I want to make myself and my family happy. Positive outlook on the world

To please yourself, you do not need a lot of money, time, etc. All you need is the desire to have a good time alone.

One way to cheer yourself up is to change activities. Oddly enough, it seems, but psychologists say that one of better ways to please yourself is to clean up. Of course, you need to do this wisely. Be sure to take a shower after work and arrange gatherings for yourself with sweet tea and a freshly baked pie in a clean apartment. A sense of pride in oneself, as well as the joy that everything sparkles, cheers up with a bang.

Another way is to change the image radically. To do this, you just need to cut your hair. True, you need to do this with a proven master. Otherwise, the result may, on the contrary, disappoint you and make you depressed. Or, from the very beginning, you need to tune in to the fact that even if something does not work out, it will just be a new experience. And be happy anyway.

You can indulge yourself with unlimited viewing of your favorite movies. Even if you excitedly watched them in your youth. It's still so nice to sit on your favorite sofa under a warm blanket with tea and sweets and laugh or cry a lot over your favorite comedies or melodramas. The same goes for your favorite books.

Go to a coffee shop. Take a break from the hustle and bustle. Indeed, in small restaurants specializing mainly in coffee, even time runs slower. You can watch people through the window. Or just dream over a cup of coffee with a delicious cake. In addition, it will make you feel free.

Buy some gift for your loved ones. For example, mom. Do you know that she dreams of some trinket, but she is sorry to spend money on such a trifle? What's stopping you from doing it. Please your mother, and at the same time you will be happy yourself. After all, it is known that giving gifts is even more pleasant than receiving them.

Make time for your beauty. Make a mask, wrap, adjust the eyebrows, finally. All this will greatly improve your mood. After all, after cosmetic procedures there is always a euphoria of renewal. And you will feel yourself and happy.

Allow yourself something forbidden. For example, eat something from fast food. small violation own rules can really lift your spirits. After all, the rules are meant to be broken sometimes.

Move your . Surely, an original and very blouse "hid" in the depths of the closet. It will help you freshen up many of your kits. BUT new thing or a combination of them so improve the mood!

In general, there are a million ways to please yourself. The main thing is the one that your soul is asking for the most now.

Dream - great way pamper yourself, because most of us do not get enough sleep all the time. And to sleep even better, put on a clean pillowcase and spray a little on the pillow essential oil lavender or eucalyptus.

2. Get a manicure or pedicure

Add a few drops of essential oil and shower gel to a bowl of warm water, dip your hands or feet in it, and turn on your favorite show. If you don't have special set for a pedicure, simply push back your cuticles with a damp towel. Then use a scrub and apply your favorite nail polish.

3. Reread your favorite book

Try to refrain from buying a new book, better look for something interesting in the nearest library or re-read one of your favorite books.

4. Take time off for no reason.

And don't do anything! Spend the day "unproductive": get enough sleep, bake pancakes for breakfast, go for a walk, call friends who live in other time zones, write a letter to your grandmother. Take a nap, eventually.

5. Soak in a hot bath

Don't forget to add powdered milk or flower petals, bath salts or foam. Turn on, light the candles and relax.

6. Have a movie marathon

Choose movies that don't require a lot of attention so that you can easily fall asleep somewhere in the middle or go to the kitchen for popcorn. Movies that you have already seen will also work for this.

7. Listen to your favorite music

Make a selection of your favorite music without worrying about genres and directions, and don't be ashamed to add even the most ridiculous songs if you like them.

8. Visit an animal shelter

And positive emotions get, and do not have to clean carpets and sofas from wool.

9. Go for a walk without your phone

Stay in nature without being distracted by email, Twitter and Instagram. This will greatly increase the pleasure of the walk.

10. Make your own face mask

This, of course, is a cliché, but it is no less interesting for that. Most likely, you already have everything you need in your kitchen.

11. Go out of town

Surely not far from where you live, there is a river or lake, forest or mountains. Go for a country walk, it will help to relax and rejuvenate.

If you have accumulated a lot of cosmetics that you do not use, it's time to search YouTube. Do you want to learn how to contour or draw arrows correctly? Experiment!

13. Walk by the water with your loved one

This is great for relieving stress.

14. Make time for pleasure

No comment.

15. Go for a bike ride

Not for the sake of training and not for the sake of stopping by for groceries or walking the dog. Just go to some scenic spot where there aren't too many other cyclists. Don't try to drive fast, watch what's going on around you.

16. Listen to an interesting podcast

Lie down on the couch and listen fully.

17. Shop Windows

It is no less interesting than real shopping. You can look at the windows and imagine where you would wear this or that thing.

18. Go to a free museum

Almost every city has museums that you can visit for free. If there are none in your city, look for various exhibitions to which admission is free. Perhaps there are certain days when no fees are charged to visitors to the exhibition.

19. Watch people

Try to observe people in in public places, such as airports or train stations, large stadiums and markets. Imagine what they do and what kind of life they have. It is very exciting.

20. Spend time on hair and makeup

Even if you are not going to some special event, pay more attention to your appearance. Perhaps if you take the extra 10 minutes to make up your eyes or curl your hair, you will.

It's a lot of fun, and besides, no one will know what you look like when you twerk. You can always rewind the video and repeat a certain exercise until you succeed (or until you get tired of laughing).

22. Go to the gym if you already have a membership, but not for a workout

If your gym has a sauna or hot tub, be sure to take advantage of this opportunity.

23. Shave your legs and change your sheets.

This feeling is incomparable to anything. Just try!

Sadness-longing is often caused by the fact that we do not do something important for our soul, do not satisfy its needs.

I'll quote from the book:

"Believe it or not, it's not a vacation that will help in your situation, although a couple of weeks would be a good start. However, you know as well as I do that returning to work will negate the entire positive effect in a couple of hours. And don't take a year's break without any special plans - otherwise you may end up in nightmare. I have friends who left their jobs for a year to see the world - and suddenly found themselves sitting in a bar in Bali, looking around and thinking: “What the hell are we doing here?”
I want to save you from this. Experimentally, I found a better way.

The cure for sadness is to learn something new.

The wizard Merlin talks about this in Camelot. He knew how to heal not only sadness, but also emotional burnout. Learning new things or doing something creative is what you need to do. Only and everything. The healing process will begin immediately, refreshing your head, and in addition, the forgotten imagination will wake up. The part of the brain that you have been exploiting too often will rest while the other, which was practically inactive, will work.

And you know what, friends?

I have tried this method. As it turned out, unconsciously, I often used it when it was already unbearable, then how much more pleasant it is to immediately start looking for new courses on the Internet instead of a cake))

And this summer as a gift from sadness and workload, I chose courses Natalia Spekhova-Rosi, with whom we have long met in LiveJournal.
And you know what?

I did not expect it to be so cool)) I was especially inspired by Marathon for the Development of Creative Will.

I share with you my delight from how great it is to draw and be creative!
Natasha knows how to create an atmosphere of lightness, creativity, support. The quality of that How does she do it is striking.

There is a sea of ​​information now, as they say, buy a book about drawing, writing or running, for example, and sit and study. But we don't do that, do we?
Only live communication and participation in a real project really promotes. As my husband says, you can practice in gym and without a coach, only even from the outside you can immediately see who is doing it himself and who is with the coach))

I was inspired by the fact that I began to write slowly on different topics. From the time of school essays I didn't do that, folks!

And most importantly, having written three books - one in 3rd grade and two in high school, I gave up the idea of ​​​​becoming a writer at one time. And now this dream is slowly growing in me every day.

This is how a small seed of a childhood dream sprouted after many years.

Isn't this a miracle?

Speaking of grains: during the Creative Will Development Marathon, we collected grains for each completed task. And on the last day (that is, yesterday) Natasha gave out gifts depending on what kind of crop was harvested.

You can express your love to your chosen one without words. And if a girl shows sudden signs of attention, then there is nothing supernatural in this. After all, relationships are the work of both. There are ways to please a man, thanks to which he will fall in love even more and the relationship will become stronger. If a young lady sometimes surprises her boyfriend with small positive surprises, then such a relationship will never crush everyday problems. But you need to be able to properly please a man, because not all representatives strong half mankind love plush hearts or baths with salt and scented candles. Although the last option will appeal to a man if his woman enjoys such a surprise with him, not burdened with a lot of clothes.

    Show all

    What men prefer and how to please them

    To please your beloved man, you can choose one of the following options:

    • Delicious dinner. A young lady, when preparing dinner, should be guided by the tastes of a loved one, and not by her own. He will want to enjoy not a dessert with fruit and a milkshake, but a baked stuffed turkey with potatoes and a mug of beer.
    • Massage. This is true if the chosen one came tired from work. A girl should have minimal knowledge in the field of massage, because she intuitively feels which muscles need to be given Special attention so that the guy can relax. The partner should be aware that massage requires a lot of physical effort. A chic gift there will be courses that she will attend, and train on her chosen one.
    • . To arrange such an evening at home, you need wine glasses, a few candles and a lady in a tight dress. it great option for a couple who have the dawn of a relationship. In subsequent years, this set can get boring and not very encouraging. Then it will be necessary to adjust the plan a little. Leave the candles, and replace the wine with another drink. Instead of a dress, you can wear a nurse's suit or a lace peignoir.
    • Fishing. If your beloved husband is very passionate about fishing, then you can join him. But you need to be sure that he does not mind going fishing with his chosen one. If he wants to be alone during these hours, then he does not need to keep company. If the partner is sure that he will only be happy, then you need to boldly go with him to nature. If the partner decides to take this step, then she should not be capricious, but steadfastly endure all the inconveniences. You should not squeal at the sight of worms, they must be safely put on a hook. Do not run away from a freshly caught fish. And it’s better to cook fish soup or fry kebabs from pre-purchased meat. After all, on fresh air awakens an incredible appetite. This method is suitable if you need to please not only your husband, boyfriend, but also just a friend.
    • Hockey, football and basketball. Even if the girl does not understand the meaning of chasing several men after the ball all over the field, but since her beloved husband, boyfriend or friend is carried away by this, it means that he is interested. It is recommended to ask a man about the rules of a particular sport. He will certainly be pleased to talk about the principles of the game. In addition, if you listen carefully to the rules, the game will seem interesting, and then you need to discuss the game with a young man. There will be another joint hobby and topic for conversation. If you didn’t manage to fall in love with basketball, then you shouldn’t worry about it. And to please a man, you can give him tickets for a match, a scarf or a T-shirt with the colors of your favorite team.

    All these methods are suitable to please your beloved man for no reason.

    How to praise a man

    How to please a man on his birthday

    A wish book would be a great birthday present. It is a souvenir in the form of a checkbook. A man can use one wish per week or get all at once. The sheet with the desire must be torn off so that it is considered as fulfilled. In this gift book, you can write the following wishes:

    • Massage.
    • Outdoor trip with friends.
    • Watching a movie at the discretion of the chosen one.
    • Cooking your favorite dish for the birthday boy.
    • Bath or sauna.

    In addition to gifts, you can make a surprise party with friends. Let it be a real surprise and the birthday boy will not know anything in advance. You can bake a birthday cake yourself and make beautiful inscription from cream. The main thing is close friends around, good mood and congratulations.

    Compliments to a girl

    How to please your loved one on February 14

    Since we are talking about Valentine's Day, it is worth considering romantic gifts. A gift such as a night of passionate love with champagne and candles is quite suitable. In advance, you need to prepare a bubble bath, relaxing music with the sounds of nature.

    You can please your beloved man on February 14 with a joint trip to the spa for chocolate wraps and massages. Visiting the sauna before these procedures will not be a waste of time.

    It is recommended to give the chosen one what he loves. It could be a unique coffee or tea, a bottle of quality cognac, or attending a specific tasting. If a young man prefers to spend a significant part of his free time in nature, then it is permissible for him to present a compact barbecue, travel bag or set special dishes. A travel refrigerator, a thermos or a powerful flashlight will be appropriate.

    How to surprise a girl

    How to please a man in bed

    Courses will help surprise a guy in bed erotic massage(recorded on video) and strip plastic lessons. These lessons can be taken in fitness rooms. The partner can prepare a belly dance or striptease. Before a striptease, you need to put on new beautiful underwear.

    It is necessary to know for sure that erotic dance is such, and does not resemble ridiculous convulsions. If a girl is not initially sure of the success of her performance, then it is not worth preparing it.

    For the next way fit ice out fruit juice or ice cream. It is necessary to carefully draw a route on the body of the chosen one using ice cream. It is recommended to start from the chest, gradually descend. Now you need to repeat the whole path, but with the help of lips and tongue.

    Great ending working week could be a champagne bath. Sparkling drink must be poured into glasses, added to a bath filled with water. Now you need to call the chosen one to take a pleasant procedure together and drink champagne.

    Anniversary Surprise

    You can please your beloved man on your wedding anniversary with the help of a memorable photo album made by yourself. Even a brutal man will be pleased to receive a gift of this kind.

    It is recommended to play a scene according to which the couple barely knows each other, and they had their first date. Such a performance will refresh the senses and have a wonderful day walking through the forgotten places of the first days of acquaintance. You can organize a country trip, which will allow you to enjoy each other and again plunge into the world of tenderness.

    You can congratulate on your wedding anniversary with a rhyme of your own composition. It can be printed, framed and hung on the wall next to the bed.

    You can also congratulate your loved one with the help of a box of memories. To do this, you need to take a beautifully designed box and place it there. romantic pictures, Love letters, and everything else that can remind you of pleasant events. Men, just like women, are happy to remember the first days of acquaintance and main events. life together.

    How to cheer up the chosen one at a distance

    It is always difficult to part with a loved one, even if the necessary trip for work or study is to blame. And everyday problems can also arise that separate the couple for several months or even years. In this case, one must not forget to repeat the words of love, support the man and gently remind him that his fate awaits at home.

    A mobile phone will come to the rescue:

    1. 1. Start every morning is recommended nice words. You can send a message wishing you a good day.
    2. 2. With the help of an alert, you can say about love and even write something that is impossible to express in your eyes.
    3. 3. You can talk on the phone on intimate topics. And let the young man have a desire to urgently come.

    Keep in mind that everything is good in moderation. The chosen one is unlikely to be pleased with messages every half an hour about what was for lunch, what color boots the beloved wore today, etc. With such frequent notifications, the girl can simply get bored and the guy decides to part.

    And you can please your beloved man at a distance using the Internet:

    1. 1. It is recommended to use Skype and invite the chosen one to dinner for two. Partner must choose nice outfit, do stylish styling and place a few candles near the computer. It is recommended to pour into a glass of wine and enjoy the evening in the company of the chosen one.
    2. 2. You can give a young man private dance. And spicy music will become an assistant here. If you try, the partner will be very surprised and will not forget this dance for a long time.
    3. 3. You can also arrange a joint breakfast. It is recommended that the partner wake up the chosen one and wait until he makes himself something tasty. When he cooks breakfast for himself, you can cheer him up with a compliment. A shared meal is best start day. In addition, now the girl can be sure that he will not have breakfast with shawarma.

    You can also please a gentleman at a distance with the help of a delivery service. If a girl knows exactly what address the guy stopped at, then she can use the following recommendations:

    1. 1. It is recommended to arrange flower delivery in Right place when the chosen one will have a birthday or another important date. Few men confess, but most of them are pleased to receive flowers for their birthday, as well as women.
    2. 2. You can send a mug or other item with a specific phrase or declaration of love.
    3. 3. Together with the delivery service, you can send socks, a tie or a shirt. The chosen one will be pleased, and he will feel cared for, because these wardrobe items are always needed.
    4. 4. All men love to eat well. Therefore, the vast majority of them will be delighted with the unexpected delivery of sushi or pizza to their homes. It's very convenient and you don't have to cook anything.

    Various tricks

    You can please the chosen one with the help of small tricks:

    1. 1. Radio. If the chosen one often spends time on the road, then it is recommended to call live, talk about your feelings and ask to play his favorite musical composition.
    2. 2. Inscriptions on the plates. If you show imagination, make signs that the girl is bored, and ask those around you to take a picture with them, then the young man will be infinitely pleased.
    3. 3. Unexpected meeting. A partner can show resourcefulness and come to him on her own. Let the young man think that she is at home. And the partner, meanwhile, will do spectacular styling, dress beautifully and appear fully armed on the threshold of the home of the chosen one.

    Additional tips on how to please a man from a distance are as follows:

    1. 1. Do not speak negatively about his actions, colleagues and work while he is at a distance.
    2. 2. It is recommended to watch a certain movie or a match of his favorite team so that there is another topic for discussion in the next communication.
    3. 3. If he likes to fish, then the girl can buy him a new fishing rod, or something else for his hobbies.

    What compliments to give a man to please him

    One of the basic rules to follow when pronouncing is to let him know that the young lady feels good next to him. That he is attentive, good and brave. To a young man you need to know that he can fill the woman next to him with happiness.

    A girl can tell a guy that she feels like behind a stone wall next to him. She enjoys spending time with him, and the partner does not notice how quickly it flies by. A girl can say that her world has changed dramatically in better side from the moment when a young man appeared next to me.

    And some secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

    I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

    But how do you rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

When you live with a man for a long time, and a routine appears in a relationship, you want to somehow diversify gray everyday life. Every girl sooner or later thought about how and how to surprise her man?

Today on the pages of "Korolevnam.ru" we will share 10 recipes on how to please your beloved man with minimal preparation.

Idea 1: a party for a football fan

If your man is a fan of any, arrange for him romantic evening watching this match. Set the table with a green tablecloth, prepare light snacks and required attribute should be the jersey of his favorite team.

And nothing else... *wink* Even the most dedicated fan will not last until the end of the game.

Idea 2: Candlelight bath (banal but relevant!)

After a hard day at work, a good remedy relaxation is a shared bath. Put candles in the bathroom, dim the lights, take a bubble bath, for a greater effect, you can throw rose petals into the water.

Also small vessels with water and floating candles in them. Light music, romantic atmosphere, a bottle of delicious champagne you and he together. Any man can't resist.

Idea 3: Let's play together!

Many girls are very worried that their man spends too much time for computer games or game consoles. And try to play with him, I'm sure for them it will be a pleasant surprise.

Idea 4: active rest

If the guy is a fan active rest, you can give him 2 invitation cards, let's say to the ATV festival, and spend this time together.

After all, it is very important for a man that a girl shares his interests, and even better, supports him.

Idea 5: classic romantic

And of course the most a win-win: cook light dinner, you can also decorate the room with candles and in beautiful underwear, meet him from work.

Idea 6: Checkbook of desires

On the eve of any holiday, prepare a gift with your own hands, for example checkbook desires. Write in it what your man would like, but in ordinary life For some reason he doesn't get it.

For example: dance a striptease for him, cook him favorite dish and so on. And leave a few blank pages so that he himself can enter whatever he wants there.

Each day, he can spend no more than one check, and you must definitely complete it.

Idea 7: back to childhood

A helicopter or a radio-controlled car can also be a gift. Yes! I myself was surprised when my husband (who is 30), when I asked what he would like as a gift, he said about the helicopter.

And when he got it for another holiday, for a long time didn't let go of him. After all, men are the same children, only adults.

Idea 8: exotic

A man can be pampered with a delicious dinner. Not from everyday dishes, but something new. It is advisable to exclude exotic dishes, and combinations of meat and fruits, since not everyone likes such delights. And of course, it's all beautiful to present.

Idea 9: date on the roof

Another interesting option, arrange romantic date on the roof, for two. It is better, of course, to contact special agencies that will organize everything for you.

In the evening, on the roof of the house, overlooking the beautiful city, delicious dinner, a musician with a violin or saxophone and just the two of you. The whole evening is yours.

The man will love it.

Idea 10: a picnic in nature

If the weather is good outside, you can spend the weekend in nature, having a picnic. But if it's cold outside, you can have a picnic at home. Yes, yes, at home!

Set the table in a camping way (or put a blanket on the floor), take the most simple dishes. In the oven, you can cook grilled meat and be sure not to forget the vegetables. And for dessert, fruit.

Sounds of nature and birds will be a good background. When you're done with your meal, you can play strip cards. All the same, there will be no more besides you at the "picnic".

For a man, the main thing is that his companion would support his interests and desires. In general, how to surprise your man, you know yourself. The main thing is desire, and ideas will appear

And of course, do not forget to compliment your loved one! How to learn how to do it right, we read in the article:.
