Why is the baby cold. Cold hands and feet with high fever

Sometimes parents note that their child, unlike other parts of the body, has very cold feet and hands. At the same time, negative effects do not even affect the baby. external factors they don't have a fever. In cases where we are talking about babies, you should not worry too much. Cold in the extremities can occur due to the imperfection of the circulatory system, which is just starting to work as it should.

In some cases, the hands and feet of newborns may even take on a bluish tint. If maintain in the room necessary temperature regime and dress the child in accordance with the situation, then the situation will improve by itself after a while.

The main causes of the condition

As for older children, things are not so simple. Cold extremities that are observed in younger children preschool age may indicate the following disorders and physiological features:

  • Vegetovascular dystonia. The autonomic nervous system regulates the work of all internal systems and organs, controls health indicators (blood pressure, pulse rate and respiration). Any failures in its functioning lead to discord within the body. This can lead to dystonia - involuntary contraction of muscle fibers. Such spasms provoke a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, causing a violation of blood circulation, due to which the hands and feet become cold.

Tip: Many parents, having discovered unusually cold limbs in their child, begin to invent various ways to keep them warm. Foot baths, warm socks, rubbing and even warming wraps are used. In some cases, this really gives a good result, but most often it only exacerbates the problem. Optimal procedures can only be advised by a doctor.

  • Increased nervous excitability. Negative or too violent emotions and stressful situations in a child's life lead to changes in the process of heat transfer. In especially excitable babies, the disturbances are especially obvious. Outwardly, they manifest themselves in the fact that the hands and feet become cold, the palms sweat intensely.
  • Reduced immunity. For children who have not only cold extremities, but also increased fatigue, lethargy, weakness, complaints of "ache" in the muscles, it is urgent to develop a set of measures that help strengthen immunity. It is better not to do this on your own, but to get the advice of a specialist.
  • Dysfunction thyroid gland. Insufficient production of hormones leads to the fact that not only the limbs, but the whole body freeze in children.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia. IN this case in children, it is cold hands that are noted, this symptom may not spread to the legs. Due to the lack of iron in the body of an active child, all the accumulated energy is quickly wasted, so he begins to freeze.
  • Low calorie food. fashionable modern approaches, providing for vegetarianism, raw food and other extremes, are increasingly projected by "caring" mothers on their children. This leads to an elementary lack of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins. An actively growing baby is literally exhausted from a macronutrient deficiency, which leads to a violation of thermoregulation.

If you notice in time characteristic symptom, conduct appropriate research and launch specialized therapy, the problem will quickly go away and will not bother you anymore.

What to do to get rid of this phenomenon?

Before you start looking for factors that provoke frost in the limbs of a child, parents should make a number of changes in caring for their baby. It is possible that this will be enough:

  1. If the baby's energy level allows, his life should be made as active as possible. Mandatory morning exercises, outdoor games, sport sections- all this will not only eliminate such unpleasant problem like cold hands and feet, but also have a positive effect on general condition, physical and intellectual development child.
  2. Children need to be tempered from childhood. The main thing is to do it gradually, without going to extremes. First you need to give up layered clothing, duvets and tight wrapping.
  3. You need to watch your baby's diet. Every day he should receive fats, proteins and carbohydrates, taking into account age norm. In addition, the menu must include products that are a source of vitamins and minerals. We must not forget that children in the first years of life simply need hot meals.
  4. A newborn needs to be dressed on his feet plain socks that do not drag or block blood flow. Cold hands will not cause him discomfort if they are put on soft anti-scratch mittens.
  5. Children are strictly forbidden to wear tight clothes and tight shoes. Such products interfere with normal blood flow, provoking vasospasm. Yes, and kids will freeze in such things much faster than in free ones.

If the above measures do not help, you should consult a doctor who will decide on a additional research and adjust the care plan for a small patient.

Cold hands and feet due to fever

Particularly noteworthy is the situation in which the limbs of children become cold against the background of elevated temperature (the rest of the body literally “burns”). This is caused by a violation of heat transfer, leading to vasospasm. In such a situation, it is better to seek help from a specialist, because even the self-administration of antipyretic drugs for a child can increase the spasm and aggravate the problem.

A similar phenomenon is best treated with antispasmodics, for example, no-shpoy. Under her influence vascular walls will gradually relax, the blood flow will be restored, and the problem will go away along with the temperature. If there is no desire to take risks, before the doctor arrives, it is enough to give the baby a light massage of the arms and legs, which also effectively restores the functions of the vascular network.

From the moment the heir is born, our life is filled with new joy, happiness, which in without fail accompanied by natural concerns and worries about the little man. For any mother, the health, happiness and development of the child is the main desire and aspiration, so it is not surprising that young women pay a lot of attention medical issues associated with the child.

One of the most common problems moms come to the pediatrician for is low temperature baby's arms and legs.

Let's find out what can cause cold extremities in children, how dangerous this problem can be and how to deal with it.


Let's start with the smallest children. Heat transfer in the body of newborns (from birth to 6 months) is still imperfect, since adaptation occurs during this period little man to a new environment. During the first months after birth, the temperature of the body and limbs of the baby
but it can differ significantly, and there is nothing unnatural in this. In this case, it will be enough to wear warm socks and soft gloves natural material, for example, bikes.

If the newborn eats well, stays in good mood, you should not worry that his limbs are cold. But if this condition is accompanied by whims, a rash, other skin rashes, increased body temperature, poor appetite or lethargy, the baby should be shown to the pediatrician, since these signs may be the cause of any disease.

In an older child, aged 4-7 years, the cause of constantly cold hands and feet may be fast growth. There is nothing terrible in this, since such a state is caused active development of all organs and systems, and therefore the vessels often simply do not have time to adapt to this process, they are compressed, as a result of which blood circulation is disturbed.

However rapid growth- it's far from the only one possible reason cold extremity syndrome in children. Let's find out why even a preschool child and a teenager can have constantly cold feet and hands.

Decreased immunity. Cold extremities, accompanied by lethargy, apathy, pallor, fatigue, deterioration of brain activity (as a rule, children in such cases begin to lag behind in school) may be the result of poor nutrition.

Even an adult and mature person to maintain vitality and energy generation need rational good nutrition. And for a growing and still such a weak organism, this need is doubly important, because in order to grow and develop properly, it needs vitamins, micro and macro elements, a sufficient amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Malnutrition, harmful products, such as chips, nuts, crackers, fast food, sweet soda, popcorn, negatively affect health, cause a decrease in immunity and, as a result, iron deficiency anemia.

A poor diet also entails a decrease blood pressure, resulting in a decrease in the temperature of the hands and feet in children.

Problems with the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is a key link in the hormonal system of the whole organism. With a deficiency of thyroid hormones, metabolic processes slow down, manifested by the syndrome of icy limbs.

Girls are more likely to face this problem than boys (about 5 times), as well as children living in ecologically disadvantaged areas.

Neurocircular (or vegetovascular) dystonia. The autonomic nervous system plays an important role in the life of the body - it constantly controls heart contractions, the work of all systems and organs, respiratory rate, etc. That is why a violation of its work entails muscle spasm and circulatory disorders.

Dystonia, in turn, can cause various factors- increased nervous irritability, stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, drinking coffee, tea, energy drinks, alcohol, unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, chronic lack of fresh air.

Often this problem goes away on its own with age, however, with the wrong way life can last forever.

Lack of physical activity. The cause of cold extremities can be commonplace - hypothermia and wearing tight shoes. Often children, especially teenagers, for the sake of dubious fashion or as a result of normal absent-mindedness, may neglect to wear gloves and warm socks during the cold season. As a result of being outside, the hands and feet of the child are cooled, which causes real horror in caring mothers, dads and grandmothers.

What to do?

If you notice that the child has cold extremities, do not leave the situation unattended.

To make sure that there is no disease, take the baby to the pediatrician - a specialist will help you sort out the problem and prescribe if necessary necessary tests and research. If the cause of constantly cold hands and feet in a child is still a serious disease, it requires immediate treatment, because many diseases in childhood can become chronic and “grow up” with the person.

If the specialist does not find any pathology, pay attention to the lifestyle and nutrition of your heir.

To strengthen the immune system and get rid of the problem, listen to the following tips:

  • make your child's life active - do not let him sit for hours at a computer or smartphone, teach him to play sports and help him fall in love active image life. Don't let the lessons skip physical education, often walk together in the forest, park or near water bodies;

  • do not swaddle babies in thick blankets, this will only exacerbate the problem. Let the baby actively move the arms and legs;
  • do not put on the baby tight and uncomfortable shoes. This is especially true for teenage girls who love to flaunt in high heeled shoes. When buying shoes for a preschooler, make sure that between thumb and the toe of the product was a space of at least one centimeter;
  • in the cold season, make sure that the heir is dressed in comfortable and warm clothes. But overdoing it, dressing up the crumbs like cabbage, is also not worth it, because this will lead to the fact that the baby will simply sweat in the cold;
  • monitor the nutrition of your son or daughter. It must be complete, rational, contain all necessary for a person at this age, substances are trace elements, vitamins, fiber, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The daily diet must contain fresh and / or boiled vegetables, cereals, fruits and juices, greens, eggs, grain bread. Make sure that at least once a day the child eats a hot first course. Also introduce ginger (fresh or dried) into his diet - this fruit has wonderful blood-warming abilities, and also helps strengthen immunity;
  • follow mental health crumbs. Be interested in his relationships with peers, friends, never refuse moral support, imbued with his problems and be ready to take them seriously. Remember that emotional problems easily turn into physiological ones.

As you can see, there can be many reasons why a child has constantly cold feet and hands. Upon detection similar symptom without fail, you should take the baby to the doctor in order to make sure that there is no serious illness or, if necessary, start treatment.

All parents, especially young mothers, do not miss the opportunity to be nervous about the health of their beloved children. It happens that the excitement is in vain, but sometimes it is justified, and the attentiveness of the mother saves from big troubles. If without visible reasons, at normal body temperature, the child has cold hands and feet, this may indicate good thermoregulation of the body. But only if we are talking about a baby (up to two years). In older children, such symptoms should be alarming.

Babies don't get cold?

IN Lately, contrary to the beliefs of grandmothers, doctors strongly recommend not to wrap children in the first months and years of their life. It is very easy not to calculate with warming and overheat the baby. The fact is that in a baby up to two years old, the mechanism that maintains the temperature regime has not yet been fully formed. Constantly cold feet and hands can be considered normal in a child. infancy, this is due to the peculiarities of heat transfer and should not worry parents. Over time, everything will return to normal, and after two years such problems will not arise.

The skin is the first in contact with the environment, its vessels adjust to the outside temperature, narrowing or expanding. It is necessary to pay attention not to the temperature, but to the color of the skin:

  1. If the legs and arms are cold, but normal Pink colour, It's OK. Skin adjusts to temperature environment cooling the body. There is a hardening of the body, which in the future will help to avoid endless colds.
  2. Pale, bluish skin on the arms and legs, plus a feeling of icy cold at normal body temperature, should alert mom. This means that the circulation in the legs and arms is slow. The cause may be severe hypothermia, the vessels narrow, trying to keep the temperature, and the skin turns pale.

Moms need to remember that for a baby, especially in the first months, overheating is more dangerous than hypothermia. Nature has arranged it so that a baby can withstand prolonged cold more easily than even a short overheating.

What causes cold limbs in older children?

The situation is slightly different for children older than two years. Most often, problems arise in the fifth - seventh year of life. During this period, the hands and feet may remain cold at normal temperatures for several reasons:

  1. Vegetovascular dystonia, i.e. failure of the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the functioning of internal organs, including is responsible for maintaining normal body temperature. With vegetovascular dystonia, spasms occur, the vessels narrow. This explains why normal circulation in the legs and arms slows down. As a rule, with age, this condition goes away on its own, but a doctor's consultation will not hurt.
  2. With a large nervous excitability the child's hands/feet may also become cold. Any negative emotions, stress disrupts normal heat transfer. Sometimes the palms become wet, although the hands remain cold. Reassure and warm the baby, try to avoid stressful situations(although this is easier said than done).
  3. Reduced immunity may also explain why children always have cold limbs. If there is weakness pale skin, sometimes the body “aches” and hands / feet freeze, this may indicate a decrease in immunity or the first signs of anemia.
  4. One of the reasons why a child always has cold extremities may be a thyroid disease. If the doctor has not confirmed vegetovascular dystonia or anemia, you should consult an endocrinologist.
  5. Cold hands in a child is one of the first symptoms of high temperature (above 38-39°C). Sometimes by appearance it is difficult for a baby to understand what he has fever. If the hands and feet are cold, take the temperature - this will help not to miss time if the baby gets sick.

It is difficult to figure out on your own, for which reason do the arms and legs freeze? Do not put off a visit to the pediatrician, it is better to prevent the disease than to treat it later. Do not hesitate to call a doctor at home or call ambulance Your child's health is the most important thing in the world. For the same reason, do not self-medicate and self-diagnose - you can experiment on your health (if you really want to), but not on the health of children!

Ice skin at high temperature

If the temperature is elevated (38-39 ° C and above), then the hands / feet in children, as a rule, become cold. This is because blood flows to internal organs while fighting disease. There is simply not enough blood pressure on the periphery (arms and legs). In this case, you need to give a warm drink and urgently call a doctor, without waiting until the temperature rises to 39 ° C.

What to do before the doctor arrives if the temperature is high (38-39 ° C and above), and the hands and feet are cold:

  1. If the skin turns pale, the child is shivering, then this may indicate a vasospasm. Antipyretic (especially fast-acting) in this case is contraindicated. The medicine will only increase the spasm and worsen the situation. It is necessary to give an antispasmodic (best of all, no-shpu).
  2. Cold hands and feet can and should be warmed up. Rub them with your hands, rocking and calming the child. You should not use alcohol and alcohol-containing preparations, they improve heat transfer and cool the limbs even more.

Children react differently to high temperatures. Someone even plays calmly at 38°C (but this is still no reason to wait for 39°C), but for someone it is already difficult to endure even 37°C. At what point to call a doctor - mom decides. But medical assistance definitely needed!

How to warm baby's limbs

Infants almost do not react to cold hands and feet, but how sharply mothers react to this! If you want to help your little one, don't wrap him up in grandma's coat, instead:

  • Do morning exercises, first help him move his arms and legs, as you grow up, do exercises with him.
  • Stop overheating the baby, let the body harden.
  • Make sure your clothes and shoes are not restricting your movements - obstructed blood circulation in the legs and arms will cause freezing.

Mother's love - great power, use it wisely. Do not prevent the baby from developing and tempering, do not wrap up the baby, let him run barefoot. But be careful - do not miss the moment when your baby needs help. Do not hesitate to once again consult with the pediatrician, do not risk the health of the child!

The appearance of a child in the family, no matter what age he may be (in the case of adoption), radically changes the former life of the young. A lot of useful informative literature is being studied, with and without it, mobile phones of doctors' acquaintances are attacked. Any, even an insignificant deviation in the state of the baby can instill a real hurricane panic in the minds of his mom and dad.

Fear for the safety of their child makes caring parents see a threat even in what it is not visible. And are they wrong? Doctors throughout the country unanimously declare that the first manifestations serious illnesses are usually of a trifling nature. One of these trifles is consistently cold children's hands.

Cold hands on a baby

Cold children's hands

A young mother, taking the baby in her arms, suddenly notices that his limbs are unusually cold. This moment greatly disturbs her and can literally knock her out of her usual rut. She starts to fuss, picks up the baby and runs to the appointment with the pediatrician. But is it always worth it? In what cases can the baby's hands be cold:

Cool room temperature: The adult circulatory system has already undergone a number of qualitative improvements in the course of its maturation, while breast baby only begins its formation and its vessels undergo a number of primary changes on the way to further improvement.

The slightest drop in the room, which is not felt by an adult organism, Small child able to perceive as a transfer to a colder climatic zone.

  • Immaturity of internal systems: The digestive tract has a slower rate of digestion of nutrients compared to an adult. Their absorption is often incomplete. But the nervous system is also sufficient, it has not yet managed to fully streamline the control over the distribution of nerve impulses in organs and tissues. From a hormonal point of view, many chemical reactions, responsible for high-quality thermoregulation in the body of the baby, have just begun to form. Blood vessels for a long time are in a narrowed state, hormonal substances are produced insufficiently to provide a decent level of saturation of individual organs and tissues. First of all, their bulk is given to the nervous system and internal organs, and the limbs, as distant parts, are saturated to a weak degree for some time.
  • Relatively low mobility infant: it's no secret that most infants the first year of their life is spent practically in the same position due to the peculiarity of the formation of motor activity and as a consequence of the development of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Too high a temperature: the child, like an adult, reacts to high performance profuse sweating, which is designed to cool the body from excessive heat. In infants, the cooling processes are uneven, while the limbs, which are less saturated with blood, lose heat faster than the rest of the body.

cold extremities upper belt may be a reaction to cold lower extremities or vice versa, their strong overheating. In the latter case, there is an imbalance in the blood load on different areas body as a result of increased blood flow to certain segments.

What can be done: by and large, nothing special should be done. You can put extra socks on the baby, feed him and see the condition of the diaper. When the diaper is overfilled, a greenhouse effect is created in the pelvic area, which creates an unwanted flow of blood from other departments.

The alarm should be sounded when the presence of cold extremities is accompanied by:

  • general lethargy of the baby;
  • the appearance of a rash;
  • diarrhea
  • moodiness, which may indicate the presence of headaches;
  • complete refusal to eat;
  • violation of the pulse: it can be both rapid and slow;
  • a change in the nature of crying: crying, reminiscent of a draft, should be especially alert cat meow, it may indicate the presence of a dangerous infection;
  • an increase in temperature, which also creates a significant imbalance in the distribution of blood in the body, and in addition increases sweating.

In all these and other symptoms unusual for a child, it is recommended to show the baby to the doctor as soon as possible. If the situation occurs during the demi-season or winter time- It is better to call a specialist at home.

Prevention of cold extremities in infants

The main actions aimed at preventing hypothermia of the upper and lower extremities include the following points:

  • Timely regulation of indicators room temperature; Let us recall that the norm of room temperature for the stay of newborns is 22-24 ° C, as the baby grows up, the room temperature limits can be somewhat reduced, but not lower than 18 ° C.
  • The dressing of the child should be according to the season: in winter: an inner thin shirt - a flannel shirt - a warm inner suit - winter overalls. Many overalls have a transformer purpose - demi-season options with additional winter down padding.
  • Timely.
  • Complete meals for the mother during breastfeeding, since vascular insufficiency, due to which cooling of the limbs occurs, may be the result of a lack of nutrients and vitamins.
  • Prevention of colds and rotovirus diseases.

Cold hands in a child of preschool and primary school age

Causes of cold hands and feet

The kid has grown up. His physical activity ceased to be as monotonous as that of a baby. He enjoys playing outdoor games with friends, he can spend some time at the TV screen while watching cartoons. Some children are not averse to painting or sculpting from plasticine. Difficulties sometimes occur with the last lesson - plasticine, like a true southerner (whose homeland is sunny Italy), does not tolerate cold at all and does not obey cold children's hands. Why are they so cold?

During this period, the formation of the organism continues, the child grows intensively, systems and organs are formed, but asymmetrically: some are rapidly rushing forward, others are catching up, but with a significant delay.

The latter often include muscles and blood vessels, while the skeletal system is rapidly gaining growth. Causes of cold hands can be as follows:

  • The temperature of the room where the child is staying is too cool: it can be either a home room or a special room. children's institution(audience of the circle, room of the group kindergarten, school class, other premises where the child stays as a guest). Medium normal temperature rooms for preschoolers varies between 22-25°C.
  • The effect of humidity on the hands of a child: water, and especially in the state of ice and snow, can both sharply warm up the limbs and cool them sharply as soon as its effect stops. Children aged 3-10 years are very fond of playing games with water. Its temperature should be constantly monitored, since systematic exposure cold water can subsequently adversely affect the health of the joints.
  • Lack of sleep, which in winter is joined by influence short day, which reduces the production of interferons and serotonin, which are directly responsible for metabolism and immune functions.
  • Clothing that does not suit the indoor or outdoor climate.
  • Clothes and shoes that are tight or do not fit the child.
  • Walking at home barefoot or without shoes in cold weather.
  • Sitting still for a long time in one place: often the hands of children become cold after long board games, drawing, weaving, etc.
  • Consumption of very cold food and drinks.
  • After sports activities or outdoor games, especially if they are accompanied by cheerful laughter and screams (with intense pampering), which increase body temperature and lead to an increase in moisture, children sweat and, as a result, limbs give off temperature faster than other parts of the body.
  • If there has been a childhood injury to the limbs, then their cooling is a complex reaction to it (fogging under the cast, too tight bandage, the influence of cooling devices (ice) or medicines etc.). In this case, due to the synchronous arrangement blood vessels, both limbs will be evenly cooled: both injured and healthy.

What can be done: adjust the temperature in the room (close the windows, put on a heater), dress the child warmer, you can warm the limbs with warming ointments (Badger, Asterisk, Vaseline, fir Massage Oil, but in this case it is important to make sure that the child does not put his hands in his mouth), give the child a hot drink that is optimal for him, you can let him knead soft plasticine (wax options and Spanish JOVI plasticine are good), do finger gymnastics.

When should you visit a doctor

Despite the fact that cold hands are almost a natural phenomenon for children age group 3-10 years, however, some accompanying signs should alert parents who are attentive to their children:

  • The child is lethargic, he has a sticky cold sweat, he is shivering, and he tries to lie down all the time.
  • Stable asymmetric heat exchange: one hand is warm, the other is cold or right hand and the left leg is warm, and the neighboring limbs are cold. Such options indicate disorders in the work of the cardiovascular or nervous system.
  • Violation in the range of motion of the joints and spine.
  • This phenomenon appeared after a severe infectious disease.
  • On cold limb massive rashes are observed.
  • If red hematomas are observed over the entire area of ​​​​the body, this is a sign of blood oncology.
  • If gastrointestinal disturbances occur along with chills, this may be a sign internal bleeding, appendicitis, infection, etc.

Prevention of cold extremities in preschoolers and younger schoolchildren

Main preventive measures against stiffening of the extremities in middle-aged children are aimed at:

  • Household exclusion of cooling down the premises.
  • A selection of loose, well-breathable clothing according to the size and season.
  • Organization of a proper balanced diet.
  • Exclusion or restriction of a hypodynamic lifestyle.
  • Systematic sports.
  • Prevention colds, timely vaccination, fortification.
  • Good deep sleep, the duration of which is at least 9-10 hours.
  • Cold hands in teenagers.

The temperature of the room where the child stays

Adolescence is complex and multifaceted. This is the transition from child to adult. All the same, the bones grow intensively and they do not have time to catch up with the muscular and circulatory system, plus, in addition, there is a lag in the formation digestive tract, which leads to slowdowns in the processes of digestion, and sometimes even violations of their functions, school loads increase, increasing the fatigue of the nervous system, emotions are experienced more acutely.

Cold hands occur in every second teenager, the causes of their occurrence are no different from childhood, because abrupt transition between childhood and adulthood does not exist, but they are added to:

  • Intensive hormonal changes that cause the formation of primary and secondary sexual characteristics.
  • The appearance of the first wet dreams in boys and menstruation in girls, during which important biological components are lost - especially in girls, since they are talking about blood loss.
  • Changes in dressing - many boys tend to wear tight trousers, and girls get up early in heels, walking in which requires additional energy expenditure, as it promotes blood flow to the legs and outflow from the hands and head.
  • There are acquaintances with bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Misuse different.
  • Teenagers are becoming more prone to a sedentary lifestyle.

When should you visit a doctor

IN adolescence consulting a doctor will be necessary if the same signs are noted as in the average childhood, and in addition to them:

  • Frequent dizziness, which is accompanied by bleeding - these conditions indicate violations in the work of the hormonal and cardiovascular systems.
  • If cooling is accompanied by numbness of the limb.
  • If there is a clear violation in the work of the musculoskeletal system.

Prevention of cold hands in teenagers

Basically, preventive measures also do not differ significantly from those prescribed for middle-aged children, but:

  • Requires enhanced vitaminization.
  • Rejection bad habits(if there is).
  • Systematic sports activities in accordance with the normative age loads.

Cold hands are not in themselves a cause for parental concern, but you should not be too careless about this, just as you should not condescendingly watch similar states The child has. It is better to prevent the problem in time than to treat it for a long time.

How to organize walks, see the following video:

Often serious reason for parents to worry, their baby's feet and hands become cold. When are these worries justified, and when are there no grounds for them? Let's talk about this topic in more detail, so that mothers do not worry once again, but also do not relax too much.

Why does a baby and an older child have cold hands and feet: the reasons in the table

We often see approximately the same picture, the little one runs around the apartment with bare legs, and grandmothers unanimously shame a young and inexperienced mother. “It’s necessary, it’s autumn outside, and her child runs barefoot. The child will catch a cold! Nothing like this. In this case, the TRUTH is on the side of the young mother.

Of course, if the apartment is not below zero temperature and there are no drafts. No need to be afraid of cold feet and hands in children. This is a completely normal adaptation of the child's body to changing conditions. The surface of the baby's foot tends to the temperature of the floor. Vessels in the child's legs narrow, thereby reducing heat loss. Thus, the children's body itself is protected from hypothermia, and at the same time hardens.

But still, there are times when cold extremities in children say that the child is sick and needs health care. In the table below, we consider the main causes of cold hands and feet in children up to a year and older.

Causes of cold hands and feet in children under one year old and older

Age Causes of cold feet and hands in children
Up to a year According to most pediatricians, the cold limbs of infants are adequate response body to adapt to new conditions. The mechanisms of redistribution of blood flow begin to fully function only by the age of one. And the process of thermoregulation is formed by two years. Therefore, if the baby behaves calmly, eats well, he normal stool and a wonderful dream, then you should not run to the doctor or wrap him in a dozen blankets. Your child, of course, will sweat, but the hands and feet will remain cold.

Sometimes parents are frightened when they see that the baby's legs or arms acquire a bluish tint. And in this case, there is no reason to panic. In infants up to a year, the circulatory system is not yet fully developed. Of course, it is necessary to monitor the temperature in the room and try to prevent hypothermia.

Often, especially caring mothers begin to unnecessarily wrap their child, thereby inhibiting the formation of thermoregulation. The baby has diaper rash or sweating. According to doctors, the temperature in the room baby should range from 18 to 20 degrees Celsius. It is in such an atmosphere that the baby will feel as comfortable as possible.

over a year old Young and inexperienced parents do not miss the slightest reason to be nervous about the health of their children. Often these worries are based on nothing, but sometimes they are completely justified. Moreover, mothers often save their children from many troubles. But back to the main topic of our conversation.

to your child more than a year He has cold hands and feet. Remarkably, this means that he has a good thermoregulation of the body. But this is wonderful only if he is cheerful, he has no problems with appetite, and he just turned two years.

But with older children, these symptoms raise a number of questions. We will talk about them.

Often, cold extremities in children older than two years of age indicate a number of serious disorders. Among them, physicians primarily distinguish:

1. Vegetovascular (neurocircular) dystonia.

Symptoms of this disease: rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing, jumps in blood pressure, constriction of blood vessels. As a rule, with age, these symptoms disappear on their own, but not always. Therefore, in this case, specialist advice is necessary.

2. Weakened immunity.

Symptoms: fast fatiguability, pale skin, lack of appetite, nausea, soreness and susceptibility to all infections.

3. Anemia - children's .

Symptoms: weakness, dizziness, lack of appetite, shortness of breath, fainting.

4. Hormonal disorders- problems with the thyroid gland.

5. Increased nervous excitability.

The kid is extremely impressionable, he is either hot or cold. He may stutter and cry often. In this case, the help of a pediatric neurologist is needed.

If your baby has at least one of the above symptoms, be sure to visit a doctor and conduct a thorough examination.

Why does a child have cold feet and hands at a high temperature?

Any parent, seeing a temperature above 37.5 on a thermometer, panics. What to do? Trying to bring down the temperature folk ways, give an antipyretic pill or call a doctor? Of course, the temperature rises in children young age often. You should not panic every time, but in no case should you leave this symptom unattended.

Why at high temperature cold limbs?

At temperatures above 38 degrees, the baby often starts to get cold feet and hands, the skin turns pale. This means that the blood does not circulate well and therefore does not reach the extremities. At this point, the process of sweat separation is disrupted, and the child's body loses the necessary ability for thermoregulation. That is, in young children, the balance of heat transfer and heat production is disturbed. Giving off heat, the vessels, instead of expanding, on the contrary, narrow. The heat does not reach the limbs, so the hands and feet become icy. We note right away that it is strictly contraindicated to bring down the temperature at this moment with fast-acting antipyretics.

What to do in this case? It is necessary, oddly enough, to warm the baby. But he's on fire, isn't he? Yes, but it is this measure that will quickly relieve the spasm. The child must be covered with a blanket. However, if the thermometer is 39 or even higher, you will not need a blanket. You only need to warm your hands and feet.

  1. Rub your feet and put on cotton socks . You need to rub the limbs intensively enough to have a warming effect.
  2. The child must drink a lot . It is best to give the patient warm tea from linden, raspberry chamomile. Cranberry juice rich in vitamin C is good.

At high temperatures and cold extremities, doctors primarily use antispasmodics that relieve spasm. But which antispasmodic is suitable for this or that patient, only a doctor can decide. Therefore, we will not even list them. The thing is that some children on certain antispasmodics give a very strong allergic reaction, and at high temperatures it is very dangerous. Only a doctor can determine which drug to prescribe and whether antipyretics should be given.

So, if your baby has a high temperature, and his hands and feet are icy, call the doctor immediately, otherwise he may start to have convulsions.

The child has cold extremities - what to do?

Many mothers are not reassured by the assurances of doctors that cold hands and feet in infants are quite normal phenomenon and they shouldn't have any reason to worry. Of course, if cold extremities are the only symptom that causes anxiety in them. The kid is cheerful, active, he has a good appetite, he develops normally and enjoys life. But stubborn parents continue to look for ways to warm their child. Well, well, such methods, of course, exist. We will give just a few of them that will help improve the metabolic processes and blood circulation in the baby.

  1. . WITH early age babies can and should be hardened. To do this, they need to be left naked in the crib for ten to fifteen minutes. We remind you that the air temperature in the nursery should not be lower than 18-20 degrees. After the procedure, the baby can be put on ordinary cotton socks and not wrapped in ten blankets and blankets. Wear spacious and loose clothes. The body will start the process of thermoregulation on its own.
  2. With a baby, physical education is necessary. You can do the exercise "bicycle", bend and unbend the legs. Clap your hands, rub and rub your fingers. These exercises accelerate blood circulation and improve metabolic processes in the baby's body.
  3. Great to help regulate and normalize blood circulation - massage. This very useful procedure, after several lessons, mommy herself will be able to calmly do it.
  4. Some doctors recommend cold and hot shower - alternating warm water and water at room temperature. After such a shower, the child's body should be rubbed with a rough, not soft, towel.
  5. Older children should choose shoes very carefully. . Remember, in tight shoes, the baby's legs will always freeze.
  6. It is necessary to strictly follow child nutrition. Hot food must be included in his diet without fail. For babies, let's drink warm water more often.

Metabolism in the body of a child is much faster. Therefore, you should not assume that if you are cold, then your child is a hundred times colder. On the contrary, a healthy child's body produces more heat. And if we are warm, then they are hot. And lastly, our children feel everything, there is no need to panic and be afraid to temper them. After all, your panic can be transmitted to him.

Let your baby sparkle with bare heels and never get sick!
