Health conservation in preschool educational institutions (for children and parents). Preserving and strengthening the health of preschool pupils using health-saving technologies

Taking care of health is the most important work of a teacher. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, self-confidence...

V.A. Sukhomlinsky


Health is an invaluable asset not only for every person, but also for the entire society. Life in the twenty-first century presents us with many new problems, among which the most pressing today is the problem of maintaining health.

According to data published in the State Report on the state of health of the population of the Russian Federation, 60% of children aged 3 to 7 years have functional health problems and only 10% of children come to school absolutely healthy. Therefore, the health problem should be considered from a broad social perspective.

From this position, the center of work on the full physical development and promotion of children’s health should be, firstly, the family, including all its members and living conditions; secondly, a preschool educational institution, where the child spends most of his active time, i.e. social structures that mainly determine the level of health of children.

Therefore, in preschool educational institutions it is necessary to search for new approaches to the health of children, based on multifactorial analysis external influences, monitoring the health status of each child, taking into account and using the characteristics of his body, individualizing preventive measures, creating certain conditions.

Health-saving technologies in preschool education- technologies aimed at solving the priority task of modern preschool education - the task of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of pupils. These technologies occupy one of the most important areas in psychological and pedagogical support in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.

Health-saving technologies are the most significant among all known technologies in terms of their impact on children’s health. Their main feature is the use of psychological and pedagogical techniques, methods, and approaches to solving emerging problems. They can be divided into three subgroups:

● organizational and pedagogical technologies that determine the structure of educational educational process, helping to prevent states of fatigue, physical inactivity and other maladaptive states;

● psychological and pedagogical technologies related to the direct work of the teacher with children (this also includes psychological and pedagogical support of all elements of the educational process);

● educational technologies, which include programs for teaching how to take care of one’s health and creating a culture of health among students.

Choice of health-saving pedagogical technologies depends on the program under which teachers work, the specific conditions of the preschool educational institution (DOU), the professional competence of teachers, as well as indications of morbidity in children.

Health-saving technologies used in preschool educational institutions

"Magic Health Points"

Acupressure is an effect on biologically active zones located on human skin. Stimulation of bioactive zones of the skin activates the body's own interferon, which has an antiviral effect. Acupressure has no age restrictions - it can be done by both an elderly person and a small child. Parents can teach older children how to massage themselves. Experts note that if a child who has been treated month after month acupressure, suddenly falls ill, his illness proceeds in a much milder form.

Su-Jok massage to balls

Children are familiar with it under the name “Hedgehog” - a cute ball with sharp spikes, light and hygienic, easy to handle and available at any time. Its pointed projections affect biologically active points, invariably causing an improvement in well-being, relieving stress, fatigue and painful sensations, increasing the overall tone of the body. With the help of “hedgehog” balls, children like to massage their fingers and palms, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body, as well as on development fine motor skills fingers, thereby promoting speech development. The main advantages of Su-Jok therapy are its high efficiency, absolute safety of use, and accessibility of the method.

Self-massage using improvised materials

Self-massage of hands and fingers with walnuts, pine cones, spruce branches, pencils, pens, felt-tip pens, etc. Self-massage has a beneficial effect on the development of movements of the hand and fingers when, using a pencil, walnut stimulation is carried out active points fingers and palms. We also use chestnuts in exercises, massage brushes for hair, Balloons(filled with salt, flour, small pebbles), gloves with sewn buttons. Children perform exercises using non-traditional material with great pleasure, because the exercises turn into an entertaining game: “fingers-skiers”, “fingers-magicians”, “fingers walk around the zoo”.

"Path of Health"

“The Path of Health” allows you to carry out preventive health care for children in a playful way. The main objectives of the Paths of Health organization are:

· prevention of flat feet;

· improve coordination of movements;

improve cardiovascular function and respiratory systems;

Increase resistance to infectious diseases;

· improve the emotional and mental state of children;

introduce children to a healthy lifestyle

Gymnastics for the eyes

Eye exercises are effective as a means of preventing visual impairment. We often underestimate the use of visual gymnastics; exercises are a kind of relaxation for nervous system child, helps the brain better process information received through vision. Many parents believe that their children, who have 100% vision, are not at risk. Not at all! A child's vision is a fragile instrument that requires care, attention and - above all - constant monitoring. If the child already has visual impairments, visual gymnastics will help not to worsen the situation, and in some cases, correct the problems. Our task is to learn simple exercises gymnastics for vision for children and at first remind the child to do the exercises at home and even join in doing exercises that are beneficial for the eyes.

Finger gymnastics

“Finger games” are the staging of any rhymed stories or fairy tales using the fingers. During the “finger games,” the child, repeating the movements of adults, achieves good development fine motor skills of the hands, which not only provides beneficial influence on the development of speech, but also prepares the child for drawing and writing. While practicing, you don’t just move your fingers, but become aware and control your actions, so gymnastics improves hand-eye coordination and concentration. Let me explain: the connection between the hands and the brain is cross, right hand connected to the left hemisphere, and the left hand to the right. Thus, the distribution of energy occurs evenly (a tired, excited hemisphere will slow down, an unused hemisphere will wake up and become more active).

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises in preschool age pursues the following goals: increasing the child’s overall vitality and the resistance, hardening and resistance of his body to diseases of the respiratory system.

Technique for performing breathing exercises.

The methodology is based on the use of special static and dynamic breathing exercises with prolonged and enhanced exhalation against the background of general strengthening and general developmental physical exercises with the pronunciation of vowel sounds (a-a-a, oo-oo, o-o-o) and hissing consonants ( f and w) and combinations of sounds (ah, uh, fu). It is advisable to carry out these breathing exercises in a playful way (a bee is buzzing, an airplane is humming, train wheels are knocking, etc.). Breathing exercises can be conducted by a teacher, instructor, educator or medical worker at a preschool institution. The load gradually increases by increasing the number of repetitions and making the exercises more complex.

Mouth rinse

Mouth rinsing is both medical procedure and preventive, because during this procedure the mucous membrane of the palatine arches, palatine tonsils and the mucous membrane of the posterior wall of the oropharynx is cleansed. Tell your baby how the mouth becomes contaminated with food, and for greater convincing, let him eat a piece of soft bread, currants or blueberries, or chocolate candy. Let him then look in the mirror and see how dirty his teeth are. After this, have your child rinse his mouth, running the water back and forth, and show him his clean teeth again. The baby will master the procedure properly only after a few months. And you should have patience and restraint to control your child while rinsing.

Sand ART therapy

Have you noticed that sand for babies has some magical powers? At a certain age, they begin to be attracted to it: children want to touch the sand, pick at it with a stick, play with toys, dig a hole. First of all, sand therapy for children is an excellent opportunity for self-expression, the development of creative inclinations in the child, as well as simple and effective way learn to express your feelings, emotions, experiences. Classes sand therapy gives answers to many questions parents have regarding internal emotional world their child, allows you to reveal and see the true causes of conflicts, fears, and subsequently carry out correction.

Fairy tale therapy

Fairytale therapy is a way to correct children's psychological problems. The idea is that a fairy tale is told for the child, the hero of which is himself. At the same time, in the very narration of the fairy tale, certain difficulties are invented for the main character, which he must certainly cope with. Fairytale therapy is a method that uses form to integrate personality, develop creative abilities, expand consciousness, and improve interaction with the outside world.

Invigorating gymnastics

Gymnastics in bed is aimed at a gradual transition from sleep to wakefulness. You need to start gymnastics with the children waking up, the rest join in as they wake up. Gymnastics in bed can include elements such as stretching, alternate and simultaneous raising and lowering of arms and legs, elements of self-massage, finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, etc. The main rule is to avoid sudden movements that can cause muscle strain, overexcitation, changes in blood pressure and, as a result, dizziness. The duration of gymnastics in bed is about 2-3 minutes. All health activities, including gymnastics after sleep, are best done in a playful way. This allows you to create a positive emotional background, arouse increased interest in everyone health procedures. In addition, by adopting a certain game image, children often better understand the technique of performing a particular exercise.

Relaxation breaks

“Relaxation breaks” are included in the daily routine of the kindergarten. The ability to relax helps some children relieve tension, while others help them concentrate and relieve excitement. Relaxation is induced through specially selected gaming techniques. Each one is given a figurative name, which captivates children. They perform relaxing exercises, not just imitating the leader, but transforming themselves, entering into a given image. Most children perceive these exercises correctly and relax well. This allows us to judge appearance child: calm expression on his face, even rhythmic breathing, sluggish, obedient hands, etc. Experience shows that as a result of using relaxation, many children improve their sleep, they become more balanced and calm.

Special hardening

Hardening is a scientifically based systematic use of natural factors to increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental agents.

A number of rules must be followed:

· Systematic use of hardening procedures at all times of the year, without interruptions.

· Gradual increase irritant doses.

· Accounting for age and individual characteristics the child's body.

· All hardening procedures should be carried out against a background of positive emotions.

It is important to create a favorable environment, create play motivation in combination with music, and set the child up to have fun, gain vigor and feel great. The role of an adult is important. He must be a role model to achieve main goal- strengthening the health of pupils.

Color therapy

This is the way to adjust psycho-emotional state child using certain colors. This is a special technique based on the influence of color photons of different wavelengths on the child’s brain. Thanks to such a simple technique, the effects a certain color per child, you can achieve significant results in treating apathy, irritability, excessive activity and even incipient childhood aggression, and manage your emotions.


Smells surround us everywhere and, one way or another, affect our state and mood. The aromas of plants relieve fatigue, improve memory, and strengthen sleep.

Aromatherapy is the natural healing of scents.

Contraindications for the use of aromatherapy products are:

individual psychological intolerance to essential oils;

individual allergic

Music therapy

Music therapy is healing with music. Listening to properly selected music improves children's immunity, relieves tension and irritability, headaches and muscle pain, and restores calm breathing. Great attention is paid to the selection of the necessary melodies and sounds with which you can provide positive impact on the child's body. This contributes to overall health, improved well-being, improved mood, and improved performance.

In the morning it is recommended to turn on the solar major classical music, good songs from good text; for relaxation and physical stress, for a pleasant immersion in daytime sleep, it is necessary to take advantage of the beneficial influence of melodic classical and modern relaxing music filled with the sounds of nature (rustling leaves, bird voices, chirping insects, noise sea ​​waves and the cry of dolphins, the babbling of a brook). Children on a subconscious level calm down and relax; waking up children after nap will help: quiet, gentle, light, joyful music. It is easier and calmer for children to transition from a state of complete


1. Health-saving technologies: concept, purpose and objectives…….…4

2. Types of health-saving technologies used in preschool educational institutions....6

3. Forms of recreational work in a preschool institution……..11



“I’m not afraid to repeat again and again:

taking care of your health is the most important

the work of a teacher. From cheerfulness,

The vigor of children determines their spiritual life,

worldview, mental development,

strength of knowledge, faith in one’s strength.”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky


Preschool age is rightfully considered the most important period in the process of forming a person’s personality. At this age they develop more intensively different abilities, are formed moral qualities, character traits are developed. It is in this age period the foundation of health and development is laid and strengthened physical qualities necessary for the child’s effective participation in various forms of physical activity, which, in turn, creates conditions for the active and directed formation and development mental functions And intellectual abilities preschooler.

What is health? Let us turn to the “Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegova: “Correct, normal activity organism." The Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO) states that health is not only the absence of disease or infirmity, but also the complete physical, mental and social well-being. That is why the health problem should be considered in a broad social aspect.

An analysis of the health status of preschool children shows that over the last decade the number of absolutely healthy children has decreased from 23 to 15% and the number of children with chronic diseases, from 16 to 17.3%. On average in Russia, every preschooler experiences at least two diseases per year. Approximately 20-27% of children fall into the category of frequently and long-term illnesses. Almost 90% of preschool children have standard deviations in the structure of the musculoskeletal system - poor posture, flat feet, unbalanced muscle tone, muscle weakness abdominals, non-optimal ratio of static and dynamic movements. Neurotic manifestations are observed in 20-30% of children of senior preschool age. According to forecasts, 85% of these children are potential patients with cardiovascular diseases. About 50% of children need psychocorrection and are characterized by serious psychological distress. The vast majority of children, starting from preschool age, suffer from a lack of movement and reduced immunity. Their muscle load is reduced due to objective reasons: children have practically no opportunity to play outdoor games while walking, and some parents get too carried away intellectual development their children (computer games, visiting various clubs).

The presented results clearly indicate the socio-pedagogical level of problems that arise before employees of preschool institutions, called upon to raise a healthy child with optimal physical and mental development, which corresponds to the social demand of society.

It is undeniable that the main task of a kindergarten is to prepare the child for independent life, giving him the necessary skills and abilities for this, cultivating certain habits. But can every professionally trained teacher, just an adult responsible person, be dispassionate about the unfavorable state of health of their students, its progressive deterioration? One of the answers to this question was the demand for health-saving educational technologies by teachers of educational institutions.

1. Health-saving technologies: concept, purpose and objectives

Before we start talking about health-saving technologies, let’s define the concept of “technology”. Technology is a tool professional activity teacher, respectively characterized by a qualitative adjective – pedagogical. The essence of pedagogical technology is that it has a pronounced phasing (step-by-step) and includes a set of certain professional actions at each stage, allowing the teacher, even in the design process, to foresee the intermediate and final results of his own professional and pedagogical activities. Pedagogical technology is distinguished by: specificity and clarity of goals and objectives, the presence of stages: primary diagnosis; selection of content, forms, methods and techniques for its implementation; using a set of tools in a certain logic with the organization of intermediate diagnostics to achieve the designated goal; final diagnostics of goal achievement, criteria-based assessment of results. (This definition is proposed by Derkunskaya V.A. - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences)

What are health-saving technologies?

Health-saving technologies in preschool education are technologies aimed at solving the priority task of modern preschool education - the task of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of subjects pedagogical process V kindergarten: children, teachers and parents.

The goal of health-saving technologies in preschool education in relation to a child is to ensure a high level of real health for kindergarten students and to foster valeological culture as a whole conscious attitude a child’s approach to human health and life, knowledge about health and the ability to protect, support and preserve it, valelogical competence, which allows a preschooler to independently and effectively solve problems healthy image life and safe behavior, tasks related to the provision of basic medical, psychological self-help and assistance. In relation to adults - promoting the establishment of a culture of health, including a culture of professional health for preschool teachers and valeological education of parents.

Our preschool educational institution has developed a “health-saving technology”, the objectives of which are:

1. Preservation and strengthening of children’s health based on the integrated and systematic use of physical education means available for kindergarten, optimization of motor activity at fresh air.

2. Ensuring an active position for children in the process of gaining knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

3. Constructive partnership between the family, the teaching staff and the children themselves in strengthening their health and developing their creative potential.

2. Types of health-saving technologies used in preschool educational institutions

Types of health-saving technologies in preschool education - classification of health-saving technologies according to the dominance of goals and tasks to be solved, as well as the leading means of health-saving and health-enrichment of subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten.

Health-saving activities in our kindergarten are carried out in the following forms:

· Medical and preventive technologies

Medical and preventive activities ensure the preservation and enhancement of children’s health under the guidance of medical personnel Preschool education in accordance with medical requirements and standards using medical supplies.

Objectives of this activity:

Organization of monitoring of children's health and development of recommendations for optimizing children's health;

Organization and control of children's nutrition, physical development, hardening;

Organization of preventive measures that promote the resistance of the child’s body (for example, immunization, gargling with anti-inflammatory herbs, gentle treatment during the adaptation period, etc.).

Organization of control and assistance in ensuring the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological standards - San PiNov

Organization of a health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions.

Monitoring of the health status and physical development of children is carried out by kindergarten medical workers. All work on the physical education of children in preschool educational institutions is based on their physical fitness and existing deviations in health. To do this, based on individual medical records, the preschool doctor draws up a summary diagram for each age group, which helps educators and medical workers have a clear picture of the health status of the children of the entire group and each child individually. This analysis scheme and specific recommendations are entered into the group “Health Log” - “Child’s Individual Route” - so that each teacher plans physical education and health activities in accordance with the children’s health characteristics.

· Physical education and health technology

Physical education and health activities are aimed at the physical development and strengthening of the child’s health.

Objectives of this activity:

Development of physical qualities;

Control of motor activity and development of physical education in preschool children,

Formation correct posture, prevention of musculoskeletal disorders;

Developing habits of daily physical activity;

Improvement by means of hardening. Physical education and health activities are carried out by a physical education instructor during physical education classes, as well as by teachers - in the form of various gymnastics, physical education sessions, dynamic breaks, etc.;

Organization of health days in preschool educational institutions

Raising children healthy, strong, and cheerful is the task of every preschool institution. Being on the move means improving your health.

In the system of mass events, an important role belongs to health days

Let's figure out what problems we solve by organizing Health Day in kindergarten? How do you think? (teachers' answers).

Development of basic movements and physical qualities.

Form an idea of ​​health;

Promoting children's health;

Formation of a healthy lifestyle, conscious attitude towards one’s health;

Creates conditions for emotional and psychological well-being;

- On health days, children gain experience active rest;

Training in cooperation skills with children and adults;

They create conditions for improving methods of pedagogical promotion of a healthy lifestyle, help to involve parents in an active educational process.

You and I must make sure that these days are distinguished by varied and interesting motor activities, a rich variety of stimulating and activating forms and techniques that contribute to the formation of children’s motor experience, strengthening health, and strengthening the body.

I think that everyone has encountered the problem that when choosing materials for a health day in kindergarten, you only find holiday scenarios. How to organize a kindergarten health day? A health day can be very diverse and should include different types of activities. In our garden, Health Days are held once a quarter.

You need to start preparing for your health day with preliminary work. Necessary:

  • decide what topic, based on age group, will be interesting and understandable to children, the location (participation of specialists, premises, weather, etc.);
  • collect the necessary material for this: cartoons, attributes, costumes;
  • make a plan for the whole day. For example, a menu where the names of the dishes reflect the theme of the day (for example, “Bogatyr” porridge, “Vitamin” compote, “Ruddy Cheeks” salad);
  • select outdoor games, relay race games in accordance with the chosen topic, prepare, if necessary, plans for walks or games around the stations;
  • organize preliminary work not only with teachers and specialists, but also with parents.

Health day structureis represented by the variability of content implemented at different scheduled moments of the day with children and parents.

On health days the daily routine is getting richer active work children, taking into account the characteristics of climatic conditions. So, in cold weather, exposure to the air should, if possible, be increased, and in warm weather, all motor and play activities of preschoolers should be taken out into the open air. Educational work on this day is aimed at creating conditions for active recreation of children. All teachers working in the group are included in this work:

In planning, organizing and carrying out health day Not only teachers, but also medical worker, physical education instructor and other preschool specialists. All specialists working with children on this day organize their work in accordance with the theme of the day and use health-saving technologies.

Health days should have a theme that is specific to each age group.

  • “Sun, air and water are our best friends”;
  • “We want to be healthy - the regime helps us”;
  • “Hygiene, cleanliness – health and beauty for us”;
  • "Healthy eating";
  • “Sport – health”, “Movement – ​​health”;
  • “No” to bad habits”;
  • “Folk games – freedom and fun for daredevils”;
  • “Fun and laughter mean health and success for us”;
  • "Nature and Health";
  • “Russian porridge is our strength”;
  • "Day of Signor Tomato"
  • “Tips from Neboleyka”;

Health Day can be dedicated to any holiday:

  • “February 7 – Winter Sports Day”;
  • “April 7 – World Health Day”;
  • "October 10th - Day mental health»;
  • "Defender of the Fatherland Day";
  • "Mothers Day";
  • seasonal holidays (“Summer, health and sports”, “Autumn marathons”, “Winter fun”, etc.)
  • "February 11 - World Sick Day"
  • “May 15th is International Family Day”

The health day begins with a morning reception for children, which can be done in a playful way or by introducing a game character in a process of interesting and entertaining interaction. In the first and second half of the day, you can offer children and parents various tasks in a serious and humorous form: conversations, dialogues, problem situations, games, obstacle courses, riddles, recreational moments that allow you to create a positive emotional mood and increase the activity of children and adults.

Morning exercises should be related to the theme of the day and carried out in non-traditional form. It could be:

  • energy boost,
  • emotionally stimulating gymnastics,
  • aerobics,
  • “Little Wizards” gymnastics with elements of massage, self-massage of biologically active skin points and psycho-gymnastics.

You can invite me to such gymnastics fairy tale characters, parents, kindergarten workers.

The further program of the Day includes various forms of work taking into account the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers

Role-playing games;

Outdoor games and exercises in the air;

Hiking trips;

The simplest hiking trips;

Health Lessons;

Dynamic and health breaks;

Sports holidays;


Sports competitions and quizzes;

Fun and entertainment;

Physical education;

Solving problematic situations regarding health issues;

Folk and sport games;

Exercises on health and hardening tracks;

Sun and air baths;

Introduction of new attributes and didactic games;

Games with motor toys;

Relay races, etc.

The motor load is regulated by teachers in accordance with the age, physical fitness and health status of the children.

Health Day in the Junior Group

For the youngest children, educators select a simple scenario that will be understandable and interesting at this age. The lesson reinforces knowledge about the benefits of vegetables and fruits for human health, about what is important in time andHealthy food, go to bed on time,to be healthy. Mikhalkov’s poem “About a girl who ate poorly” will be instructive and interesting.

As a visual aid, you can use mock-ups of vegetables and fruits or natural fresh ones (if the season allows). There are short notes about each of the subjects. funny quatrains, which children remember without difficulty and the resulting helpful information is stored in the children's memory.

Also, the teacher can touch on the topic of cleanliness based on the work “Moidodyr”, thereby laying the foundation for the concept of hygiene and its role in the child’s life.

Health day in the middle group

Children in this group can already be familiarized in such classes with the basics of ecology and a healthy lifestyle. IN warm time Every year, Health Day takes place in the fresh air. During its implementation, the surrounding nature, its living inhabitants, and the connection of the animal and plant world with society are studied. Children also take part in various relay races designed to develop a love for physical education.

Health day in preparatory and senior groups

The older children become, the more serious information they are able to assimilate and communicate on an equal basis with the teacher on a given topic. At this age, it is easy for children to get involved in sports, especially if parents take an active part. That is why Health Day in kindergarten for older children takes place with the participation of adults and often in nature.

It could be short hike to a nearby park, but with all the equipment - backpacks, dry rations and other equipment necessary for relay races. Children sing themed songs about health, learned in advance, and participate in competitions on health topics together with adults.

In order to avoid overwork of preschoolers, intensive forms must be alternated with sedentary games and situations, relaxation breaks, giving children’s participation a relaxed character and contributing to their health.

Preschoolers are most effective physical education holidays and leisure activities with performing exercises of a competitive nature (for older preschoolers), all kinds themed entertainment, game stories (for young children).

Second half Health Day provides for the active participation of parents in joint events with children: sports festivals, competitions and quizzes, shows, recreational hours, outdoor celebrations, evening entertainment, KVN, etc.

In long-term planning, the block “Interaction with parents” should reflect various forms of work within the framework of the designated theme of the health day:

  • original information in parent corners,
  • reminders,
  • booklets;
  • consultations;
  • hometasks;
  • making albums together with children, publishing a home newspaper about health;
  • round tables where parents had the opportunity to share their experience of organizing a healthy lifestyle in the family;
  • conversations.

All this helps preschool teachers activate parents to participate in health days, increase their potential in the family and level pedagogical culture on the problems of improving the health of their children.

Successful holding of health days is the result of coordinated and organized work of the entire preschool educational institution team and family, uniting adults and children with common goals.

Thus, methodically correctly organized work in physical education is designed to satisfy children’s natural need for movement and contribute to their timely acquisition of motor skills and abilities, and to form a positive self-esteem for themselves and the activities of their comrades.

Such work with preschool children is also valuable because it creates conditions for emotional and psychological well-being, since it has a great influence on the development of the mind, character education, will, morality, creates a certain spiritual mood, awakens interest in self-expression, and contributes not only to better learning knowledge and consolidation of skills, but also has a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche.

List of sources used

1. Lysova V.Ya., Yakovleva T.S. Sports events and entertainment. - M.: ARKTI, 2000. P. 3 -4

2. Kopukhova N.N., Ryzhkova L.A., Samodurova M.M. Physical education teacher at preschool institutions. M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2002. pp. 198 - 199

3. Runova M.A. Physical activity child in kindergarten. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2000. 12 p.

4. Mashchenko M.V., Shishkina V.A. Physical Culture preschoolers. - Mn.: Urajai, 2000. 275 p.

5. Shebeko V.N., Ovsyankin V.A., Karmanova L.V. Physical training! - Mn.: “Enlightenment”, 1997. 125 p.

6. Aksenova Z.F. Sports holidays in kindergarten. - M.: ARKTI, 2000. 90 p.

7. Shumilova V.A. Sports and entertainment events in kindergarten. - Mozyr, LLC Publishing House "White Wind", 2002. 70 p.

Parents enroll every child who reaches a certain age in kindergarten. Some act based on considerations so that the child does not spend his days aimlessly chasing a ball or watching cartoons for hours. In other cases (in almost every family) there is no one to look after the child due to work commitments. But whatever the reason, the health of children in kindergarten is consistently ensured, which has a positive impact both mentally and physically.

Many mothers consider it right to leave their baby at home, preferring to keep him with her all day and “blow the dust off him.” They explain this behavior by the fact that when communicating with other kids there is a chance of catching various viral diseases. However, these same mothers do not understand or fundamentally do not want to understand that they cannot turn a child into a “greenhouse plant.”

And the child’s constant presence within the home walls and limited communication will make him a notorious, self-contained and uncommunicative egoist. It is extremely important to place him in a child care institution, providing the child with complete freedom communication and self-development. No matter how much parents want it, in any case they will not be able to devote enough time to their child to play with him and exercise.

Mothers are busy all day with household chores: washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning, etc. Dads spend most of their time at work, and in the evening they are too tired to engage in children's play or parenting.

Ensuring the health of children is the No. 1 problem for both their parents and educators. Therefore, various events are organized and carried out aimed at both physical and mental development. These can be educational games (riddles, puzzles different topics), not complicated physical exercise, staging small scenes and more.

Taking part in all this, the child inevitably develops, improves, learns about the world, learns to communicate with peers and adults (in in this case, with teachers, parents of children from the group). And most importantly, he gets acquainted with such life concepts as: independence, responsibility, determination. These concepts play a leading role in the development of personality.

Wellness activities

In any kindergarten, a number of health-improving activities are carried out aimed at ensuring and maintaining the health of the baby. Wellness activities include:

  1. Fostering the need for a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Physical education and health activities.
  3. Hardening.
  4. Prevention.

Fostering the need for a healthy lifestyle

This event is aimed at developing in the child the need to lead and strive for a healthy lifestyle. Wherein Special attention is devoted to the child’s compliance with the daily routine, instilling and developing cultural and hygienic skills, and learning to care for one’s body.

Physical education and health work

This type of health promotion is no less important than all others. By doing physical education and gymnastics, the baby’s muscles, joints, and bone tissue are strengthened. The body gains the ability to fight various ailments, diseases, and disorders. Thus, physical education and health activities include:

  • morning exercises;
  • physical education classes;
  • outdoor games and play exercises;
  • outdoor exercise;
  • sport games;
  • breathing exercises after a nap;
  • diagnostics of physical development;
  • sports and music festivals;
  • leisure.


Hardening procedures are aimed at strengthening the health of each child, making him strong and increasing his immunity. Before you begin of this event, the presence of any disease in the child is excluded. In general, hardening involves:

  • outdoor games, walking;
  • taking air baths;
  • implementation of water procedures;
  • water games;
  • dosed sunbathing.

Walking barefoot is both a hardening procedure and a great pleasure. The kids really like it.


Your child's compliance with basic preventive measures is also part of the health program. Preventive measures include:

  • ensuring a clean environment;
  • creating a healthy microclimate;
  • rational and balanced nutrition;
  • fortification - consumption of vitamin drinks, fruits;
  • prevention of influenza - herbal medicine using onions and garlic;
  • preventive vaccinations to protect a child from such serious illnesses like: whooping cough, mumps, tuberculosis, chicken pox and others;
  • aromatherapy procedures;
  • therapeutic physical culture;
  • restorative massage.

The implementation of health activities is aimed at ensuring that the child, while in kindergarten, grows up absolutely healthy and strong!

What is health? This is not just the absence of this or that disease. Health is a state of creative output, good performance and emotional tone. From all this the well-being of the individual is formed.

Today we can state the fact that human health, whether an adult or a child, occupies the highest priority position in the world. The fact is that any state needs creative and active individuals who have harmonious development. But every day new, more and more high requirements. Only a healthy person can meet them.

But how to solve this problem? The answer to this question may be the Eastern wisdom that human health is a peak that everyone must conquer on their own. What is the task of teachers in this case? They must teach their students to conquer such a peak.

The meaning of the initial life stage

In preschool age, the foundation of a person’s mental and physical health is formed. The first seven years of life are the period when people go through a huge path of development, which is not repeated in subsequent years.

Exactly at preschool period All organs are intensively developing, functional systems are being formed, character is being formed, and defining personality traits are being laid. At the same time, the little person begins to relate to himself and the people around him in a certain way.

The teacher's task

An adult who is entrusted with the responsibility of raising a child must:

Instill in him a value-based attitude towards health;
- teach to give up everything harmful to the body;
- instill a sense of responsibility for your health.

These tasks must be solved through the implementation of the “Health Saving in Preschool Education” program. The success of its implementation depends on the systematic approach to solving this problem, which the institution uses in its work. Activities carried out in in this direction, must be carried out according to a coordinated policy, supported by an approved comprehensive plan actions.

Relevance of the topic

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, a teacher must use in his work various technologies health care in preschool educational institutions. By this he will achieve the solution of the priority task that faces the modern world, namely, the preservation, maintenance and enrichment of the health of the child, teacher and parents. In other words, all subjects educational process carried out in a preschool educational institution.

Raising a socially adapted personality

The health conservation program in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard includes stages to maintain physical condition child. And this is very important. After all physical health children is inextricably linked with their emotional well-being, as well as mental health. And only a high level of all these components allows us to speak of a harmoniously developed personality.

The health conservation program in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard is structured in such a way that the dominant principle in it is the understanding that a healthy child is certainly successful. This can be achieved through a whole system of measures aimed at physical education children.

Application of educational technologies

Currently, work on health conservation in preschool educational institutions is one of the highest priority areas of the educational process. How to carry out these activities? And here health-saving technologies come to the aid of the teacher.

It is worth keeping in mind that when determining you should not dwell only on the physical component this definition. In this case, we should not forget about the socio-psychological and spiritual-moral side of the issue. After all, health is a multifaceted concept. And it includes many different aspects.

That is why the modernization of the Russian education system is aimed at creating health-saving conditions for preschool educational institutions. This will certainly improve the quality of the educational process. In this regard, the recently adopted state standards (FSES), as the main task set for educational institutions, highlight the comprehensive development of the younger generation, taking into account the age-related capabilities and individual abilities of each child, while simultaneously maintaining and strengthening his health.

The concept of educational technologies

The work of children in protecting the health of preschool educational institutions directly depends on the program according to which teachers must work. When compiling it, the following are taken into account:

Specific conditions in the preschool educational institution;
- professional competence teachers;
- indications of children's morbidity.

What does the concept of “educational technologies for health conservation” mean? Different authors interpret it differently. Thus, the founder of this concept N.K. Smirnov in his works said that this is nothing more than a set of methods and forms of such organization of the learning process that would not be carried out to the detriment of the health of students. In his opinion, health conservation in preschool educational institutions should be present when using any pedagogical technology and be its qualitative characteristic. At the same time, it is important that everyone maintains their health, and this includes teachers, children and their parents.

Health-saving technologies are a kind of safety certificate for the physical condition of people participating in the educational process. In addition, such technologies serve as a set of those methods, techniques and principles of the teacher’s work that are an addition to traditional pedagogical technologies.

Purpose of application

Why is health care necessary in preschool educational institutions? The purpose of this direction is multifaceted. Thus, for a child, this kind of pedagogical technology makes it possible to ensure a high level of his health and simultaneous culture. Valeological competence is the totality of a child’s conscious attitude towards his health and the ability to protect, preserve and maintain it. All this will allow the preschooler to effectively and independently solve the problems of safe behavior, as well as a healthy lifestyle, which are associated with providing the most basic physical and psychological assistance and mutual assistance.

Health saving Parents' preschool educational institution and teachers - this is assistance in developing a culture of health. IN this concept includes maintaining the physical condition of teachers, as well as valeological education of the baby’s fathers and mothers.

Health conservation in preschool educational institutions with the use of appropriate technologies will significantly increase the efficiency of the educational process. At the same time, such a program will form value guidelines among parents and teachers aimed at strengthening the health of preschool children. But this is only possible if conditions are created for adjusting technologies taking into account specific conditions, as well as the specialization of the institution. In addition, a program aimed at preserving the health of preschool teachers and parents of children will develop in adults positive motivation only if it is based on statistical monitoring of the physical condition of children. At the same time, it is important to make amendments to all ongoing activities that relate to the intensity of technological methods and ensuring individual approach to every student.

Only then will all actions help achieve the goal. Health-saving technologies will help to form a strong motivation in the child aimed at managing active image life. In this case, the baby will be cheerful, open to communication and optimistic. Achieving the set goal is the key to the successful development of the entire range of qualities and personality traits.

Types of educational technologies

What should a health plan in a preschool educational institution include? It should include all activities aimed at using various types of health-saving technologies. And this:

Physical education minutes (dynamic pauses);
- rhythmoplasty;
- sport games;
- technologies that have an aesthetic orientation;
- relaxation;
- gymnastics for the eyes and fingers, for awakening and breathing;
- health jogging;
- physical education;
- communicative and entertaining games;
- self-massage;
- classes on the topic “Health”;
- technologies of influence with color, music;
- fairytale therapy, etc.

Implementation stages

The health conservation plan in a preschool educational institution is carried out through several stages. Thus, the stages of implementation of such technologies are:

1. Analysis of physical development and initial health status. It is important to take into account the level of development of valeological skills and abilities of children. An important factor for the analysis should be the health-preserving environment that exists in the preschool educational institution.

2. Organization of the necessary space.

3. Establishing contacts with other employees of the child care institution.

4. on health conservation with the study of all techniques and techniques in this area.

5. Introduction of various forms of work to strengthen and preserve the health of various categories of adults and children.

6. Work with parents of children, which has a valeological orientation.

All the technologies described above should be included in the preschool teacher’s self-education plan on the topic of health conservation. His actions in the future should have a comprehensive focus. Only in this case will the child form the habit of leading a healthy lifestyle. The work on introducing these technologies should be carried out not only by educators. It is necessary that physical education instructors take part in it, music directors, educational psychologists, speech therapists. Only in this case will the child learn to understand his own emotions, begin to control behavior, and also feel and hear his body.

Application of health regimes

What else should be included to protect the health of children in preschool educational institutions? This program certainly includes:

A variety of wellness regimes, including flexible and adaptive, seasonal and gentle;
- a set of developmental activities, which includes completing “health paths”, air conditioning, walking barefoot, rinsing the mouth and throat, invigorating gymnastics, etc.;
- a variety of physical education activities;
- maximum use of motor mode;
- preventive actions in the form of rhythmoplasty, dry pool, logorhythmics, tactile tracks.

The self-education plan of a preschool teacher on the topic of health conservation must certainly include a question regarding the organization of rational nutrition.

It is also necessary to provide for a whole range of measures that preserve the psychological and physical health of adults. In addition, all activities of the teacher must be carried out in compliance with the requirements of SanPiN.

Results of the implementation of educational technologies

A teacher receiving self-education on health conservation at a preschool educational institution must remember that working on physical and psychological state child are not separate periodic events. The introduction of appropriate technologies into practice must certainly become the ideology of the entire educational process. After all, its result will be the creation of a certain behavioral base of the individual, which will remain for life.

The result of the introduction of health-saving technologies should be:

Formation necessary skills, promoting a healthy lifestyle in both children and adults;
- active interaction of all specialists of preschool educational institutions on the organization of health and wellness physical education work with kids;
- demonstration of tolerance by each of the participants in the introduction of such technologies into the general educational process of the preschool educational institution;
- creation of a regulatory framework that addresses issues of health improvement for the younger generation;
- implementation of the latest scientific and methodological methods;
- organizing a process aimed at preserving the physical and mental health of children and creating the necessary health-preserving space not only in the preschool educational institution, but also in the family;
- maintaining and improving children's health indicators.

The introduction of such pedagogical technologies is one of the most promising areas of work educational institutions. This set of techniques and methods for teaching young children will achieve harmonious development individuals without harming their physical and mental development.

Technologies for stimulating and maintaining health

Let's take a closer look at the techniques that teachers use during activities to preserve children's health.

One of the components of this process is rhythmoplasty. It develops flexibility and ear for music in children, and forms correct posture.

During classes, the teacher should also conduct dynamic pauses. They are a set of finger and breathing exercises. They should also include exercises for the eyes. As a rule, such physical education minutes do not last long. Their frequency depends on the children’s fatigue. The time allotted for their implementation is from 2 to 5 minutes.

Every day the teacher should conduct sports games with children. However, they are usually part of a physical education class. Outdoor games for children are also recommended during walks. They are also carried out in a group room when children do not have the opportunity to demonstrate a high degree of mobility. Games should be selected taking into account the age of the child, as well as the place and time of their implementation.

Relaxation is also important for maintaining and strengthening children's health. Its main task is to teach children how to control own emotions and behavior. Thanks to relaxation, preschoolers begin to “hear” their body.

The teacher conducts activities aimed at creating a balance of positive and negative emotions, as well as ensuring a life-affirming position and maintaining internal balance. The adult's task is not to suppress or eradicate the emotions that arise in the child. It teaches children to feel their feelings and manage behavior.

To achieve this goal, relaxation exercises are used to relax both one or another part of the muscles and the whole body. During relaxation, it is important to create the necessary mood. To do this, calm music (Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky) or sounds of nature should be heard in the room. There is an element of play in such exercises, and therefore they are very popular with children, who quickly learn such a seemingly difficult relaxation.

Finger gymnastics should certainly participate in a health-saving program. Its main tasks are:

Development of precision and manual dexterity;
- stimulation of the baby’s creative abilities;
- development of speech and fantasy;
- preparing a preschooler's hand for writing.

Classes on finger gymnastics are held daily. They can be individual or with a group of children. Fine motor skills training allows you to stimulate spatial thinking, speech, blood circulation and attention, reaction speed and imagination. All this is especially useful for those children who have speech problems.

At any free time The teacher can conduct eye exercises with children. The specific period of time will depend on the child's visual load. With the help of such gymnastics, static tension in the eye muscles is relieved, and blood circulation in them improves. To teach children exercises, the teacher uses visual material.

One of the types of physical education and health work is breathing exercises. Thanks to her exercises, children activate oxygen metabolism in their tissues. At the same time, the functioning of the entire body is normalized.

When drawing up health plans, the teacher should include daily invigorating gymnastics. It is carried out for 5-10 minutes immediately after a nap. This is a small complex that includes:

Exercises on beds;
- movements to correct flat feet;
- education of correct posture;
- washing.

Morning exercises should also be done with children every day. These 6-8 minutes of training will be most effective if they receive musical accompaniment. At the same time, children will begin to actively develop gymnastic skills and abilities.

A more complex set of exercises should include physical education classes. They are carried out three times during the week. The duration of such classes should not be less than thirty minutes. The exercises used in this process teach preschoolers motor skills and abilities. When carried out regularly physical education classes Children's immunity increases.

But no matter how much we adults do for our children, good result can be obtained only after joining the child’s own healing process. Despite his age, he is able to do a lot for his physical development. You just need to tell the baby about this. To achieve this goal, the teacher conducts a series of classes called “The ABC of Health.” Their topics: “My body”, “Me and my body”, etc.

In the form of a dynamic pause in the learning process or in the form of a game, an adult should offer children self-massage. In this case, simple and accessible movements should be accompanied by bright images and funny poems. After self-massage, blood circulation increases and work normalizes. internal organs, posture improves. Not only a person’s physical health is strengthened, but also his psyche.

All of these, as well as many other technologies aimed at preserving the health of children, are quite effective. However, the positive impact of all methods and techniques is determined not only by their quality characteristics, but also competent application in the general education system.
