating to live peacefully, amicably, as a family.

The party had a considerable influence on the masses during the years of the Soviet Union, because many people who were members of it were afraid of publicity and other people's opinions, condemnation, in particular, of colleagues and fellow party members. Divorce could be a reason for rapid expulsion from the party, which citizens could not allow. In the years Soviet Union People's personal lives were more visible and controlled by the state, so the number of divorces was reduced to a minimum.

Now look at the situation during the years of the collapse of the USSR, which changed completely, and the new trend of the West played an important role. The number of divorces has increased significantly. Once happy and prosperous families began to break up more and more often.

How long can early unions be?

From a legal point of view, early marriage is the conclusion of a union between citizens who have not reached the age of majority (18 years). People consider the age of 19-20 years to be an early marriage. Few people marry consciously, although it is worth talking about consciousness at a young age.

As a rule, early marriage is promoted by good reason or the appearance of one or another life circumstance:

  • Junk or unplanned pregnancy from a girl;
  • the desire to leave faster this way Father's house, thereby leaving the care of parents;
  • the experience of an exaggerated first love or, as people say, in a perverted form.

Look at the statistics, almost all early marriages are unviable and break up within 1-2 years of their existence. Moreover, such marriages are definitely unlikely to receive public support.

Table of processes of marriage and divorce in recent years

Today, experts are closely monitoring the trend of marriages and divorces, because the number of the latter is growing every year. Various monitoring, questionnaires and studies are carried out. The issue of divorce has become a truly pressing issue.

Records are kept Federal service state statistics. Pay attention to the data presented in the table. Compare the number of divorces and registered marriages in recent years.

The trend is:

Year Marriages Divorces
2011 1 316 011 669 376
year 2012 1 213 598 644 101
year 2013 1 225 511 667 971
year 2014 1 225 985 693 730

We can conclude that over the past 4 years the number of marriages has been registered at approximately the same level, but divorces have increased significantly. If you take 1,000 people, they account for approximately 4.7% of divorces. The statistics are far from encouraging, and the number of divorces, according to experts, will only increase.

Today, divorce is a common thing for many Russians. Marriages break up various reasons, sometimes ridiculous and insignificant. The dynamics of divorces for 2015 became interesting, and if you look at the graph proposed by Rosstat, the number for 2005 reached its peak over the last 10 years. Taking into account the 9-point scale - almost 90% per 1000 marriages.

The situation regarding marriages and divorces in the world

It is not only our country that is experiencing an acute problem of divorce proceedings today. The statistics are disappointing in other countries as well. The leader in divorce is Portugal, where 100 families account for up to 69% of divorces. The Spaniards, Hungarians and Czechs are not far behind the Portuguese, where the divorce rate ranges up to 64-65%.

Things are a little better in the United States, where the divorce rate is approximately the same as in Russia – 50. The situation is even better in Australia, Canada, Germany and Norway, where the number of divorces is no more than 40% per 1000 families. But Ireland is considered one of the most stable countries, where the number of divorces in relation to marriages does not exceed 15%.

The comforting fact is that Russia is still not a leader compared to other countries, and in some of them things are much worse. Although, of course, Russians have someone to look up to.

At what age do people get married?

According to statistics, the age of women and men getting married has become significantly higher in recent years, and today the bar is 25-27 years old. Today this is an innovation compared to the 90s of the last century, and the age of those wishing to get married has increased significantly.

Although there is a gradual increase in age. Many 25-year-old people got married back in the 90s; in 2000, the rate increased significantly. Today the average age of people getting married is 25-35 years. In 2010 age group at the age of 25-30 she became the leader among those getting married. Today, young people have become less active and do not rush to the registry office to get married and get a stamp in their passport. Many people prefer to live in a civil marriage.

In recent years, early marriages before the age of 18 have become simply uninteresting for extras. Their number is minimal and in Russia is no more than 0.2%.


If we take into account the age of the men who want to get married, then the age group of 25-30 years is in the lead. Number of marriages in at this age– 33% or 1/3 of all marriages. Further:

  • Group 2 and age – 20-25 years;
  • Group 3 and age – 30-35 years with approximately the same percentage of 70-75% of all marriages.

Most men get married between the ages of 20-35. Per share early marriages or the young group under 20 years old accounts for only 2.5% of marriages. No more than 0.1% of marriages were recorded among men under 18 years of age. But an interesting fact was the growing trend of men getting married after 60 years. There were 5% more of them compared to young men aged 18-19 years.


Statistics on women are such that most of them marry age category– 20-25 years. This is the largest percentage – 77%. The following age categories:

  • 27-30 years old – 38-40%;
  • 30-35 years old – 12% of the total number of women getting married.

Dividing the age of women into 3 categories, we can conclude that the majority get married at 20-25 years old. As a rule, the threshold is the same for men and women. All of them most often get married at this age.

What do statistics say about civil marriages?

Today, many couples do not want to formalize their relationship and prefer to simply live in a civil marriage, i.e. cohabitate, in legal terms.

Not all couples rush to the registry office to official registration their relationships, and the conduct lush weddings Today it has not become a special need for young people. Many rely on the opinion of European citizens, where living in a civil marriage is common, and such married couples Europeans have the majority.

Sweden and France are the leading countries in the number of civil marriages today, and according to the Institute of Demography, up to 50% of couples today live in a civil marriage, and even families that were previously married, but chose to divorce and never re-marry, finding This has its pros and cons. According to official data, the number of citizens wishing to join legal marriage, officially decreased from 65 to 57%.

Main reasons for divorce

According to social surveys, which large quantities today are offered for conducting on the Internet, many couples (up to 40%) get divorced only because of the adoption hasty decision about marriage.

Other common reasons for divorce include:

  • pressure from relatives - such couples cannot get along together even for 2 years;
  • adultery as one of common reasons divorces, which account for up to 20%;
  • sexual dissatisfaction, and for this reason up to 5% of families break up;
  • lack of common views on life – 13 out of 100 couples;
  • alcohol as an obstacle to happiness life together, leads to the disintegration of up to 7% of newlyweds.

Today it has become fashionable new reason for disintegration it is social networks. So in St. Petersburg, a psychoanalytic center conducted a survey, according to the results of which social networks began to lead to the destruction of marriages up to 15%. According to psychologists, this percentage will only grow over the years, because there are more Internet users every day, and some people have become truly addicted.

Yet many spouses agree that, regardless of the reason for the divorce, both parties are equally to blame. This is according to at least, a positive trait among Russians is to admit their mistakes, although not everyone is able to maintain good relationships after a divorce.

Statistics of periods of cohabitation

According to statistics, the proportion of divorces among married couples is:

  • 5-9 years account for 28-30%;
  • 2-3 years – up to 17%;
  • 3.5% cannot get along together even for 1.5 years.

In 13% of cases, couples who have been married for more than 20-25 years divorce. Those who noted silver wedding today there are only a few - no more than 3%.

The number of divorces is higher in the marriage period from 5-10 years - up to 35%.

Currently, divorces in Russia are no longer rare and condemned by everyone. Now this procedure has become “ordinary” for Russian citizens, and hundreds of thousands of “social cells” are being broken up in the country. Popularity for registration every year official marriages confidently decreases, highlighting civil marriages. However, many supporters open relationship They do not take into account the fact that in such a family spouses have practically no rights and responsibilities to each other.

Rosstat published the latest data on the number of marriages and their divorces for the first 3 months of last year (2018). According to the presented figures, there are still more people who want to register their relationships and have decided to dissolve their marriage ties. However, every year the difference between these indicators becomes smaller and smaller.

Thus, in 2018, during the analyzed period, 218,070 marriage registrations were recorded, and in 2019, during the same period, 207,825 were recorded, which is 10,245 less. A completely opposite situation occurs with divorces, because in 2018, during the analyzed period, Rosstat recorded 157,065 of them, and in 2014 – 172,310, which is 15,245 more.

Dynamics of divorces in Russia by region in 2018-2019

Having discarded general statistical data on divorce proceedings throughout Russia, experts began to analyze each region of the country separately.

The analysis showed that last year in all regions of the Volga Federal District, except Mordovia, the number of divorce proceedings increased. The highest rate of divorces (per 1000 marriages) was noted in the Penza region - 655 divorces, the lowest - in Tatarstan (646).

Experts, having walked through the main regions of the Volga Federal District, calculated the number of divorces for every thousand marriage registrations:

  • Kirov region – 646;
  • Saratov region – 623;
  • Orenburg region – 603;
  • Ulyanovsk region – 588;
  • Samara, Nizhny Novgorod regions - 587;
  • Mordovia – 574;
  • Mari El – 572;
  • Perm region – 543;
  • Chuvashia – 522;
  • Udmurtia – 519.

Regarding the situation in Russian Federation, That highest score divorces were recorded here in Magadan and in Leningrad regions(752). Next is the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (748) and the Jewish Autonomous Region (741).

Traditions are still respected in Chechnya family values, because there are only 142 divorces for every thousand registered marriages. In Ingushetia - 182 divorces, Dagestan - 251, and in Sevastopol - 252.

The main reasons for divorces in the Russian Federation

Experts conducted numerous sociological surveys to identify the main causes of divorce in Russia, and the results were as follows:

  1. The use of alcohol or drugs by one of the spouses is the most common reason causing the breakdown of about 41% of marriages.
  2. Lack of housing for a young family leads to divorce in 14% of marriages.
  3. Intrusion of relatives into the life of a new family is also a serious reason for the divorce of married couples – 14%.
  4. The inability to have a child for certain reasons causes the breakup of 8% of Russian families.
  5. Long-term separation of spouses destroys 6% of families.
  6. The imprisonment of one spouse causes divorce for 2% of couples.
  7. Due to the long-term illness of one of the spouses, 1% of couples separate.

In addition, sociologists have identified a number of main reasons that prevent married couples get a divorce. The first place is occupied by the “indivisibility” of children, which holds 35% of couples. In second place are difficulties with dividing jointly acquired property, which is why about 30% of families do not get divorced. The third place belongs to the material dependence of one of the spouses on the other and restrains divorce proceedings 22% par. Sociologists put the wife or husband's disagreement with divorce in last place - this stops 18% of families from breaking up.
