Conversation with parents “The role of communicative games. Consultation (middle group) on the topic: Summary of the parent meeting for parents of the middle group “Development of communication skills, or teaching children to communicate

Olga Elshina
Organization of work with children and parents on the development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age

This work is the formation communication skills in older preschoolers, increasing their level of interpersonal communication, as well as increasing the level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge parents on the communicative competence of their children.

Before us were the following tasks:

1. Developing Skills in Children communication with peers.

2. Development adequate evaluative activity aimed at analyzing one's own behavior and the actions of people around.

3. Development in children positive character traits that contribute to a better understanding in the process of communication, development group cohesion and a friendly atmosphere in the team.

4. Increasing psychological and pedagogical knowledge parents on the problem of communication.

given Job included two directions:

1) Work with children

2) Working with parents

Work with children began with the creation of conditions for a comfortable, emotionally favorable environment in the group. To do this, together with children came up with"carpet of the world" located in the play area. This allows children to resolve conflict situations through negotiations and conversations. Its very presence encourages the guys to abandon fights, disputes, replacing them with condemnation of problems with each other. It was also created "mood corner" And "traffic light" to trace the causes bad mood at children and its further correction. To track your mood children there was also a game "Tell your mood" using pictograms depicting various emotions.

Together with children, in the form of a conversation, we discussed the rules of communication between ourselves, what is possible and what is not. The interview was conducted in an easy game form, which contributed good mood children during the conversation and positive attitude on this topic. Also with children conversations were held about friendship and quarrels. After that we created a box Mirilka and learned from children texts"mirilok".

On development of communication skills games were played “Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show”,a game "Free place",a game "Broken phone", a game "Brook". To consolidate skills non-verbal communication games were played "Guess", "Sculptors". All these game exercises used for the purpose of motor emancipation children overcoming their constraint.

There were also conversations with children according to previously read fairy tales and stories: Russian folk tales "Swan geese", "Princess Frog"; « Magic word» V. Oseeva; "How the Elephant Saved the Owner from the Tiger" B. Zhitkova; "Baby and Carlson" A. Lindgren.

As productive type activities used drawing on the theme "Me and my mood".

One of important conditions effective work on the formation of communication skills in children is the involvement parents V educational process. By implementing work with parents, we took into account that "subject-subject" family relationships suppose:

Humane relations between spouses in the process of communication, indirectly

affecting relationships children;

humane relations between children, which are the result

educational activities parents.

Taking this into account, we offered parents two types of recommendations directed on: improving one's own interpersonal communication skills; formation humane relations With children in the process of communication and improvement of communication skills in children.

In the second direction, we organized different forms work with parents. Great importance was given advisory and educational working with families:

Conducting training consultations on the topic “Features communication skills of older preschoolers», "What is the culture of communication", “Joint activities of kindergarten and family for successful development of communication skills of the child».

Holding parent meetings"Interaction between the kindergarten and the family on the formation of speech culture"

Preparation of information booklets "Facilities development of communication skills» , "Role parents in the formation of communication skills»

Organization of family exhibitions"Making with Dad", "My friendly family".

This form was actively practiced work with the families of pupils, as an inclusion parents in direct contact with children:

Invitation parents for open classes

Attracting them to participate in children's holidays, leisure activities, theatrical performances, role-playing games;

Involvement parents in child-parent projects"My Pedigree"

During work could be noted, What parents actively involved in the activities carried out in the kindergarten. Children, after the weekend, were happy to talk about a joint vacation with parents, visiting museums, parks, exhibitions or just watching a movie together. Interest was noticed parents in this thread., their desire to actively participate in development friendly relations between children. Many showed considerable interest in the problem of communication children, asked for advice on what to tell the child in one or another conflict situation. Children, in turn, began to talk more parents about life in kindergarten, with whom they are friends, with whom they quarrel, who shares toys, and who, on the contrary, sometimes offends. Between parents and children, and between the peers themselves arose kinder, trusting relationship.

Related publications:

Didactic game on the development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age "Compliment" The purpose of the game: the development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age, the development of speech, both monologic and dialogic. Development.

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OOD on the formation of communication skills in children of senior preschool age "How we communicate" Objectives: to introduce children to non-verbal (non-verbal) means of communication - facial expressions, gestures, body movements, etc. To learn to perceive non-verbal.

Work experience "Folk tale as a means of developing communication skills of children of senior preschool age" Dear Colleagues! I present to you my experience

0 Conversation as a means of developing children's communication skills

Russia, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Surgut

MBDOU No. 47 "Guselki"

Deputy Head of UVR

Evgrafova E.A.

Conversation as a means of developing children's communication skills

Communication is the ability to communicate using facial expressions, gestures, speech, intonation, the exchange of feelings, emotions.

Without communication, a person cannot exist, because. this is his most important human need. Only in communication with other people does a person establish personal relationships, get to know another person. He can feel and understand himself, find his place in the world.

Necessity early formation The positive experience of children's communication is due to the fact that its absence leads to the spontaneous emergence of negative forms of behavior in them, to unnecessary conflicts.

Children strive but often fail to make contact, choose appropriate ways to communicate with peers, be polite, friendly attitude to them, while observing the rules of etiquette.

Difficulties in entering the children's community, insufficient ability to take into account the partner's business and play interests in joint activities lead to the impoverishment of the child's communicative experience, which bad influence on the nature and content role play, interpersonal relationships, determining his low status in the peer group.

IN younger age the foundations of communication are laid. This is the time when the child has the opportunity to master his native language, phrasal speech, when he gains experience of practical interaction with peers in a variety of activities.

For development communicative communication in our children preschool educators use a variety of methods and techniques. But the main form of communication development is conversation, since conversation reveals how great the need for children to express their thoughts is, how their language develops if the topic of the conversation corresponds to their interests.

In a conversation, an adult brings children around common interests. The conversation teaches the child to develop speech skills in a team.

The conversation proceeds as free activity, as well as directly educational activities. The topics of conversations are selected accessible to the understanding of children, taking into account their age and personal experience: "Good and polite words”, “On the mood”, “How to behave during a conversation”, “Defenders of girls”, “We didn’t share the toy”. These conversations teach ways of behaving that do not harm or upset others. Here the ability to ask questions, listen without interrupting, negotiate, yield and obey, reason, express one's opinion is developed. During the conversation with children, a trusting relationship is maintained.

A wonderful technique that creates the ground for conversation is joint drawing. Here you can determine what interpersonal relationships child with other people, then to influence these relationships, to influence the development of the child's personality. For example:

Here is the car. The car has two seats. You are going on an interesting journey. Who will you take with you? Why?

Mom and dad, brother, sister, etc. are sitting at the table. Show me where you sit. Why?

For awareness emotional state you can offer children drawing with paints “Drawing emotions with fingers”, or offer a collective drawing “Our House” (on big sheet a house is drawn in which the whole group could live). Everyone draws what they want. Here, children learn to negotiate and correlate their ideas with the plans of other children.

It is good to create interest groups where children enjoy making toys for play and personal needs. It can be dolls made of threads, cars and houses made of boxes, little men from natural material. This facilitates the cooperation of the child with adults and peers as an equal partner.

For practical interaction of children, collective games are used:

  • "Round dance", "Rolling the ball" - these games develop language ability;
  • “Glue stream” (glue rain fell, glued hands to shoulders - act together, one after another, overcoming obstacles: “Go around the wide lake”, “Hide from the evil beast”, “Overcome obstacles”);
  • “Polite brook” (children, holding hands, become pairs one after another, the remaining one, before choosing a pair, says some kind of polite word).

positive and effective influence render games in pairs. Here, children conduct a dialogue, learn to listen and understand a partner, develop a sense of responsibility for another person, a trusting relationship with each other:

  • "Guide" (one child leads another with eyes closed through obstacles)
  • “Palm to palm” (children press their palms to each other, and thus move around the room, overcoming obstacles);
  • “Stuck hand” (the hand “stuck” to the head of another, the head runs away, and the hand tries to keep up and vice versa).

Especially favorable conditions to establish contacts with peers, they are created in a dramatization game, where children take on roles and play out role-playing dialogues (“Why is that?”, “Took away a toy”, “Accidentally destroyed a friend’s building”, “Pushed”).

IN role-playing game the educator is included as an equal partner. Here, children learn to talk, cooperate, give in to each other, help, empathize.

Features of communication of a child of middle preschool age

Psychological studies have shown that communication between a preschooler and an adult has a number of specific features.

First, a preschooler often communicates with an adult situationally : in one situation - this is one child and one form of behavior, in another situation the same child changes dramatically. He moves differently, he talks differently.

Secondly, despite the situationality, a preschool child develops a certain style of behavior with different adults.

The third feature of communication between a preschooler and an adult concerns the fact that it gradually begins to take on a business (meaningful) character.

The main directions for the development of initial communication skills in children of middle preschool age:

Development of attention, interest in a communication partner;

Development of the ability to enter into contact, conduct a dialogue;

Development of non-verbal communication skills;

Development of interaction skills of children in a group;

Overcoming shyness in communication, games for bodily contact.

Examples of games to develop attention, interest in a communication partner

"Who's talking?"

Purpose: development of attention to the partner, auditory perception.

Children stand in a semicircle. One child is in the center, with his back to the others. Children ask him questions, to which he must answer, addressing the person who asked the question by name. He must find out who addressed him. The one whom the child recognizes takes his place.


Purpose: to develop the ability to provide positive signs of attention to peers.

Children become in a circle. The teacher, giving the ball to one of the children, gives him a compliment. The child should say "thank you" and pass the ball to a neighbor, while saying sweet words to his address. The one who received the ball says "thank you" and passes it next child. Children, saying compliments and words of gratitude, betray the ball first in one direction, then in the other direction.

Games for the ability to enter into contact, conduct a dialogue

P "Question answer"

Purpose: to develop in children the ability to answer questions from a partner.

Children stand in a circle. One of them is holding a ball. Having uttered a remark-question, the player throws the ball to the partner. The partner, having caught the ball, answers the question and throws it to another player, while asking his own question, etc. (for example: “What is your mood?” - “Joyful.” “Where were you on Sunday?” - “Went to visit with dad.” “What game do you like?” - “Vyzhigaly”, etc.).


"Talking on the phone"

Purpose: to develop the ability to conduct a dialogue on the phone on the relevant topic.

The topic is set by the teacher (for example, to congratulate you on your birthday, invite you to visit, agree on something, etc.).

Games for body contact

And "Let's join hands, friends"

Purpose: to teach children to feel the touch of another person.

The teacher and children stand in a circle, at a small distance from each other, arms along the body. You need to join hands, but not immediately, but in turn. The teacher starts. He offers his hand to a child standing nearby. And only after the child has felt the hand of an adult, he gives his free hand to a neighbor. Gradually the circle closes.

"Drawing on the back"

Purpose: to develop skin sensitivity and the ability to distinguish a tactile image.

Children are divided into pairs. One child gets up first, the other behind him. The player standing behind draws index finger on the partner’s back is an image (a house, a sun, a Christmas tree, a ladder, a flower, a boat, a snowman, etc.). The partner must determine what is drawn. Then the children change places.

Games for the development of non-verbal communication

"Body Parts Say"

Purpose: to teach non-verbal ways of communication.

The teacher gives the child different tasks. Show:

- as the shoulders say "I don't know";

- as the finger says "Come here";

- like feet capricious child demand "I want!", "Give me!";

- how the head says "Yes" and "No";

- as the hand says "Sit down!", "Turn around!", "Goodbye."

The rest of the children must guess what tasks the teacher gave.


Purpose: development of non-verbal ways of communication.

Each of the participants imagines that he is an animal, a bird, a fish. The teacher gives 2-3 minutes to enter the image. Then, in turn, each child depicts this animal through movement, habits, demeanor, sounds, etc. The rest of the children guess this animal.

Games for the development of interaction skills in a group

"Hold the item"

Purpose: to develop the ability to coordinate actions with a partner.

Children are divided into pairs. Couples compete with each other. The teacher offers to hold a piece of paper with their foreheads ( Balloon- stomachs) without the help of hands, moving along group room. The pair that has more long time holds the object.


Purpose: to develop group interaction skills.

Children stand one after another and hold tightly in front of the person standing by the shoulders (or by the waist). The first child is the “head of the snake”, the last is the “tail of the snake”. "Head of the Snake" tries to catch the "tail", and then dodges from it. During the game, the leaders change. IN next time The “head” becomes the child who portrayed the “tail” and did not let himself be caught. If the "head of the snake" caught him, this player stands in the middle. During the game, you can use musical accompaniment.

Grishina Elena Vladimirovna
Educational institution: MADOU kindergarten"Seagull", Nizhnyaya Tura, Sverdlovsk Region
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2017-02-19 Work experience on the topic "Interaction with parents on the development of communication skills in children" Grishina Elena Vladimirovna The work describes the experience of the institution in involving parents in the process of developing communication skills in preschool children.

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Work experience on the topic "Interaction with parents on the development of communication skills in children"


Deputy Head for VMR

Grishina E.V.

The family is a unique primary society that gives the child a sense of psychological security, “emotional support”, support, unconditional acceptance without evaluative. Therefore, the purpose of the preschool institution:

– optimal development of the child on the basis of pedagogical support of his individuality in a specially organized environment educational institution where the child acts as a member of the team;

- close cooperation between the family and the educational institution in matters of raising the child, his socialization in the conditions of the educational institution.

The family is the first stage of socialization, the first meeting of a child with a new world for him, the first school of communication with people, the first school of knowledge of the surrounding reality, so incomprehensible to him, the first school of acquiring concrete sensory experience. The family plays the main role in shaping the moral principles and life principles of the child. In the world of a baby, the main figure is an adult. It depends on the appearance of the baby's feeling of security or anxiety, joy or despondency. Children are largely dependent, and therefore it is important for them to be sure that adults are people who will come to the rescue at any moment, support, comfort and find a way to overcome any problem. In communicating with children and adults, the child masters the norms and rules of behavior, relationships, understands their expediency and necessity. If adults treat children with respect and express it clearly and consistently, kids quickly learn communication skills, the boundaries of desirable and undesirable behavior.

Statistics show that in those families where there is a close and warm relationship between mother and child, children grow up independent and active.

In the conditions of the family, an emotional and moral experience inherent only to it develops: beliefs and ideals, assessments and value orientations, attitudes towards people around them and towards activities. Preferring one or another system of assessments and standards of values ​​(material and spiritual), the family largely determines the level and content of the child's emotional and socio-moral development.

Despite their busyness and lack of time, parents must, with great responsibility, interest and desire, take Active participation in a child's life from early age. The time that we can give children is more useful and dearer to them than any toy.

The child needs not only organized activity in the garden, but Team work with parents at home. After all, parents are the authority for their child in everything, both in actions and in words. The attitude of parents towards children's affairs is of great importance. If a child sees an attentive, benevolent, but at the same time demanding attitude towards the results of his activities, then he himself with responsibility

The interaction between adults and children is diverse. It is carried out both at home and outside it. Communication brings joy to both children and parents. Therefore, the influence of the family on the formation of the personality of the baby is so great. The problem of communication between young children and adults is very relevant and topical.

The main principles of interaction with the families of pupils:

- Openness of the preschool educational institution for the family.

— Cooperation between teachers and parents in the upbringing of children.

– Creation of a single developmental environment that provides the same approaches to the development of the child in the family and kindergarten.

It's no secret that the joint activity of parents and teachers gives the most effective result in working with children. Parental opinion is the most authoritative for the child, and it is the parents who have the opportunity to consolidate the skills formed by teachers on a daily basis in the process of living, direct communication with your child.

In our kindergarten, a model of cooperation between child-parent and teaching staff: active interaction all participants in the educational process.

One of the most important directions in our work is the education and support of the family in the development, upbringing and socialization of young children. For the purpose of creating and effective interaction partnership community "children - family - teachers" we offer parents

In the work of increasing parental competence in the development of communication skills in children, different forms and methods of interaction are used in our kindergarten.

- Parent meetings "The need for communication: an adult is an example to follow!"

— Consultations “Playing at home”, “ Useful toys"," Joint games in winter.

— Interest club "Lullaby for babies"

- Educational magazine for parents " healthy baby”, where teachers offer practical material, and parents share their experiences family education and recovery.

- Days open doors"Let's get to know each other", "Children's health is a common matter"

— Club caring parents"ABC of communication", "Let's play with a doll"
— Round tables « Our fingers are playing, Modern parents»;

- Discussions "Teaching children to communicate", "Teach a child to be friends."

Creative tasks for parents. For example: We invite you to jointly write a recipe , which will help you build communication with your baby.

You are invited to take words - helpers from our "dictionary" and draw up a "Recipe for the desired communication of parents with a child."

"Dictionary": Accessibility, Parental Love, Authority, Responsibility, Recognition, Acceptance.

Take P _________, add P ___________ to it, mix with a certain amount of R __________ L __________ and D __________, add your own O ______, seasoned with loving maternal and paternal A _____________.

And now let's see what we got. Please read.

The recipe for the desired communication of parents with a child.

Take Acceptance, add Recognition to it, mix with a certain amount parental love and Availability, add your own Responsibility, seasoned with loving maternal and paternal Authority.

school age.
- Joint leisure, holidays "Come on, moms", "Dad can do anything." Parents are actively involved in preparing children, making costumes and attributes, and decorating the hall.

– Exhibitions of child-parent and parental creativity“Mom has golden hands”, “ Winter fun”,“ More fun together ”
— Issue of wall newspapers (to holiday dates, about kindergarten events) “Our mothers are the best”, “Defenders of the Fatherland”, “Our favorite animals”
- Creation of albums in the centers of the developing environment ("My little summer", "My family")

— Unscheduled individual conversations « Aggressive child”, “If the child is naughty”, “How to say goodbye, leaving the child in the morning”
— Recommendations for the study of pedagogical literature;
— Recommendations for use teaching aids;
– Consultations: "Cultural and hygienic skills", "Relationships with peers and adults" "I can do everything myself!" "How to teach a child to dress"

3. Hvisual-informational:
— Advertising and information stands “For parents about GEF preschool education”, “To the store for a toy”

— Video lessons on developing communication skills Series: Learning to be independent: “Learning to wash our hands”, “Learning to dress”. Series Developing game skills "dress the doll" "Put the doll to sleep", "Treat the doll"
- A selection of recommendations from teachers "Games for the development of communication skills", "Games for the development of emotions"

- Booklets "Raising a child begins in the family", "If soon in kindergarten", "Communication with young children"

- Presentations “Look how we play”, “Talk to me, mom!”

- Photo exhibition "In kindergarten we live together, have fun”, “We have fun with mom”, “Using household items to develop communication skills”

Exhibition of literature "Read and play!", "Tales and folklore for kids"
— The results of children's fine arts and constructive activity;
— Gifts and invitations for parents for the holidays.

The modern world is arranged in such a way that one of the conditions for the success of an individual is the ability to work fruitfully in a team, to find ways of interaction, mutual understanding with the people you work with. Only in harmonious cooperation, in a team, a kindergarten and a family can create best conditions for the socialization of children of early and preschool age

In communication, parents increasingly show love and care, demonstrating acceptance of the child. Necessary condition Developmental communication is the interaction between an adult and a child. It is in a situation of interaction, when the parent is focused on meeting the needs of the child, maintaining his interest, that the child feels his own importance, realizes his capabilities. By organizing interaction with a child, an adult takes responsibility for his upbringing, development, and future.

Target: help parents understand their children, take care of mental health your child; creating a favorable atmosphere of communication in the family.


- Introduce parents to the concept communication skills», « sociable person;

To acquaint parents with the principles and rules of communication with children;

Cohesion of the group, improvement of communication skills of parents;

Creating a positive emotional climate in the group.

Members: club chairman, teacher-psychologist, caregivers correctional groups, parents, children.

Preparation: Written invitations are distributed to parents two weeks before the start of the meeting so that they can plan their participation in the meeting in advance. (Annex 1).

Methodological support: microphone, projector, screen, video film "My family on a day off", multimedia presentation "How to teach a child to verbal communication", soft toy"Heart", booklets for each parent, an envelope with questions.


1. The game "European city"

The chairman of the club welcomes parents at the next meeting parent club « special child and invites everyone to say hello to each other.

To conduct the game, club leaders and parents stand in a circle. All participants are residents of the same city, who, having gathered in certain time in the square, greet each other in accordance with the strikes of the bell.

One strike of the bell - they greet with their palms, two strikes of the bell - they greet with their backs, three strikes - they take each other by the shoulders and gently shake them. The members of the pair perform each action with a new partner.

2. Discussion on the topic "Communication skills", "Communication with a child"

Host: Today we would like to talk with you about the communication skills of children. What do you understand by "Communication Skills"? Today I brought a "magic microphone" it will help us. Now the one who will have a microphone in his hands will express his point of view, as he understands what “Communication Skills” is. (Parents, in turn, pass the microphone and express their opinions on a given topic. The teacher carefully listens to all the statements and summarizes all the statements at the end).
Yes, you correctly said that communication skill is the ability to communicate with each other. What do you understand by communication? (parents' answers)

From birth, a person, being a social being, has a need to communicate with other people, which is constantly developing - from the need for emotional contact to deep personal communication and cooperation. Communication is not only simple conversations, but the feeling that you are expected, understood, loved.

Developmental delays in children with developmental problems communication activities. They have a reduced need for communication, there are developmental difficulties speech means communication. Communication with adults is mostly practical, business-like, and personal communication is much less common.

The communication of a preschool child with adults begins and is initially formed, first of all, in the family. It is the family that is the first school of education moral feelings child, social behavior skills. However, parents are not always skillful in interacting and communicating with their children.

To identify the difficulties that parents have in communicating with children, it became possible thanks to the questionnaire.

3. The results of the survey of parents "How do we communicate with the child?"

(The teacher-psychologist acquaints parents with the results of the survey "How we communicate with the child"). (Annex 2)

4. Parents watching the video “My family on a day off”, in which children talk about how they spend the day off with their parents.

5. Message "How to teach a child to verbal communication" with viewing multimedia presentation (Annex 3)

6. The rules of personal interaction with the child: "Not next to, not above, but together"

(Parents, having broken up into pairs with the help of a teacher-psychologist, analyze several positions of communication with the child and develop rules for communicating with him). (Annex 4)

7. The game "Learn a fairy tale"

Leading: Good bookthe best remedy communication between children and parents. All children love fairy tales, and now we will find out how well you, dear parents, know them:

Listened to the fox's advice:

Sat by the river until dawn.

True, I did not catch fish,

Only the tail, poor fellow, lost. ("Wolf and Fox")

The boy found himself in the jungle

And made friends with the wolves

And with a bear, and with a panther.

He grew up strong and brave. ("Mowgli")

In which Russian folk tale problems of housing are being solved, or, in an intelligent adult language, housing problems - public utilities? ("Teremok").

In what Russian folk tale did the brother disobey his sister, once violated the sanitary hygiene rules and paid dearly for it? ("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka").

In what fairy tale is a person, gray in all respects, carrying out an insidious plan to kill two persons and, only thanks to the timely intervention of the public, does everything end happily? (Ch. Perro “Little Red Riding Hood”).

He rose to the honey and managed to sing:

"I am a cloud-cloud-cloud, and not a bear at all." ("Winnie the Pooh")

In which fairy tale was the main character forbidden to sit on a stump? (Masha and the bear)

8. Game " Good words»

Presenter: Communication with a child is impossible without praise. Not a single day without praise. Let the child receive the first portion of praise in the morning before coming to kindergarten, in the evening on the way home, be sure to find an opportunity to praise him. Now we will find out “Who can praise a child longer?” (Parents, standing in a circle, pass each other a toy, while naming the word of praise, approval, love)

Host: We want to give you a booklet in which you will find 95 ways to tell your child "I love you!". (Appendix 5). There is one in the family dangerous enemy is boredom. Today we have prepared a gift "Home game library" for you. Here is a selection of games that you can play with your child at home and gently help him develop his communication skills. (Appendix 6).

9. "Envelope of friendly questions". (Parents pull out a note with a question from the envelope and answer it, the educational psychologist comments on the answers of the parents).


What do you do if your child invited friends home?

What do you do if your "treasure" does not obey you?

What do you do if your child asks for a toy at the cost of your entire salary?

What do you do if your child has torn new jacket?

What do you do if your child has poor appetite?

10. Homework.

Moderator: Dear parents, and as usual, at the end of our meeting, you homework. During the week, try to count how many times you address the child with an emotionally positive statement (joy, approval) and how many with a negative one (reproach, remark, criticism). If the number of negative calls is equal to or outweighs the number of positive ones, then not everything is going well with your communication.

11. Performance of children. (Children come out and read poetry).

Do not spare time for children,
Look at the adults in us
stop fighting and getting angry
Try to befriend us.

Try not to blame us

Learn to listen and understand.
Warm us up with your warmth
Let the house become a fortress for us.

Try with us, search,
Talk about everything in the world
And always invisibly guide
And help us in all matters.

Learn to trust children
Each step does not need to be checked,
Respect our opinion and advice,
Children are wise, don't forget.

Adults, rely on children
And love them with all your soul
In a way that is impossible to describe.
Then you won't lose your children!

Club President: The work of parents on themselves and their mistakes depends on understanding the meaning of the well-known worldly wisdom: "your health is in your hands." Applying it to the situation of family communication, we can confidently assert that psychological climate family, her spiritual health, the comfort of communication of all family members with each other, are in the hands of adults.

Annex 1

Annex 2


Dear parents!

Do you think the ability to communicate necessary quality each person?
- Yes

2. Do you pay sufficient attention to the problem of communication, or do you consider it unimportant?

- not always

No, I don't think this is an issue.

3. Do you find time to talk with your child?

- yes, always

- not always, because of the workload at work and at home

- very rarely

4. (If on previous question you answered "yes, always" - skip this point.)

Reasons that prevent you from fully communicating with your child:

- Lack of time

- these skills are sufficiently formed in kindergarten

- the child has no desire to communicate

- I find it difficult to answer, because. special attention never addressed this issue.

5. How much time do you communicate with your child?

- All free time

- from time to time

- don't communicate at all

6. Do you communicate with your child on an equal footing?

- not always

7. What tone do you use to talk to your child?

- calm

- not always easy to talk

- I always listen to the child and delve into his problems

8. Do you often, while doing your own business, only pretend to listen to the child, but do not hear him?

- never

- happens sometimes

- almost always

9. Do you have uniform requirements in the upbringing of children in the family?

- our requirements are not always the same

10. Please write what prevents your child from fully communicating with other people?





Annex 3

How to teach a child verbal communication

What to do if the child is significantly behind his age in the development of communication? If at 4 years old he cannot play with another person, and at 5-6 years old he cannot maintain a simple conversation? You can teach your child to communicate with adults. For this you need special classes for the development of communication. The nature of these activities depends on individual features and opportunities for each child. However, one can single out general rules organization of communication with the child.

This adult initiative. An adult should give the child communication patterns, lead him along, include him in communication. The child must be taught to be able to listen, understand and respond to the partner's statement.

Listen carefully child. It is possible that we listen to our children, but how effectively? Perhaps, in parallel, we also educate them, watch TV, talk on the phone. Such communication can hardly be called effective and successful. It is recommended to devote 15-30 minutes to communication with the child every day. At the same time, listen carefully, without being distracted by extraneous matters, react to this or that information (with gestures, facial expressions, ask questions) that your child tells you, ask again if you misunderstood something.

“Teaching communication” is better to start from the level that the child has already reached, i.e. from what interests him. It could be joint game which the child especially likes. At the same time, an adult must play the role of an organizer and participant in the game: monitor compliance with the rules, evaluate the actions of children, and at the same time join the game himself.

During the game or after it, you can involve children in a conversation on educational topics: tell them about the life and habits of animals, about cars, about natural phenomena, etc.

For example, after playing cat and mouse, you can ask children how a cat differs from a mouse and from a dog (according to appearance and in character) where she lives. It is better to accompany the conversation with the display of pictures illustrating the content of the stories.

Ask children more often about their knowledge, point to the correct answers, stimulate their own questions. It is important to remember that the task of such classes is not only to communicate new knowledge to children, but, most importantly, to develop their ability to communicate on cognitive topics. Ask questions that are not difficult and accessible to children. Choose topics that are interesting to the children themselves, and about which they already have their own knowledge and ideas, allowing them to be equal participants in the conversation.

The formation is different personal communication. Do not seek to bring down on your child an endless stream of thoughts, feelings and experiences. Give out information in "portions" so that your child has the opportunity to understand you, to digest the information. When discussing your feelings or any other intimate matters try to create a warm emotional atmosphere, sit next to each other, hug him. This will allow the child to relax and better perceive the information. At first, a conversation with a child can be based on his specific actions: how well you built a house today, or sang a song. At the same time, an adult must express and justify his attitude to the results of children's activities.

After that, you can offer the child a conversation on personal topics. It is advisable to start by reading and discussing children's books about events in the lives of children - about their conflicts, relationships, actions. Good material for such conversations, stories for the children of L.N. Tolstoy, Panteleev or fairy tales, in which the moral assessment of certain qualities and actions of the characters appears especially clearly. Exactly at preschool age children can and should understand what is good and what is bad, they must and can learn the concepts of good and evil. These representations are independent of social order And economic conditions. As before, good is kindness, help, sympathy, and evil is anger, cruelty, indifference to someone else's misfortune.

Unfortunately, in many modern cartoons and books for children, all these ideas are blurred and confused. The favorite characters of our children are often characters to whom it is difficult to attach certain ethical characteristics. For example, Spiderman, or ninja turtles, Pokemon. On the one hand, they are quite attractive, on the other hand, they are still not quite people and it is rather difficult to consider them a role model. Or, for example, the hero of the famous cartoon Shrek: on the one hand, he is a sweet and kind fellow, on the other, an ogre. Works of this kind do not provide the moral guidelines necessary for children and examples of the correct, obviously good behavior. Therefore, for personal communication, it is better to choose traditional, classical works, where positive and negative characters are clearly separated.

After reading the book, you can ask the child which of the characters he liked the most and why, whom he would like to be like. If the child cannot answer such questions, the adult himself must express his opinion and justify it. Gradually, you can translate the conversation from a particular book to any common theme concerning the life of the child and the children around him. At the same time, an adult should not only ask the child, but also be an active participant in the conversation: express his opinion about the conflicts and events taking place in a group of children, talk about himself, about his acquaintances.

You can think over and prepare in advance several personal topics that are necessarily related to real life child, with what he can recognize in himself and in those around him. These can be topics about the qualities of peers (about kindness, stubbornness, greed), about events in the child's life (going to work with dad, watching a movie, etc.).

Choose the Right Moment for a conversation. In order for the conversation to be successful and productive, choose appropriate place and time. For example, you should not start a conversation on a personal topic in a crowded and noisy place, just as you should not start it if you are both tired and do not have enough time to listen to each other. Never start a conversation when you are angry, otherwise your feeling will be immediately transferred to your child. Pause, cool down, and only then start a conversation.

It may be objected that it is good to engage in such conversations when there are no other worries. And what if the child does not obey, does not respect adults, is outrageous, rude, etc. That's where the real life problems are. But the fact is that all these problems, one way or another, are connected with the relationship between children and adults, and therefore with their communication. If parents understand the child well, know what interests him, know how to find simple intelligible words and ways of influencing, many problems may not arise. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to drop everything and arrange special “sessions” of communication. After all, you can talk about something important at lunch, and on the way to kindergarten, and on a walk, and before going to bed. This does not take much time, but attention to little man, respect for his interests, understanding of his experiences.

A well-known family therapist recommends hugging a child several times a day, saying that four hugs are absolutely necessary for everyone just for survival, and for wellness You need at least eight hugs a day! And, by the way, not only to the child, but also to the adult.

Appendix 4

Rules for personal interaction with a child
"Not near and not above, but together"

To fully communicate with children, let's look at three concepts.


The psychologist offers to go out to two parents. One member of the couple sits on the floor, the other stands in front of him on a chair.

Psychologist: after doing these actions, you will feel what the child sees, communicating with you, as he sees you.

CONCLUSION: people who communicate in such a position see others and each other in completely different ways. Best contact is established when the interlocutors not only see each other's eyes, but also when they occupy equal positions in psychologically: no one considers himself more significant, smarter than the other.


The psychologist offers a pair of parents to sit on chairs at a distance of 3-4 meters from each other.

Question to parents: - Do you feel comfortable communicating with each other? What did you feel?

Psychologist: Physical inconveniences will lead to psychological inconveniences: the contact is broken - you get sick of talking.

CONCLUSION: when the distance between the interlocutors is physically (metrically) large, contact between them is hardly possible.

Psychologist: At the same time, the child should not have feelings of loneliness, abandonment. There are children who love both short (they strive to “caress”, sit on their knees) and a long distance of communication. The distance of communication should be just such as to provide contact and freedom for the participants at the same time.


The psychologist suggests that a pair of parents try to talk, turning away from their interlocutor, and let him do the same.

Question to parents: - Is it convenient for you to communicate like this?

Psychologist: Often the children and I are in different spaces, each in his own. It is especially important that both you and the children want to be together, in the same space, so that mutual tact is felt, without violating at the same time the freedom and equality of positions. In other words, so that the children are “not near and not above, but together.”
