Excessive enthusiasm of the child for computer games. Orthorexia: why a healthy lifestyle is so dangerous

Did you know that a fanatical desire to eat right can be a threat to both the physical and mental health? We asked Alexandra Menshikova, a psychologist-psychotherapist, to explain why fixation on a healthy lifestyle has nothing to do with a healthy lifestyle.

Alexandra Menshikova // Photo: Ekaterina Frolova

Alexandra Menshikova, psychologist-psychotherapist, candidate of psychological sciences.

Orthorexia (from the Greek orthos - "straight, correct" and orexis - "the urge to eat") is commonly called an excessive passion for "healthy" nutrition. But neither in nor in such a disease you will find. So far, there is not enough evidence that this habit negatively affects a person’s health and can harm him. There are also no clear criteria for what is considered orthorexia, and understanding exactly how this excessive enthusiasm affects the psyche. Nevertheless, the term itself, like the phenomenon itself, of course, exists. Orthorexia is quite common among disorders eating behavior, for example, as part of anorexia - in order to lose weight, a person switches to “proper” nutrition and begins to play sports intensively. But still, there is a fundamental difference between orthorexia and anorexia. With anorexia, it is important for a person how he looks and how much he weighs, so diets are just the result of the desire to bring the desired image to life, and with orthorexia, in principle, all attention is directed only to food. That is, the idea itself is important, the very fact of following the principles of “proper” nutrition.

Signs of orthorexia


In orthorexia, the quality of food plays a major role. Food should be natural, environmentally friendly and do not contain additives. Often, people with orthorexia have a belief that a certain food group can harm them, so potentially hazardous components immediately eliminated from the diet. That is, a person has a clear set of what can and cannot be eaten (an example of “black-and-white thinking”, which is characterized by the labels “good”, “bad”, “harmful”, “useful”), and his the main task- follow the rules of this system and in no case violate them.


For a person obsessed with proper nutrition, eating is a real ritual. Food must be prepared in a certain way and in certain conditions(e.g. in a saucepan with a “correct” coating), vegetables and fruits should be cut on an ecological board. clean materials, and the act of eating should take place in certain time- not when a person wants, but when need to. In other words, healthy eating becomes a religion, and everything connected with it - every little thing and every detail - begins to be almost decisive. And if, for example, such a person finds himself in a situation where he is forced to eat not what he planned, and not where he planned, he begins to experience severe stress. He develops fear, which often leads to the fact that he simply refuses to go to places where there is even a minimal chance of eating the "wrong" food.

avoidance behavior

Since a person very strictly monitors what he eats, and what he is categorically forbidden to eat, sometimes he begins to avoid those places where “forbidden” products, in principle, can appear. He also distances himself from those who do not share his opinion. It is important for him that his idea is supported, so he will try by all means to impose his beliefs on others. Often, this behavior can lead to isolation and rupture of social ties. Nevertheless, such people quickly find like-minded people. Like-minded people with whom only one connects them general interest. And that interest is food.

An orthorexic person does not eat to be healthy. The meaning of his life is to eat healthy food. And that's it. So if you catch yourself on the fact that "proper" nutrition becomes obsession, and former interests fade into the background, it's time to think.

Risk group

Mostly young women under 35 suffer from orthorexia. Young men also face this problem, but less often. There are many reasons for the development of orthorexia - for example, if a person had a disease in childhood, requiring a certain dietary behavior, or his parents are obsessed with healthy eating. But h Most often, people with unstable self-esteem are prone to orthorexia and unformed personal identity- they have not fully decided who they are, what they want, what they like and what is important to them. Their "I" is not formalized, they do not know their interests, their needs, or their capabilities. Following certain eating habits becomes for them a way of self-realization.

Also at risk are people with increased requirements to themselves - they need rigid rules to follow. Orthorexia can also be a reaction to stress - as a way to cope with it. At the same time, a person does not solve the problem, but is simply distracted from it for a while. He seems to have neutralized his anxieties and fears by shifting his focus to following the principles proper nutrition, but in fact it only formed new fear. Fear of breaking the diet, relaxing and eating something wrong. Thus, stress only increases, and guilt is added to the previous anxiety states.

In any case, everything is relative and ambiguous. It is still quite difficult to draw a clear line where the passion for proper nutrition turns into pathology. Still, it should be taken into account that healthy lifestyle life is a social trend. Society seems to be saying: if you follow it and at the same time you are slim and fit, then you are good, but if you have excess weight and you do not want to play sports, then you are lazy. That is, well done to those who eat right and play sports, and everyone else is not. But actually it is not. Food, of course important component life, but not the main one. And she - in itself - will not make a person happy.

Despite the fact that people with orthorexia spend a lot of time thinking about food - their whole life is filled with thoughts about food - they get absolutely no pleasure from eating. More precisely, like this: they enjoy, but from what they observe certain rules that they have installed themselves. Such a person feels chosen. He is good, because he has willpower, and all the rest are weaklings. He begins to critically evaluate others and realize his superiority over them. An important note: he stands out not at the expense of his deeds, but at the expense of food. That is, he has no other tools to express his “I”.

Who are the Time Eaters?

The habit of procrastinating.

"Favorite" and "unloved" work.

The inability to say "no".

Subordinates and colleagues at work.

Uninvited visitors.

Phone calls.

Typical mistakes.

Who are the Time Eaters?

Just as there is a disease of the body, there is also a disease of the way of life. Democritus

I am constantly distracted from work. As a result, by the end of the day it is not possible to fulfill even half of the planned. What to do?

Recent studies have found that the average manager is interrupted every eight minutes! They can distract you from work in any way: at the most inopportune moment you will be asked to pick up the phone and answer the call, then they will call you from the other end of the room, then they will burst into the office without knocking with some kind of burning bills. And then suddenly a computer crashes or a fax breaks down, and then a colleague from a neighboring department will drop in and invite you to a cup of coffee at the buffet. Then dinner time arrives, and there an unexpected visitor from an outside organization will appear. And so it can continue with short breaks until the end of the day!

These hindrances, which are also called “time eaters”, cause huge losses to companies large and small every day. If you are determined to fight the "eaters" - start with yourself. Look at what exactly distracts you from work, what habits “eat up” too much working time, what slows down your activity and desire to work.

What kind of interference in the work is referred to as "eaters" of time?

Your loss of working time can be due to both external and internal reasons. Your "internal eaters" of working time can most likely be classified as follows:

    procrastination habit

    unwillingness to do “unloved” work

    over-indulgence in "favorite" activities

    inability to say “no” to unreasonable requests

The “external wasters” of time include:

    Your subordinates or work colleagues

    uninvited "guests" (visitors)

    phone calls

How to determine which "eaters" interfere with me the most?

This will be easiest to do if you start time loss table. Every time you are distracted from your main work, just write down in the table why this happens. In a few days you will have enough material to understand who or what interferes with your work the most.

At the end of the week, analyze your time wasted by time eaters and think about how to get rid of them. In this section you will find practical recommendations for dealing with the "eaters" of your time.






Signs of over-indulgence in a healthy lifestyle

As in any business, a healthy lifestyle requires a sense of proportion. If it is not, you can constant diets and physical activity instead of good, harm the body.

Many people in this day of exercise, fitness, and nutrition are thinking about their health and longevity, hoping to stay active into old age. Naturally, there are other examples, there are also plenty of fans to lie on the couch and sit with beer in front of the TV. Now we are not talking about them.

Those in question are not too lazy to run in the morning, torture themselves with diets, maintain positive image thinking and almost breathing according to science - everyone chooses an occupation to his liking. You need to show some perseverance, and the results of such efforts will not be long in coming. Everything, however, has back side: if you overdo it, then you can exceed the boundaries of reason in your pursuit of healthy life. If this happens, you may not notice how you turn into a fanatic withered by diets and physical education. active image life doing more harm than good.

Below is a list of items that should contribute to the discovery of the beginning of this disease in oneself - because an excessive passion for health can well be called a disease. Perhaps someone will find a number of the described symptoms in themselves.

1. You try to eat only healthy and high quality products. Nothing containing dyes or preservatives is essential in your refrigerator.

2. Nutrition should be strictly controlled by the clock, if there are deviations from the schedule, you start to panic.

3. Having eaten something, you begin to listen to yourself and look for a connection between the food you eat and your well-being. Sometimes such a connection is even found - as you think.

4. You trust only the products of your own cooking, only then you are calm about the contents of your plate. In the same way, you are drawn to control the diet of loved ones.

5. If there is any deviation from life rules you feel guilty. To get rid of it, you usually impose even more severe restrictions on yourself.

6. Everything more money out of your budget goes to purchase food additives and healthy foods.

7. You want to convert everyone around you who, in your opinion, is living wrong. The case may end with the fact that you begin to feel sorry for them and feel your own chosenness.

8. From achieving the goals in the plan right image life begins to depend on self-esteem and happiness.

9. Excessive zeal begins to negatively affect your social life. It is no longer possible to dine with friends for no one knows what, you can’t go to visit because of the rigid daily routine.

10. You are ready to conduct your classes in any weather and in any place, even where it is not entirely appropriate.

11. Rest you consider a sin.

12. You took too literally the phrase that there is no progress without pain. You don't need to turn every workout into a survival contest.

13. You got too carried away chasing positive outlook for life. When everyone around you is crying, the smile becomes out of place.

14. The circle of communication and interests has shrunk only to areas related to physical activity, health, nutrition, daily routine, etc.

15. Modern technologies you need, no matter the price: new running shoes, fitness bracelets, apps, sensors.

As with everything, the pursuit of health requires balance. Remember this, and then the health benefits will not turn into harm.

Gadgets in our time, flooded the whole world. There is nothing wrong. Mankind is coming in step with progress. But this is not good at all. That's the whole paradox.
Thanks to gadgets, we do not know how to communicate. You say it's not. So. We can only communicate through social networks.

But the worst thing is that our children no longer think a day without a tablet, smartphone.

And our kids can't brag now good health. All due to the fact that from birth we handed them a tablet. And it was necessary to hand sand and a shovel.

A team of researchers from the University of Iowa have concluded that up to 90% of 2-year-olds in America are now using tablets!

Of course, on the one hand, this is not bad: various educational games and puzzles for kids can have a positive effect on children, but scientists still strongly recommend limiting the time children use gadgets. And they have good reasons for this.

1. It negatively affects the child's ability to socialize

Between the ages of 0 and 2, a child's brain triples in size. The voice of parents, their touch, joint games can help the child to form in such a way that they can then establish normal emotional connections with other people.

But for kids who already have access to gadgets at such a young age, they constantly watch cartoons, everything is a little different. Their nervous system begins to develop worse, it has a bad effect on the concentration of attention and perception of people around.

As they get older, it becomes harder for them to build normal harmonious relationship with people around. So there is a delay in speech, albeit slight, but it is. So, many doctors and scientists say that the age at which children begin to speak has shifted. They start talking much later than their parents.

2. Children are more prone to gadget addiction than adults.

“Technology attracts people because in the virtual world you can endlessly try something new. It is very difficult to stop using them precisely because there are no restrictions in satisfying your desires, ”says Dr. Gary Small, professor of psychiatry and director of the Longevity Center at the California Institute of Neurology.

At the push of a button, a child can get what they want. But technology cannot teach a child moderation. That is why he gets used to the smartphone instantly, but, unlike an adult, he cannot always control and limit himself.

3. Addiction to tablets and gadgets provokes tantrums

If a child has an attachment to something, he begins to cry and get angry when they try to take it away from him. But if your toddler is throwing a tantrum about a gadget, don't rush to give him a tablet again just to calm him down. This will not solve the problem, but only exacerbate it.

Better try to calm the baby kind word and hang it with a promise to go for a walk or some interesting story.

4. Constant games contribute to sleep disorders

It has been proven that the use of electronic devices in the evening adversely affects the quality of sleep and has a bad effect on the emotional and physical state of the next day.

The human nervous system rests between 21:00 - 1:00. However, many teenagers neglect this vacation, replacing it with a more exciting pastime. And, unfortunately, less useful.

5. Excessive use of gadgets affects studies and academic performance.

According to many researchers, smartphones, tablets and other gadgets have a negative impact on children's ability to learn, because they constantly distract their attention and make them absent-minded.

In addition, video and online games can slow down creative imagination child. And do not be afraid that the child may be bored now. If he is bored, then there is a reason to come up with something. This is how children develop the ability to think creatively.

6. Tablets affect children's ability to think about the consequences of their actions.

Communicating live, a person learns to follow the interlocutor's reaction to his words, and in this he is helped by intonations, facial expressions, voice timbre, and general behavior. But if a child communicates only online, he does not hear intonation, does not see body language, facial expressions. He cannot feel the change in the person's mood. Meanwhile, all these skills are the basis for establishing human relationships.

The child needs to constantly communicate live with his family, with peers, because only in this way can he learn to show empathy, understand other people. Only live communication will teach him to feel at ease in the company of other people, which is very useful in adulthood.

7. Overuse of gadgets can contribute to mental disorders

According to experts, the more time children spend on tablets and gadgets, the higher the risk of childhood depression, anxiety, lack of attachment to parents and siblings. They may also develop attention deficit disorder, psychosis, and behavioral and obedience problems.

8. Passion for gadgets affects physical activity why tablets are harmful to children

The habit of surfing the Internet or playing on a tablet is directly related to the threat of excess weight and even obesity, experts say. Indeed, most often, when playing, chatting or just spending time online, we not only do not move, but also chew something. In this case, not only adults, but also children are at risk of gaining excess weight.

Some experts even argue that the children of the 21st century will be the first generation that cannot outlive their parents due to problems associated with obesity.
9 Gadgets Raise Children's Levels Of Aggression

Many of today's children are practically unable to show empathy. This is especially true for those whose parents do not limit their online time in any way. Such children are much calmer and more comfortable in the illusory world of Internet games, where cruelty and murder are quite normal.

Excessive enthusiasm for such games leads to the fact that children begin to seem. that being mean and violent is okay, and that hitting and killing is an adequate way to solve problems.

10 Gadgets Can Cause Social Anxiety And Lack Of Adjustment

A huge flow of information, sometimes superfluous and harmful, can make even an adult nervous and restless. What then to say about children who are even less resistant to various disturbances? Someone wrote something on the social network, perhaps somehow said something offensive or humiliated, and that's all - their children's peace is violated.

The development of social skills is what is especially important for every child. If children are too nervous due to their inability or unwillingness to communicate and interact with other people, this may ultimately prevent them from learning. personal development and growth.

Take away the gadgets from the child, and take him for a walk outside, breathe fresh air. Get new emotions from environment, communication with children. After all, it is not their fault that scientists invented gadgets, and children play with them. We are the parents to blame. Since it is much easier for us to give a tablet into the hands of a child. And mind your own business. Much easier to calm him down. Because we are lazy or very busy. Don't forget kids grow up very fast. And tomorrow he will be different, and after tomorrow even more mature. Gadgets will replace both mom and dad, is it necessary for a child?

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Summary: Child and computer. Computer games. Child's overindulgence computer games.

IN modern world it is difficult to find a child who is not interested in the computer. It's probably just as hard to find a parent who isn't bothered by their child's overindulgence in computer games.

Of course, computers are now used in various branches of science, technology and even art, so the ability to handle it has become necessary for the child to master any serious profession in the future. At the same time, sitting for hours at the monitor, the child not only ruins his health, but also misses the chance to chat with friends, go in for sports, just run in the yard on fresh air. So what should a literate and caring parent: allow or prohibit communication with the "metal friend"?

Unfortunately, just as there is no cure for all diseases, there are no universal answers to questions related to raising children. Therefore, let's try to analyze all the "pros" and "cons" of computer hobbies, and also take into account individual characteristics child and the situation in which he grows up.

First of all, try to answer the question: how much time does your son or daughter spend playing computer games? Is it possible to talk about the "computerization" of all the free time of the child? Or, in addition to studying at the monitor, does your child manage to communicate with peers, complete all homework in school subjects, and even visit some circles and sections? In that case, you don't need to worry too much about " pernicious influence"computer on his psyche.

If, after reading these lines, you bitterly thought: "If only!" - then, probably, your fears are not groundless. Often, for modern children, a computer replaces both friends and books, and victories over virtual monsters or in well-thought-out strategies are a substitute for achievements in real life. Naturally, this cannot leave calm loving parents, and sometimes they want to get rid of the computer in the house as the source of all troubles. However, take your time! You will always have time to do this, but, as you know, a holy place is never empty. What will replace his child? Would this replacement be more beneficial to his development? Those who expect that a child who spent almost a day at a computer will devote this time to studying, communicating with peers and walking in the forest will most likely be disappointed. It is not by chance that such a strong hobby appeared. It is possible that such a replacement of the real world by a virtual one occurred because the child is experiencing some difficulties in real life. Before moving on to the well-known question "what to do?", let's first try to analyze, Why are computer games so attractive to children? As they say, you need to know the enemy by sight!

First of all, the actions unfolding on the monitor screen attract children for the same reasons as fairy tales - this is a fictional world that is brighter, simpler and more expressive than it really is. There are a few halftones here, you don’t need to understand the intricacies of human souls, to foresee the consequences of your behavior. The rules are clear: kill the bad ones, take food and weapons, and when you defeat everyone and score a certain number of points, you will move on to the next level.

Mistakes made by the player can always be corrected, you just need to restart the game or return to the previous level. But in real life, mistakes remain mistakes and can lead to a drop in self-esteem, negative attitudes with others, etc. The same applies to the finiteness of our existence. From a certain age everything is fine developing children start to fear death. But in the game they are not threatened. Generous creators of virtual fun offer users even in one game, often several lives. How nice to Once again, when you were defeated by a terrible enemy, optimistically ask: "Well, nothing. How many lives do I have left?"

Games can easily be changed when they get bored, or not played to the end if something does not work out, and adults will not attach any importance to this. Try a child to do the same, for example, with classes in a circle (not to mention school), he will immediately become the object of attention of adults who inspire their pupil with ideas about purposefulness, willpower and constancy.

Much more than films or books, computer games allow children to identify with the main characters - to feel incredibly strong, brave, smart, etc. And in order to feel like that in the real world, you need to make a lot of effort, in some yourself, and besides that, overcome the feeling of annoyance that you are "not the only one so smart"!

Small children, as a rule, can change little in the reality around them, their lifestyle depends entirely on adults. But not in the game! There everything happens at the request of the child, where he can choose and change roles, levels, scenery, command destinies. Naturally, the role of the ruler is very attractive for children, since so far they can say many more sentences that begin with the words "I want" than with the words "I can."

And finally, the computer itself is a wonderful communication partner: it always understands (if you press those buttons), it doesn’t act up, it doesn’t conflict, it doesn’t read notations. In general, it is easy to negotiate with him, not like with living people. Therefore, children who have difficulties in communication so easily go into virtual worlds.

Agree that all these factors are very attractive for adults. and can be a source pleasant experience which can be used from time to time.

Now that we have examined the main causes of virtual temptations, try to answer the questions: what exactly is your child missing in the surrounding reality? What is especially attractive to him in computer games? If you were able to answer these questions, then you have identified difficulties in the development of your child or in your communication with him.

Now have patience and pedagogical tact to gradually begin to solve these real problems, which are only reflected in the passion for the virtual. If you are inclined to believe that a child’s inability to communicate is behind computer addiction, then take steps to help him acquire this skill (take more often, invite other children to your place, while taking care of their joint activities, enroll in new circles, where, perhaps, other students are more similar to your child in terms of interests, etc.). If you think that main reason- the need to feel success, help your son or daughter achieve real achievements, teach him to see these achievements, even if they are very small (not like in a game where you can build a city in fifteen minutes!)

In general, act on the identified reasons for the excessive passion for computer games.

Let's say that you have thought it over well and have chosen a strategy for helping the child. But what to do with the "iron friend" during the gradual implementation of the plans? Responding to this question, remember that any sudden changes in our lives lead to stress. And if a child has really become a computer addict, then by banning his usual games, you will break the whole way of life of the child! Such a rude impact is likely to cause protest reactions in the child, and everything that you offer him in return will be rejected. Therefore, the most Right way- make gradual changes in the surrounding reality, giving the child the opportunity to get used to them and understand their benefits. Thus, step by step, you will restore your parent-child relationship and the ability to influence the life of a son or daughter.

By the way, in order for the computer territory not to remain reserved for you, it is important that you leave your mark there too. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that there is a benefit from sitting at the monitor. Then you, with a light parental heart, will delve into the virtual interests of your child and even buy him new computer games, as well as keep company in games that involve partnerships.

So, How can computer games be useful?

Firstly, among modern gaming programs there are a lot of developing ones. For kids, the computer market offers educational essence of the game in which they learn to count, recognize shapes and colors, memorize letters, etc. Older children can purchase game programs learning foreign languages, filo logic games(such as "Erudite" or "Field of Miracles"), computer encyclopedias. For high school students, a variety of logic games are suitable that develop the ability to predict and analyze, especially if you need to attract your knowledge in some subjects to win. Even the most skeptical parent can hardly deny positive influence this kind of games for the development of the child.

Secondly, even the usual activity on the computer is perceived by the child as a game. Therefore, what does not interest him at all on the pages of a textbook may be attractive on the monitor screen. This can be used in teaching children who do not have a proper cognitive motivation, in contrast to the game motivation, which is present in almost everyone. Moreover, for children with a weak memory, studying material with the help of a computer may be more effective. The explanation for this is simple. What looks bright, dynamic, unexpected immediately attracts attention, and in order to keep his eyes on the screen, the child does not need to make any effort, that is, his attention at this moment is involuntary. At the same time, what is seen is also easily remembered, since emotional and figurative memory begin to function involuntarily, which are usually better developed in children than mechanical and logical.

Third, independent work at the computer contributes to the development of the child's small muscles of the hand and hand-eye coordination. In other words, by clicking on the keyboard buttons and moving the mouse cursor to right place on the screen, your child is exercising fine motor skills, and also learns to correlate the movements of his hand with the results that he observes on the screen. And if this seems unimportant to you, then remember that hand-eye coordination is the basis for mastering writing and drawing.

Fourthly, computer games contribute to the development of children's abstract thinking. Even the smallest players know that it is useless to try to pick up objects on the screen - they are just images. And older children get used to the fact that sometimes in games things and creatures are depicted completely different from the original, or even marked with icons. Thus, during such games, a person gradually develops the ability to perceive signs and symbols, which underlies abstract thinking. This kind of thinking is necessary for understanding schemes, equations, written words, that is, when it becomes necessary to think abstractly, without relying on a specific image of the subject in question.

Fifthly, traveling through virtual worlds can act as a way to discharge the resentment accumulated in the soul and aggression, which is not dangerous for others, and therefore can be acceptable.

The last point will be considered by many as a very dubious merit of computer games. And they will be partially right. IN Lately the topic of aggression and violence on TV screens and monitors justifiably worries parents, psychologists and educators. Many adults look with a shudder at how their children bloodthirsty kill various monsters in shooters and walkers. Naturally, the question arises, do such games leave an imprint on the behavior of the child? Will he consider aggression as a normal way to resolve conflicts? There really is such a danger, but only when it comes to children under nine or ten years old. Their psyche can be affected by the role of the tyrant and villain that they have adopted in the game.

Starting from the youngest adolescence guys are much more sensitive to the boundaries of the role and are unlikely to transfer the methods of action with computer creatures to real people. But "letting off steam", not sparing fantastic creatures, can be useful during this period. After all, children of this age have plenty of real emotions (including from communication with peers), but not everyone knows how to process their feelings, discuss and express them. Moreover, if twelve-fifteen-year-old children express their negative emotions with their fists, then the consequences can be very serious.

As for the influence of an aggressive hero on the child's psyche, it is much more important to limit the child's viewing of films and TV shows that demonstrate in detail how you can beat, humiliate and even destroy living people. Agree that the image of violence in a cartoon cartoon and a well-made film or chronicle of incidents causes completely different impressions. In addition, in the game for a killed enemy, the reward is extra points, maybe more "health" or "throw" a few "lives" - in general, sit down and rejoice yourself, what a hero you are. Another thing in the movie. There, the "good guys" who destroyed the "bad guys" (a couple of dozen random victims usually do not count), in the end receive recognition from others, love beautiful women and other benefits that are so easy to identify with!

So if your child is over ten years old, mentally healthy and not hyperactive and excitable, then there will be no big trouble that sometimes he will play "shooters" and similar games of aggressive content.

Now that we have covered all the main pros and cons of virtual games, it will probably be easier to find your " golden mean"in communication with the computer for each child, based on his individual inclinations and needs, and thus making a friend out of a "mechanical adversary", helping to solve various problems of the child's development.

At the same time, of course, one should not forget about the precautionary measures in the work of children at the computer in order to prevent health problems. But doctors write so much on this topic that it makes no sense to dwell on it in an article on psychology. And besides, modern models of monitors are not at all as harmful to the eyes of a child as it used to be. Therefore, if you spare no expense for the correct equipment of a computer table and make sure that your son or daughter performs simple recommendations doctors, then you can not worry about the health of your child.

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We recommend to parents and specialists the best site in Runet with free educational games and exercises for children - games-for-kids.ru. Regularly studying with a preschooler according to the methods proposed here, you can easily prepare your child for school. On this site you will find games and exercises for the development of thinking, speech, memory, attention, learning to read and count. Be sure to visit the special section of the site "Preparing for school games". Here are some examples of tasks for reference:
