Child development at 16-17 weeks of gestation. General condition of pregnant women: hormones and internal changes

At the 17th week of pregnancy, many women have a small tummy. Now it will grow faster, which cannot but please expectant mothers who want to feel fully pregnant. Those who have not had time to change their wardrobe yet should buy clothes designed for pregnant women, as well as special cosmetical tools for prevention.

Important: current week is optimal time for taking a blood test for markers genetic diseases fetus.

What happens to the baby at 17 weeks pregnant

By the end of week 17, the growth of the crumbs is 12 cm, weight is about 100 g. The baby's body begins to round due to deposition subcutaneous fat, but the fetus is still very far from the state of "chubby baby doll".

Despite small size the baby is actively moving. During the waking phase, he rolls over, somersaults, straightens and bends his limbs, raises and lowers his head to his chest, masters new movements - touches the umbilical cord, sucks his finger, etc. Thin multiparous mothers at the 17th week of pregnancy can even feel the first movements of their children.

Together with the baby, all internal organs and systems continue to grow and develop:

  • Miniature endocrine glands learn to synthesize hormones.
  • The intestines are actively working - it begins to accumulate meconium - original feces. Meconium is formed from the sediment amniotic fluid– hair, skin lubricant, epidermal particles. These components are in digestive tract crumbs, when he swallows amniotic fluid, the water in the intestines is absorbed, and everything else remains there until childbirth, gradually mixing with the bile secreted by the liver. By the way, the baby, when he “overdrinks” the amniotic fluid, hiccups appear, which the mother can also feel.
  • Kidney maturation continues. They function actively and secrete urine, which, according to urinary tract enters the amniotic fluid.
  • During ultrasound examination you can see how it moves rib cage fetus. These movements imitate breathing, but the baby will take its first breath only after birth. Now he receives all the oxygen from his mother through the blood.
  • The hearing aid of the kid becomes more and more perfect. For the crumbs, the voices of parents, calm music are pleasant. But it is better to protect it from too loud sounds, this will protect the immature nervous system from overexcitation.

Well-being of the expectant mother

At week 17, most expectant mothers improve their appetite, which can affect their weight - many women begin to recover dramatically. The recommended total weight gain at this stage of pregnancy is no more than 4 kg.

well-being future mother may worsen from time to time due to:

  • Various digestive problems.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Rapid fatigue of the legs.
  • Feeling short of breath.

Changes noticeably emotional condition women - she begins to perceive the world differently and react to what is happening around. It may seem to others that the expectant mother has become too absent-minded, forgetful, inattentive. And it is true. So nervous system a pregnant woman protects herself from excessive loads, overexcitation,.

How the body of the expectant mother changes

Every day the belly grows. Big changes occur with the mammary glands. Small tubercles appear on the areolas, and on the skin of the chest they clearly appear saphenous veins stretch marks may become noticeable. From the nipples, most likely, it is already allocated. By the way, this process is very individual. Some pregnant women complain that because of colostrum their underwear is constantly wet, others that there is no colostrum at all. Each of the situations described is normal, so doing something to stop lactation or, conversely, “is not worth it. Everything has its time, but excessive stimulation of the nipples can provoke placental abruption and even premature birth.

Analyzes and ultrasound

At 17 weeks it is desirable to pass prenatal screening second trimester and pass urine for general analysis before visiting the doctor. If a pregnant woman has any health problems, the list of recommended diagnostic procedures may include, and, vaginal discharge and urine, other studies according to indications.

Mothers who donated blood earlier will receive their results this week. They cannot be accurately diagnosed. Screening is done only to determine the risk of having a sick baby. If a high risk is detected, the pregnant woman will be assigned an ultrasound scan and a genetics consultation. IN controversial cases to make an accurate diagnosis, doctors take amniotic fluid for genetic analysis(V amniotic fluid contained genetic material fetus). This procedure carried out only with the consent of the woman.

Possible problems 17 weeks pregnant

The expectant mother at the 17th week of waiting for the baby may experience various health problems:

  • Painful.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs.

Under the supervision of an experienced specialist, each of these conditions is successfully amenable to drug and non-drug therapy, even in expectant mothers. Therefore, do not be afraid of doctors, pregnancy is not the time for experiments and self-treatment.

When for medical care must be applied to:

  • With a change in character, itching, rash in the genital area.
  • With increasing pain in the abdomen and back.
  • With frequent and .
  • At chronic nature headache.
  • With painful urination.
  • With edema.
  • With an increase in body temperature.

How can a future mother improve her well-being?

The well-being of a pregnant woman directly depends on her nutrition. If some substances are lacking in the body, various health problems appear - many of them were discussed above. That is why the expectant mother should eat really healthy and varied food.

You can always talk to your gynecologist about the diet. He, after evaluating the results of the tests and the general condition, will give specific recommendations. For example, if there are clear signs calcium deficiency, a woman is shown dairy products, fish, eggs. If it is desirable to eat more red meat, hard cheese,. Making certain adjustments to the diet requires heartburn and constipation. In addition, it is advisable for the expectant mother to always have water and something for a snack with her, since banal thirst and hunger can be the cause of a sharp deterioration in well-being.

Second an important factor that affects the well-being of a pregnant woman is physical activity. If the expectant mother does not keep herself in good shape, she will constantly have health problems. the most optimal and safe option exercise during pregnancy is special gymnastics and swimming.

In addition, the expectant mother simply cannot feel normal without rest. Components good night are: a comfortable mattress, pillows under the stomach and back, comfortable clothes, ventilated room and positive emotions. As for rest, it is best to rest on fresh air. If the weather allows - outside the city or in the park.

And finally, many pregnant women note that they feel better after sex. Therefore, if there are no contraindications, the expectant mother should not deprive herself intimate life. From a pleasant pastime in bed, the mood and relationship with the future dad will improve, which is also important.

The joy of future motherhood is accompanied by new emotions, previously unfamiliar sensations that appear day after day throughout pregnancy. Process physical development the baby goes simultaneously with the emotional and moral change of a woman, her preparation to change her life forever, becoming a mother. The development of the human body should be considered as a separate process in which each stage has special meaning. In pregnancy, it is recognized that obstetric weeks are considered to be such stages, each of them is characterized by features of the development of the fetus and a certain well-being of the mother. The seventeenth week is transition period, unpleasant impressions of the first months of toxicosis become only memories, and the understanding comes that the baby's embryo has already formed into a full-fledged fetus, which is developing more and more actively.

Embryo, fetus, embryo at 17 weeks: what is the difference

All these concepts, in fact, mean the same thing - the growing body of a child after conception, but each corresponds to its own stage. prenatal development. After fertilization of the cell, a unicellular embryo is formed.

The embryo subsequently, on its way to the uterus, somewhat changes its structure and on the 4th day, when it reaches it.

From the initial form of accumulation of cells, it already appears in the form of roundness, which then divides into 2 vesicles - vitelline, representing the "roof" of roundness and amniotic or its "bottom". Then thickens rear end embryo, the first prototypes of axial organs begin to form.

From 3 to 8-9 weeks of pregnancy occurs embryonic development baby:

  • Tissues and organs are laid;
  • The limbs, the head become visible;
  • White blood cells appear in the blood, which are necessary to protect the body from external and internal pathogenic agents.

The embryo is nourished by the yolk sac located inside gestational sac. Next comes the fetal stage of intrauterine development of the baby. It is characterized by the development muscular system, the appearance of weak respiratory movements, the formation internal organs, the body lengthens and in proportion becomes more like a human body, the limbs increase in size.

Week 17 is the first week of the 5th month, or the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, that is, it is safe to say that almost half of the term is over. The expectant mother needs to continue to monitor her body, spend more time in the fresh air, and relax.

It is necessary to sleep enough, monitor your condition, both mental and physical.

Still plays an important role proper nutrition, because just at this stage the baby begins to actively grow and gain weight. It is enough to adhere to the basic principles. The menu should be diversified, which should include several food groups containing as many nutrients and elements as possible.

  1. Exclusion from the diet of spicy, fatty, fried foods.
  2. Minimal use of salt.
  3. Mandatory consumption of foods containing iron (beef, legumes, prunes, dried apricots, etc.), which helps prevent anemia.
  4. The inclusion of oatmeal in the diet (a small portion in the morning is enough), which will help get rid of discomfort heartburn and constipation caused by a decrease in motor activity and relaxation of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.

Be sure to include beans in the diet, which contain many macronutrients - potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper, even distribution of meals in small portions (5-6 times a day), daily walks lasting 20-30 minutes after the main meals.

What is developed in the fetus at 17 weeks of gestation

By the seventeenth week, the placenta is fully formed. The nutrition of the fetus is already due to it, and not due to yolk sac(as it was on embryonic stage development). Through the placenta, the baby receives all the nutrients and oxygen necessary for its development, and also processed products are excreted through it.

Mom may notice an increase in heart rate, this is just as a result of the fact that the placenta conducts nutrients through the vessels.

It serves as a link between mother and fetus, it consists of tissues and a whole network blood vessels. The placenta is a temporary organ, formed and existing only during pregnancy.

The baby already feels all the emotions of the expectant mother, so it is necessary to provide:

  • calm;
  • No fatigue;
  • No stress and unnecessary worries.

At week 17, the development of the fetus is gaining more and more active pace. Among his achievements, for example, the reaction of the eyes to light and darkness, the distinction of sounds. If you bring a light source to the mother's stomach, the baby will turn to him. If there is a noise or loud music, the baby will be worried, while a quiet melody or the voice of the parents will calm him down.

Directions for fetal development during pregnancy at 17 weeks

At the seventeenth week, the development of the fetus is active, this applies to both internal organs and external tissues. He is becoming more and more like little man, its arms and legs are lengthened. The process of mineralization of the skeleton, that is, the gradual hardening of the bones, has been launched.

The main directions of fetal development at the 17th week of pregnancy are:

  1. Its own immune system has been formed, the fetus independently begins to produce immunoglobulin and interferon (proteins secreted by human cells in response to the invasion of the virus into the body), from this moment the baby is able to defend itself against infections, for example, from mother's viruses in case of her illness.
  2. Primary fat is formed under the skin (it is located mainly between the shoulder blades), it is he who is the prototype of fat, which is involved in the heat exchange processes of the human body.
  3. The sensitivity of the skin increases.
  4. The adrenal glands secrete hormones important for the functioning of the body, such as adrenaline and norepinephrine.
  5. The pituitary gland is activated, which stimulates the production of corticosteroids by the adrenal glands - hormones that have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. In girls, the uterus is forming, in boys, the external genitalia are already sufficiently formed, so the sex can already be shown by ultrasound.
  7. The tissues in the gums are formed, and the process of laying the baby's molars begins, they will be located immediately behind their corresponding milk teeth.

The amount of hair increases, more precisely, the so-called vellus hair appears, which will disappear by the time of birth (although there are cases when a child is born with a small fluff), but so far it protects the baby’s natural waxy lubricant from erasure.

The movements of the hands and head are more coordinated, the baby can touch his face.

His face gradually acquires the first features. The swallowing function has been mastered, the baby can swallow up to 400 g per day amniotic fluid, which can cause hiccups, which the mother will also feel in the form of vibrations. The heart is completing its development and diligently pumping blood, with the help of obstetric equipment, you can already hear the baby's heartbeat;

Weight and size of the fetus at 17 weeks of gestation

The fetal movements become more intense, but during the first pregnancy, a woman usually does not feel them at the seventeenth week. Therefore, if the expectant mother does not yet feel movement in her stomach, this is not at all a cause for concern, especially if this is the first pregnancy.


  • The average fruit weight is 140 g;
  • The average size is 1-12 cm;
  • Heartbeat - 150 (+ - 10) beats / min.

Also, do not worry about insufficient big belly at the seventeenth week, the reason for this may be, for example, too low position fetus or its proximity to rear wall uterus. Each woman is individual, as is her body and its characteristics during pregnancy.

Features of the period of 17 weeks and 2 days of pregnancy

Do not forget that pregnancy is not a disease and, with normal course process and the absence of contraindications, you need to try to move more, be in the fresh air, learn to control your body, establish a connection with the baby, accumulate positive energy and share your feelings with others. You can and should engage in creativity, drawing, yoga (all exercises should be fun and performed under the guidance of a specialist).

Week 17 is the time when the expectant mother can still afford to travel. Of course, we are not talking about extreme types of recreation, hiking in the mountains, sports events, and not about trips to exotic countries. For the time being, new outlandish dishes of one or another cuisine of the peoples of the world should also be abandoned. It is better to send to an already familiar place, not to burden yourself with long flights, the main thing is to change the situation and relax. Before the trip, be sure to consult with the supervising doctor and get all the necessary recommendations.

Fetal development at 17 weeks of gestation (video)

A full-fledged life of a mother, filled with positive emotions, care and adherence to the basic principles of pregnancy management contributes to the proper development of the baby at any stage of each trimester.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 20 minutes


This is what the fetus looks like at 17 weeks

At the 17th week, the uterus of a pregnant woman is located approximately 3.8-5 cm below the navel. The fundus of the uterus is located halfway between the navel and the pubic symphysis. If you do not know exactly where the pubic joint is located, then gently walk your fingers from the navel straight down and feel for the bone. This is exactly the same pubic joint.

Feelings in the mother at 17 weeks

Almost half of the waiting period for the baby has already passed, the expectant mother has completely got used to the new role and realized her position, she constantly listens to herself and thinks about her baby with trepidation.

For many, week 17 is a favorable period when a woman feels good, full of strength and energy. Some have already experienced the joy of the first.

It is worth noting that for most women, week 17 is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • late toxicosis. It is by week 17 that he can demonstrate his first symptoms. Its manifestations are not nausea and vomiting, but swelling. At first they are hidden, but you may notice that some shoes are already uncomfortable for you, it is impossible to wear narrow shoes at all, the fingers have become less mobile, and the rings are tight. And at the same time, you will begin to gain weight much faster than normal;
  • Good appetite and risk of gaining excess weight . Overeating can have serious consequences. Helps you cope with hunger frequent meals in small portions;
  • Growing belly. Many sensations at week 17 are associated with him. For some, the tummy became noticeable one or several weeks earlier, for someone only now. In any case, now you without hesitation choose special clothes for pregnant women, because in casual clothes You must be cramped and uncomfortable to walk;
  • Changes in well-being. Now you may be amazed at the changes in your own perception of the world. Your body is now fully prepared for pregnancy, you feel calm and happy. Absent-mindedness, poor concentration are quite normal, you are absorbed in thoughts about the child and your feelings;
  • The chest is no longer so sensitive. Small pimples may appear in the nipple area light color. This phenomenon is called "Montgomery tubercles" and are the norm. An enhanced venous pattern may appear, do not worry, after the end of pregnancy and breastfeeding it will go away on its own. The nipples may also darken, and the tummy may appear brown stripe from the navel to the pubis. This is also quite natural changes associated with the expectation of the baby;
  • The heart works one and a half times more actively. This happens to make it easier for the placenta to nourish the growing fetus. Also be prepared for minor gum and nosebleeds. This may be due to the fact that your increased blood circulation increases the load on small blood vessels, including capillaries in the sinuses and gums;
  • Sweating and vaginal secretion. At week 17, you may notice that the discharge of sweat from the genital tract has increased. These are just hygiene problems, they are associated with hormonal background and do not require any treatment. The only thing is, if this bothers you very much, then you can subject these phenomena to hygienic correction;
  • Crazy, vivid dreams. Many expectant mothers have a variety of picturesque dreams. As a rule, they are associated with the upcoming birth or child. Such dreams sometimes seem so real that they occupy the thoughts of a woman in reality. According to experts, this may be due to the overstrain that your brain is experiencing at this stage. In addition, you get up more often at night, and it is because of this that you can remember more dreams than usual.

Studies show that during fetal existence, babies can also experience rapid eye movement(in adults, a similar phenomenon indicates dreams).

Some scientists claim that babies can also have dreams related to their daily activities. Maybe the child is dreaming about how he hears your voice, stretches his legs or plays.

Fetal development at 17 weeks

Fetal weight becomes greater than the weight of the placenta and is approximately equal to 115-160 grams. Height already reaches 18-20 cm.

By week 17, the placenta is already fully formed, consists of tissues and a network of blood vessels. Through the placenta, the fetus receives all the nutrients necessary for development, and processed products are also released.

At week 17, the following changes will occur with the fetus:

  • Fat will appear. This is a special, brown fat, which is a source of energy. It is deposited, as a rule, in the area between the shoulder blades and will burn out in the first days after childbirth. Otherwise, the baby's skin is still very thin, almost transparent, slightly wrinkled. This may make the child appear very thin. But it is at week 17 that the fetus becomes more and more like a newborn.
  • The body of the fetus is covered with lanugo. This is vellus hair. As a rule, by the time of birth, lanugo completely disappears, although there are cases when a baby is born with a small fluff. It will disappear in the first days after childbirth;
  • Hear the baby's heartbeat. With the help of an obstetric stethoscope, you can already hear how your baby's heart beats. The heartbeat reaches about 160 beats per minute, now the doctor will listen to your stomach at every visit;
  • The child begins to hear. The seventeenth week is the period when the baby begins to discover the world of sounds. Noises surround him 24 hours a day, because the uterus is a rather loud place: the mother's heartbeat, the sounds of the intestines, the noise of her breathing, the rumble of blood flow in the vessels. In addition, now he can hear various sounds from the outside. You can start communicating with the baby, because if you talk to him, he will remember your voice and will react to it immediately after birth;
  • Hand and head movements are coordinated, the child touches his face, sucks his fingers for hours, tries to listen to sounds from the outside. His eyes are not yet open, but undoubtedly his world has become much richer.

Photo and ultrasound of the fetus at the 17th week, photo of the abdomen and video about the development of the baby

Ultrasound 17 weeks - photo

Photo of the abdomen at 17 weeks

Video: What happens at the seventeenth week of pregnancy?

Video: 3D ultrasound, 17th week of pregnancy

At the seventeenth week, be sure to:

  • Monitor your weight. Appetite at this time can play out in earnest, so it is important to sometimes limit yourself. Be sure to weigh yourself. This should be done at least once a week, in the morning on an empty stomach and preferably in the same clothes. Write down changes in weight in a special notebook, so it will be easier for you not to miss sudden jump weight and monitor your changes;
  • Keep watching your diet. Do not forget that overeating can lead to serious consequences. As mentioned above, the feeling of hunger can be controlled through frequent meals in small portions. Refuse starchy and sweet in large quantities, fried, fatty, spicy and salty foods. Eliminate the use of coffee, strong tea, soda water, non-alcoholic beer. From time to time, of course, you can pamper yourself, but healthy eating should now be your obligatory habit;
  • Sex requires choosing a comfortable position. On this moment there are technical limitations. Be extremely careful and careful;
  • take care of comfortable shoes , it is better to exclude heels altogether, also try to choose shoes without laces, soon you will probably not be able to tie them yourself at all;
  • Not to accept hot bath You don't even need to take a bath. Your heart is now working much more actively than before and the additional load will be completely useless to it. It is unlikely that you will feel good. So give preference to a warm shower;
  • Control the state of the urinary system. The kidneys of a pregnant woman work literally for wear and tear, as they now have to filter out of the blood not only the products of her vital activity, but also the waste of the baby, which are excreted into the mother's blood through the placenta. Sometimes pregnant women may experience stagnant urine, and this in turn can lead to a number of inflammatory diseases such as, bacteriuria, pyelonephritis, etc. To prevent the occurrence of any of these diseases, it is necessary to empty more often. bladder, do not drink very strong lingonberry broth and exclude salty and spicy dishes from the diet.

The growth of the baby continues, and for many mothers the tummy is rounded, some already feel the fetal movements at the 17th week of pregnancy. Now people around can also notice the “interesting situation”. The woman herself rejoices in this: she is more and more aware that she will soon become a mother.

Week 17 is the 5th month of pregnancy. The uterus is located between the pubic joint and the navel. She continues to grow. The body of the expectant mother is working hard. Now the cardiovascular system subject to serious stress, so a woman should rest as much as possible and take care of her position.

This condition is caused by increased blood flow circulating throughout the body. Because of this, some expectant mothers at the 17th obstetric week of pregnancy may experience nosebleeds.

The woman begins profuse sweating and discharge from the genitals due to increased fluid in the body. Therefore, the expectant mother should now especially take care of personal hygiene.

Development and size of the fetus

The fetus at the 17th week of pregnancy continues to develop and gain weight. He makes swallowing movements and periodically hiccups. The baby is becoming more and more like a little man, gradually he acquires genetically determined features.

Organs have formed and are now being improved. Milk teeth are already laid down and from 4-6 months after birth they will gradually begin to appear. On top of the milk teeth, the formation of the molars takes place.

The eyes of the child at the 17th week of pregnancy are still closed, but the baby already knows how to distinguish between darkness and light. Scientists say that if you bring a lit lamp to the mother’s stomach, then the baby will turn to the light source.

The child still reacts to external sounds: if he hears a gentle voice, he calms down, and when loud sounds On the contrary, he begins to worry.

On the delicate skin of the baby there is a primordial fluff. There is a special lubricant on the body that protects the baby from the effects of amniotic fluid. The skin is still transparent, but a special tissue (“brown” fat) is now beginning to form. In the future, it will provide heat transfer to the body of the crumbs.

The baby's heart beats intensely, the chest rises and falls. At this time, the placenta is fully formed. Its size almost reached the height of the baby. The size of the fetus at the 17th week of pregnancy is 15-18 cm.

Boys are now developing a penis. The rudimentary testicles are located in abdominal cavity, and now the first immature spermatozoa have appeared in them. Girls reproductive system also continues to improve, the clitoris appears. On ultrasound at the 17th week of pregnancy, experts sometimes confuse the penis and clitoris and therefore incorrectly determine the sex of the baby.


Some women have a small belly at 17 weeks pregnant. You should not worry about this if the doctor listens to the baby's heartbeat without any problems.

Feelings at 17 weeks pregnant

Now the expectant mother may experience not only constipation, but also diarrhea. If it lasts more than 3 days, you should seek the advice of a specialist: prolonged diarrhea is dangerous for the baby.

At 17 weeks of gestation, the discharge can become profuse. Normally they are still yellowish or white color. Often, at this time, the expectant mother does not have toxicosis, and she may well rejoice in her position.

Fetal movements

Some women do not feel fetal movements at 17 obstetric weeks of pregnancy. In this case, you need to visit a gynecologist and talk about the problem. He will listen to the baby's heart and, if necessary, send for an ultrasound. For many expectant mothers, movements begin even at 22 weeks, but it is better to contact a specialist for advice in a timely manner.


The uterus at the 17th week of pregnancy is at a level of 3.5-5 cm from the navel. It gradually rises up, increasing in size. Do not be afraid if this period arise pain in the abdomen. It is caused by the growth of the uterus. She puts pressure on neighboring organs, so the pregnant woman is worried about heartburn, heaviness in the abdomen and shortness of breath. Such symptoms may persist until childbirth, until the uterus begins to descend.


Weight gain at 17 weeks of gestation is 2.5-3 kg. A woman, on average, gains 200-300 g per week. But there are exceptions that are also the norm. For example, a pregnant woman can gain up to 7 kg by week 17. Weight depends on height, body parameters and physiological characteristics.

If mom and baby are all right, this does not mean that you should forget about a certain lifestyle and other behaviors during pregnancy. The following recommendations will help a woman take proper care of herself and her child.


Now the expectant mother spends a lot of energy, and for her recovery, you need to add a lot of fruits and vegetables to the menu. Dairy products should always be in the diet of a woman.

Refuse should be from flour, sweet in large quantities, salty, fried and smoked. Nutrition at 17 weeks pregnant should be small meals several times a day. This will help not to gain a lot of body weight and properly prepare yourself for childbirth, while getting everything necessary substances for themselves, and for the proper development of the fetus at 17 weeks of gestation.


Now the expectant mother needs vitamins, but Lately gynecologists are in no hurry to prescribe special complexes for pregnant women. This approach is explained by the reluctance to use synthetic substances that are contained in any pharmacy vitamins.

The expectant mother should eat berries, vegetables, fruits and others. healthy foods. However, there are cases when taking vitamins at the 17th week of pregnancy is necessary, and the specialist will certainly prescribe it. It is advisable for all expectant mothers to take iodomarin.


You should not give up intimate life if there are no serious reasons for this. However, the expectant mother should choose safe positions so as not to harm the baby in the process.

At multiple pregnancy or the threat of miscarriage, the doctor will advise you to refuse sex at 17 weeks of pregnancy. If the expectant mother feels bad, then it is better for her to refrain from intimacy with her spouse and take care of her condition.

Physical activity

The expectant mother should move more: this will help her in the process of childbirth. Slow evening walks will benefit and help you relax at night.

At 17 obstetric weeks a woman can go in for swimming and sports that exclude running and strong physical exercise. You need to continue gymnastics for pregnant women: it will help you feel great.

However, the expectant mother should not overwork. If a feeling of fatigue appeared at the 17th week of pregnancy, it is necessary to lie down and wait until strength reappears.

Medicines and medical procedures

While the woman is in interesting position She needs to stop taking medication. But if they are really necessary, you should not self-medicate - only a specialist can prescribe drugs correctly.

Even with common cold you should not take the usual drugs without consultation.


If a woman has a strong pull on the lower abdomen, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Minor pain caused by the growth of the uterus is quite natural and should not cause concern. However, intense pain at the 17th week of pregnancy may indicate uterine tone, which often becomes a provocateur of abortion.

Possible problems

rare but serious problem- hematoma in the uterus - provokes detachment of the fetal egg. But if the treatment is carried out in a timely manner, there is no significant risk for the child at the 17th week of pregnancy.

With this problem, conditions rarely occur in which there is a threat to the life of a woman. Therefore, experts are emergency interruption pregnancy. When the area of ​​detachment is significant or profuse bleeding has opened, the woman should consult a doctor. If no treatment is followed with a hematoma, spontaneous miscarriage often occurs.

Discharge at 17 weeks pregnant

The expectant mother should also monitor the discharge: if they are watery, bloody or have a greenish tint, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible.

Frozen pregnancy

At week 17, the risk of a missed pregnancy decreases, but expectant mothers should be aware of its symptoms: a sharp disappearance of signs of pregnancy (toxicosis, breast changes), unusual discharge, abdominal pain, fever. The absence of fetal movements at the 17th week of pregnancy should also alert, if they were previously felt stable.

Examination at the 17th week of pregnancy: ultrasound, examination and tests

At 17 weeks of intrauterine development of the baby, the expectant mother must undergo certain medical research. At this time, the doctor:

  • recommend a urinalysis;
  • measure pressure;
  • will give direction to the definition in blood AFP, hCG and estriol.

Now hCG level fluctuates within 6140-103000 mU / ml, ACE - 30-90 IU / ml, and the norm free estriol- 9.9-18.9 nmol/l. Latest Analysis at the 17th week of pregnancy allows you to see chromosomal diseases and birth defects baby, if any.

Ultrasound at the 17th week of pregnancy is prescribed only for individual indications.

Features of IVF pregnancy

At the 17th week of gestation, the expectant mother calms down even more and rejoices in her pregnancy. Every day the risk of miscarriage becomes less.

At this time, pregnancy after in vitro fertilization proceeds in the same way as normal gestation.

Multiple pregnancy

When carrying twins, the expectant mother is already quite noticeable tummy. At the 17th week of pregnancy, she may be disturbed by discomfort in the epigastric region and heartburn after eating.

Otherwise this stage The development of babies has no features and proceeds in the same way as a normal pregnancy.

Video of the seventeenth week of pregnancy

The beginning of the fifth month of pregnancy is a favorable period for a woman carrying a child, because at this time they are already far behind the dangers of the first trimester and the condition becomes more stable. At normal flow pregnancy during this period, a woman does not experience any significant discomfort, except for the discomfort that a noticeably enlarged uterus and a grown belly can bring. Compliance with the recommendations of doctors, correct and balanced diet, a mobile lifestyle - all this is the key to the health of the mother and unborn child.

Week 17 is the beginning of the fifth month of pregnancy. During this period at prosperous course pregnancy, a woman does not experience any special problems, but a number of sensations and signs of ongoing changes in the body may appear. At this time, it is desirable to rest as much as possible, to be less nervous, to observe correct mode day and diet.

From a medical point of view, week 17 is considered the beginning of the fifth month of pregnancy, since there are 4 weeks in the obstetric month. At this time, there is a significant growth of the unborn child, he is rapidly gaining weight. An increase in body weight is also observed in the expectant mother.

Feelings and signs

At the 17th week of pregnancy, various unusual sensations and symptoms may appear. It is always necessary to be attentive to any changes and, at the slightest suspicion, contact your doctor.

During this period, the following sensations may appear:

  1. Frequent urination. At this time, the uterus reaches a significant size and compresses the bladder. This may lead to frequent calls to urination. A similar manifestation does not necessarily appear at this time in all pregnant women.
  2. Unusual vaginal discharge. If a pregnant woman has yellow or green discharge, mixed with flakes, or with bad smell, you should immediately consult a doctor. Such problems may be related to the presence inflammatory process in the genital tract. When such complaints appear, the gynecologist takes a smear and determines the nature of the discharge. Standard uniform discharge of a light color and a slightly sour smell is the norm.
  3. Strengthening thrush. By itself, thrush can be present in a woman in a chronic form throughout pregnancy, since the immunity of the expectant mother is significantly weakened during this period. In some women, thrush exists throughout life, periodically aggravating and subsiding again. If chronic thrush began to manifest itself more actively and bring anxiety ( copious discharge, itching, etc.), you need to pay attention to this. IN similar situation treatment is required. One of the measures to combat the problem is the rejection of sweets, which provoke the progress of the disease. Also, it is necessary to observe hygiene standards and demand the same from the sexual partner.
  4. Change appearance. The face of a pregnant woman at this time may begin to look a little different - her lips will increase, her nose will swell slightly, a blush will appear on her cheeks. Such changes in appearance are typical and occur in many expectant mothers.
  5. Baby's first movements. During this period, the child is already actively moving in a noticeably grown belly, and these movements can begin to be felt. future mother. It is important not to worry if movements are not yet observed during this period. The first sensations may appear much later (at 18-22 weeks). Often, women who are not pregnant for the first time begin to feel movements earlier than primiparas.
  6. An actively growing uterus and abdomen can cause unpleasant pulling sensations lower abdomen. These sensations are in many ways similar to those that appear during menstruation in many women. A similar problem is explained by the tension of the ligaments that hold the growing uterus. With a sharp movement, the nature of the pain can change from aching to shooting. When such unpleasant sensations appear, it is advisable to reduce activity, rest more and not make sudden movements.
  7. The appearance of pain in the coccyx and lower back. These pains also occur due to a significant increase in the size and weight of the uterus. An increased load on the back leads to the appearance of such sensations. It is important to select comfortable posture for sitting and for sleeping, try to alternate periods of rest and physical activity, do not lift weights.

    Belly at 17 weeks pregnant Belly photo at 17 weeks pregnant

  8. Bloating and heartburn. The rise of the uterus leads to the displacement of a number of internal organs. Compression of the intestine provokes the appearance of heartburn and bloating. It is important to eat right and not eat too much food.
  9. An enlarged belly can lead to sleep disturbance. It becomes difficult for a woman to find a comfortable position for her body. Usually the most comfortable position is a pose on the side, when a small pillow is placed between the half-bent legs. It is not recommended to sleep on the stomach and on the back. When positioned on the stomach, pressure can be exerted on the child, and when positioned on the back, the uterus presses on the inferior vena cava, thereby disrupting the blood flow in the pelvic organs (this adversely affects the child's condition).
  10. Sweating, increased heart rate, weakness, cramps in lower limbs. Similar symptoms appear due to an increase thyroid gland, which begins to produce an increased content of hormones. These phenomena can be avoided by consuming enough calcium and other vitamins.
  11. Bleeding gums. This problem may occur due to an increased heart rate. You can solve it by rinsing your mouth with special solutions.

Fetal development at 17 weeks

At this time, the fetus is actively growing and developing.

The development of the child occurs in the following areas:

  • Body weight gain. At this time, the child is about 200 grams and reaches a length of 10 -14 cm.
  • The formation of the fetus's own immune system. The child's body begins to produce its own interferon and immunoglobulin, which allows it to protect itself from infection that may appear in the body of a pregnant woman.
  • The formation of a subcutaneous fat layer in a child, which helps to regulate heat exchange processes in his body.
  • A protective lubricant appears on the surface of the skin.
  • The skin of the child increases the level of sensitivity, especially in the area of ​​the buttocks and abdomen.
  • The formation of the heart is almost completed.
  • The adrenal glands produce hormones.
  • In girls, the uterus is forming.
  • The child begins to perceive harsh sounds, so it is advisable to avoid noisy gatherings and listening to music at high volume.
  • The baby perceives the emotional state of the mother, so it is important to try to experience only positive emotions and protect yourself from any negativity.
  • The laying of permanent teeth takes place.
  • The formation of the placenta is completed. The placenta performs protective function and ensures the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the child, removing processed products.

The presence of all of the above changes in the child's body indicates the correct development and compliance of the gestational age with 17 obstetric weeks.

baby at 17 weeks

If the mother has no complaints and medical indications, then at this stage of pregnancy there is no planned ultrasound.

Nutrition Features

The food that a pregnant woman consumes should be of high quality, fresh and balanced. During this period, the heart of a woman experiences an increased load due to the fact that it must ensure the life of not only the mother, but also the child.

Therefore, the body must receive a sufficient amount of nutrients to allow it to function fully. It is advisable to eat small portions several times a day ( optimal amount meals per day - 5 times), try not to overeat. The food itself should be balanced and contain all the vitamins and microelements necessary for the development of the child and the health of the woman. During pregnancy, a woman often decreases physical activity and this immediately leads to malfunctions digestive system due to the occurrence of so-called "stagnation". Therefore, after eating, it is recommended to take short walks in the fresh air, which will have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

  • Coffee Tea.
  • Acute.
  • Fatty and fried.
  • Salty.
  • Smoked.
  • Sour berries.

All of the above products lead to increased production of gastric juice, which negatively affects the well-being of the expectant mother.

Proper nutrition and avoiding overeating will help avoid problems such as heartburn, bloating, increased gas formation and constipation. It is recommended to consume cereals regularly, dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Also, nutritionists recommend including more soups and jelly in the diet. This food provides a lining inside the stomach that prevents heartburn. It is important to eat enough foods that contain iron in their composition. Iron plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells that carry oxygen into the blood. Equally important is the adequate content of vitamin D in the diet to reduce the risk of hypertension in a pregnant woman.

At the 17th week of pregnancy, a woman already quite strongly feels changes in her body. It is important to follow the recommendations of doctors and to conduct correct image life. Such an approach will not only provide proper development child and the successful course of pregnancy, but will also be the key to maintaining the health of a woman in the future.

Video - 17 weeks pregnant
