What will be the year of the astrological forecast

Astrological forecast for 2016 Aries

In 2016, representatives of the Aries zodiac sign will have to go through many difficult, aggressive and eventful days. In order to achieve success in all areas of life, representatives of this zodiac sign will have to put all their strength and capabilities. 2016 will not only be a difficult period for you. But also a very confusing time and therefore, above all you will need a lot of patience in any situation.

From the very first days of 2016, you will face troubles at work, and they will be directly related to your superiors. The most difficult will be the representatives of the zodiac sign Aries those who were born from March 22 to 27. If you can't handle your emotions and pour out all your aggression on your boss, then most likely you will have to quit. The most important thing is to control yourself and try to express your dissatisfaction less.

But also from the very first days of 2016, representatives of the zodiac sign Aries will have to go through not only conflict situations with your boss, you will also have to face a misunderstanding of your loved ones and friends, quarrels, scandals, even a fight and hospitalization is possible.

But, even in spite of everything that happens, you should know that if one door closes in front of you, then the second one will open, this is the law of life. And this suggests that, in general, 2016 will give hope to the representatives of the Aries zodiac sign, and you will hope and believe with all your might that everything will work out for you in the near future. Perhaps you will meet a person and he will offer you cooperation, or you will find a job that you will like much more than the current one. Creative representatives of the zodiac sign Aries in 2016 will also not have the best period, but you will also be able to discover in yourself new talent, which in the near future will bring you not only satisfaction, but also excellent income.

In the middle of 2016, all representatives of the zodiac sign Aries need to be extremely careful when meeting new people, and also be careful on the road, since this period is critical for representatives of the zodiac sign Aries, and many injuries are possible, and not only physical, but also soulful.

At the end of 2016, some representatives of the Aries zodiac sign will feel a little relief. It is possible that some representatives of this zodiac sign will start a romance that will bring a pleasant variety into your life after all the troubles. But do not relax too much, because not all representatives of the zodiac sign Aries are expected good time, during this period you may have problems with finances and you will have to devote most of your time to solving this issue. And also at the end of 2016, some representatives of the Aries zodiac sign will again receive physical, psychological and mental trauma.

In general, as mentioned earlier, 2016 for representatives of the zodiac sign Aries will be a very difficult and difficult period. And in order to avoid many problems, you have to make every effort to contain your violent and aggressive fervor. Talk less so as not to say too much and not to fly from work, and just be very careful not to end up in the hospital. One life and everyone difficult period, which will present you with fate, you must endure with special stamina.

Astrological forecast for 2016 Taurus

2016 for representatives of the zodiac sign Taurus will be the time to solve the problems that arose in the previous year. But it will not be easy for you to cope with these problems, since you will have a lowered energy background, which in many people often decreases precisely in spring period. But you can completely rely on the people around you, as they will not refuse to help you, because you also helped many of these people in Hard time. Therefore, your problems will not be indifferent to them. In 2016, your psychological and physical well-being will not be the best, and therefore many will sympathize with you and worry about you. And because of this attitude of others towards you, your self-esteem will increase.

At the beginning of 2016, representatives of the zodiac sign Taurus in the love sphere will also have to endure best moments. You may need to sacrifice something if you wish to maintain a relationship with your loved one, you will definitely succeed. Your soulmate will sincerely appreciate your deed and your desire to stay together. It is possible that some difficulties will arise and you will be able to solve them from the first step, but closer to the middle of 2016 you will be able to fully rely on native person and breathe easily.

Representatives of the zodiac sign Taurus, who have a secret relationship with a person, and you do not want to advertise this, then be prepared for the fact that closer to the middle of the month your secret relationship will become known to everyone. Also in the middle of 2016, the representatives of the Taurus zodiac sign will at one point spoil their relationships with friends and work colleagues. In order to at least smooth out this situation a little, try to restrain your emotions and this will help you avoid many conflicts. Representatives of the zodiac sign Taurus, who are connected family ties, in the middle of 2016 in a relationship they will feel the long-awaited harmony.

At the end of 2016, representatives of the Taurus zodiac sign will have to pay a lot of attention to their careers. In general, everything should turn out well, but it is possible that sometimes there will be negative influence from your partners. 2016 will provide an opportunity for representatives of the Taurus zodiac sign to solve many problems that have arisen since for a long time before this period. And this will not necessarily apply to the professional sphere, and you can also fix a lot in your personal life.

As for relationships with parents, we can say that 2016 will be a favorable period for representatives of the zodiac sign Taurus, who were at odds with their loved ones. If you decide to correct the situation and make peace with your parents, then do not delay time, you will definitely be understood.

Astrological forecast for 2016 Gemini

In 2016, representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign will experience many unforgettable events, but they will happen so quickly in your life that you will not be able to experience every situation as you would like. As for the professional sphere, there will come a period of stability and stability.

Also in this spring period, representatives of the zodiac sign Gemini in a love relationship will experience some kind of fatigue of the soul. But this will not stop you from achieving all your life goals. You will strive to quickly solve all the problems that will arise at your work, you will also try to change your attitude towards others and loved ones, and with all this you will try to increase your rating.

Despite the purposefulness of the representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign, it is not possible to say that 2016 will be absolutely cloudless for everyone. Many representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign will have to go through a lot of stormy clarifications that will relate to personal relationships, looking at everything that happens, you will not be able to foresee where it all will lead.
But, even despite this, you will look optimistically at all situations, you will feel perfect, give only joy and tenderness to loved ones. And if you contact close person or a friend for help and you will be able to help him in solving the problem, you will experience great satisfaction from this.

Also in 2016, representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign will experience completely new sensations. And to put it more clearly, it is possible that a very important person with whom you work and are under her leadership every day will fall in love with you, at first this may lead you into deep confusion, but after thinking about it, you will understand that you can have some benefit for yourself from these relationships.

After all, such a feeling as love on the part of the authorities can play a huge role in your career, so you will start using it. Just do not do it too intrusively so that all your actions do not play against you. Therefore, be extremely careful. If you touch material well-being, there is basically nothing to say here, no special changes are planned, everything will go according to your plan.

Astrological forecast for 2016 Cancer

In 2016 the moon will have a huge impact on the zodiac sign Cancer, therefore, representatives who are under this zodiac sign will have special luck during this period. In 2016, representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign will experience only pleasure from life.

Sometimes it will seem to you that your life is a real fairy tale. But representatives of the zodiac sign Cancer will understand that real life It is not simple fairy world, but simple gray everyday life with many problems. Therefore, you will enjoy every minute that will fill your life with only positive. In 2016, you will want to forget what real world, and you will try to make your life completely change for the better.

In 2016, all doors will be open for representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign, you will have many opportunities that you will constantly use not only in your work, but also in your personal life. But most importantly, you must understand that you need to wisely use the chance that fate has presented you. Your inner world will be filled with only positive emotions, and you will constantly feel how your living space. 2016 for representatives of the zodiac sign Cancer will be a great period in order to engage in self-improvement, go in for sports, which one you choose for yourself, since any of your activities will bring you only good results.

Throughout 2016, representatives of the zodiac sign Cancer will use their intellectual ability, which will help you quickly climb up career ladder. New interests and acquaintances will appear who will support you in any life situation. As for your inner world, then we can say that you will plunge into a certain world of dreams and perhaps you will discover many new talents in yourself that you will definitely use for the purpose of self-affirmation. Some representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign will understand that they can draw, sculpt, compose perfectly, and will be a little upset, but not because they were able to discover these talents in themselves, but because they could not do it before. Professional area will only please you and all your ideas will be very quickly translated into reality, especially if you find like-minded people who will support you.

In the middle of 2016, representatives of the zodiac sign Cancer will use their ambitions for their own purposes, which will fill their lives. bright colors which they lacked so much in this life. You are also expected great attitude with your boss and work colleagues. Don't stop at goals achieved keep improving and take active actions in all matters that can make your life even more colorful and interesting in the near future.

At the end of 2016, representatives of the zodiac sign Cancer will begin to rapidly change their personal lives. Because of your impatient expectation of an unknown feeling, your head will spin, but not because of poor health, but this will happen because of waiting for sweet moments of happiness. The inflaming passion will completely own your heart and soul. And so during this period personal relationships You tend to idealize everything. But you should never forget that such wonderful life moments do not always happen, so you will soon have to return to the real world anyway. And perhaps after such intense and bright days in your personal life, you will feel confused, as mentioned above, every sweet moment can be replaced by bitter moments of despair. In love, everything is never always smooth, as two different person in any case at some point have disagreements.

In 2016, representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign will show a little greed, but this absolutely does not apply to material things. You will greedily treat every minute of happiness you live, you will desire more and thanks to the positive energy that you will radiate during this period and your perseverance, you will definitely succeed. It is also a great time for you to change your image, bring something new to your appearance, completely change your wardrobe, expand your circle of interests, this will give you special chic and attractiveness.

Astrological forecast for 2016 Leo

In 2016, representatives of the Leo zodiac sign will have to deal with all the exciting problems. This period of time will be very instructive for you. 2016 will be great time for young representatives of the zodiac sign Leo, new opportunities will open up for you, studies will improve in schools, universities - oh, you can also freely go to courses to improve your skills. And for more mature representatives of the Leo zodiac sign, 2016 will be a period of wider ranges, that is, you will absolutely change your outlook on all life situations, you will learn to control emotions, and many representatives of the Leo zodiac sign will discover in themselves creative personality. Perhaps you will understand that all your life you have devoted yourself not to the profession that was destined for you by fate. Representatives of the zodiac sign Leo are under a strong solar energy, and first of all, you will need to understand your creative energy in order to use it correctly and direct it in the right direction. Representatives of the zodiac sign Leo will only seek best results, not only in the professional sphere, but also in personal life. You will make every effort to reveal your inner world and expand your knowledge as much as possible. But in 2016, you should not completely change your whole life. Do not run from one dream job to another, during this period it is better for you to stay at your current job and achieve career development, it’s also not worth changing friends, no one will understand you better than old friends, try to discover something new in everything old that will help you be successful in the near future.

2016 for representatives of the zodiac sign Leo portends many long trips, you may have to go somewhere several times, as well as new prospects await you, and they will affect not only your personal life, but also your professional activities. Because of all the changes, your mood can change dramatically, since you will be constantly in psychological stress, if you grab onto everything at once, then you will not be lucky. And the young representatives of the Leo zodiac sign should also be more prudent in their actions, because if you want to gain new knowledge and succeed, then you also should not take on all the cases at once.

In 2016, representatives of the zodiac sign Leo, who planned to relax in the other direction, should postpone their trip for a while. It is better to invite friends to nature, take a tent, a fishing rod, and relax calmly in the fresh air by the fire, this will affect you much more favorably. For representatives of the zodiac sign Leo, who love extreme sports in 2016, you can also go to nature if you want to conquer the mountains, which means that this period will be a time of victory for you. You will be able to overcome any obstacle, so good luck to you and do not be afraid to relax as your soul desires. That's just not worth going to rest far, as mentioned earlier.

In 2016, the zodiac sign Leo will be influenced by the planet Saturn. Therefore, representatives of the Leo zodiac sign will feel very confident, you will be able to overcome any difficult situation. During this period, you will feel harmonious and calm. You can learn a lot and thanks to this you will achieve good results, and you will also enjoy authority from your friends and work partners. In general, 2016 for representatives of the zodiac sign Leo will be a good period in order to gain faith in themselves!

Astrological forecast for 2016 Virgo

2016 for representatives of the zodiac sign Virgo portends a lot of changes, you will get many opportunities from above, thanks to which you will improve your life. Changes will concern not only the professional and financial sphere, but also personal life. During this period, representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign will have the opportunity to draw up a profitable plan that will help in the implementation of further, life prospects.

most main problem in 2016, for representatives of the zodiac sign Virgo, you will be constantly knocked down from your main directions, friends, work colleagues will turn to you with various requests, and will ask you to help in solving their problems.

During this period there will be different situations and events that will lead you astray, but representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign know exactly what they want, and therefore you can achieve main goal. And most importantly, people who will ask you for help will not only lead you astray, but also try to help you. Moreover, they will do this with great desire, since you cannot refuse them help in solving their problems.

As for love relationships, then we can say that in 2016 the representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign will have to spend a lot of time in order to correct many of the mistakes that you made in the recent past. And this will also apply to your soul mates, they will also be given the opportunity to correct their mistakes that were made in relation to you. Relations with your loved one during this period will be filled with love and harmony, you will only need to try a little and everything will work out in your relationship.

As for material well-being, representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign need Special attention turn to this area, especially in the first months of 2016. In general, 2016 for representatives of the zodiac sign Virgo will not be a bad period, so if you decide to change something in your life, then you can calmly, and with confidence you will definitely succeed in taking on this business.

Astrological forecast for 2016 Libra

Many representatives of the zodiac sign Libra in the previous year implemented their plans, which in 2016 will bring their own good results. It may not only be related to work. Some representatives of this zodiac sign will have a baby, someone will direct all their efforts to a new business and reap fruitful results, some will finish writing a dissertation. These are the changes that await representatives of the Libra zodiac sign in 2016.

Just try not to overdo it too much, resolve all issues calmly at a moderate pace in order to bring each case to a brilliant result. Be sure that any business that you decide to complete will be given to you with ease, and the most important thing for you is not to rush.

In 2016, representatives of the Libra zodiac sign are not recommended to make big purchases, for example, to buy a house, and also less trust secrets to people with whom you do not know much. Some representatives of the zodiac sign Aries will be blackmailed. But since you are under the sign of the zodiac Libra, you tend to be restrained and therefore in any situation, even if it is not very pleasant, you will show calmness and prudence.

In 2016, representatives of the Libra zodiac sign will have to undergo several changes in the professional field. That is, the first half, for example, can be successful, and the second not so much, or vice versa. So keep an eye on what's going on.

In the second half of 2016, representatives of the Libra zodiac sign need to correctly allocate time so that they have enough strength for loved ones and work. If you, while doing your professional activities, forget to pay due attention to loved ones, then you will face conflict situations with your loved one, children and parents. Therefore, everything depends on you! Also, representatives of the Libra zodiac sign, who are engaged in risky business, will have good fruitful results in the second half of 2016. You can afford to relax, and if you wish, you can go to the resort town.

In general, 2016 will be an absolutely happy period for representatives of the Libra zodiac sign, and no matter what critical situation befalls you, you will definitely cope with it, and this situation will not leave any traces in your life. Some representatives will have a baby. And if you decide to tie your life in marriage in the second half of 2016, then be sure that your family will be very happy.

In general, 2016 for representatives of the zodiac sign Libra will be a real fairy tale. You will get absolutely everything that you decide to take on, success, luck, love will accompany you throughout 2016.

Astrological forecast for 2016 Scorpio

2016 for representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio portends a lot of good and pleasant moments. Everything will happen unexpectedly for you, and your inner world will only be filled with good twists of fate. positive energy. But in spite of everything happy minutes, transferred by you during this period, you will not get rid of your duties at work, and therefore you will have to devote a lot of time to your professional activities, perhaps even your work will seem a little boring and tedious to you. You can only be reassured by the fact that thanks to your efforts and patience, many of your desires will come true during this period. Ordinary and monotonous family relationships filled with piquancy, vivid feelings and variety. In general, each representative of the zodiac sign Scorpio in 2016 will be rewarded by fate, but naturally, as much as you deserve it.

Basically, representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio are constantly striving for improvement. interpersonal relationships, as well as romantic, and therefore 2016 will give you only love and attention. You will constantly think only about the good, and go to your dream, but naturally 2016 will not make you wait long, and you will get almost everything you wanted during this time. During this period, fate will become your main talisman in your life, it will take care of you, arrange for you many pleasant and random encounters, in general, all your dreams will abruptly begin to be realized and become a reality.

But still, in everything that happens, some dangers await you. Representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio, because of such vitality, will bring their body to exhaustion, as they will be too emotional about everything. So be careful, try not to splash out all your energy on all life changes, as you can bring your body to illness. Remember that sometimes you need to take care of your health, because no one else will do it except you.

In 2016, some representatives of the Scorpio zodiac sign will achieve significant success in the professional field. But this will happen only if you do not put your work in second place. Be prudent and careful in all your actions. Your daydreaming, in which you will be during this period, may prevent you from concentrating. In addition, try to plan several new projects for 2016, which you must bring to good result this year, as these projects will influence your further professional activity.

Perhaps in 2016, representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio will want to go on vacation. Do not think, you will absolutely right move because rest has never harmed anyone.

Astrological forecast for 2016 Sagittarius

In 2016, representatives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign will have to go through hard way. In general, you will overcome all the obstacles that will constantly pop up in your path, but you will not achieve any special success during this period. You have to rely only on yourself and your strengths, if you do not make the necessary efforts, then nothing good will happen in your life during this period. But if in 2016 you decide to rest and restore your strength, then there will be no obstacles for this. Also, everything written above does not mean that the whole of 2016 will be a very difficult and unpleasant period for you, it all depends on you. By at least, fate will provide you with many opportunities that you must use in time to achieve your goals. Your inner world during this period will be rich in various desires, and this suggests that you will constantly look for ways to satisfy them.

Representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius, who are constantly on the lookout, will definitely find something, even if it will minimally affect their lives. If you confidently go to your goal, you will definitely find exactly what you need, and not just what will turn up on your way at this moment. Then 2016 can be considered a very successful period for you. And if you are completely satisfied with your life and do not want to change anything, then do not say that you should close yourself in the house and do nothing, then help your friends change something and arrange your life as best as possible. The thought that you will be engaged in such an exciting and reckless business will give you special pleasure and, perhaps, all the same, it will push you so that you can achieve something in your life.

Many representatives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign, who still decide on life changes in 2016, will experience one positive. You will meet many new people along the way, you will want to be in the company of friends as much as possible. Whatever company you get into, you will always be in the center of attention, as during this period you use your ability to communicate and your cheerful disposition. Many people will begin to reach out to you, which will greatly affect your future future. Also in 2016 you can fully rely on your friends and loved ones. You will be surrounded by special care, warmth and sincere understanding, thanks to this you will feel a surge of huge vitality to help you deal with any difficult situation.

But also you do not forget that, perhaps, someone will need your support or advice. Therefore, be more attentive to your family and friends, treat them with gratitude for the fact that at a difficult moment for you they helped you and support them just like they support you.

Astrological forecast for 2016 Capricorn

In 2016, representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign will have to go through many passionate and eventful days. Everything that happens will be connected not only with professional activities, but also with personal life. During this period, if a person treats you with disrespect, it will cause you stormy and hot emotions. In 2016, representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign will be very vulnerable in terms of love, sometimes you will feel like an abandoned and unprotected kitten, this feeling will cause you many complexes that will greatly affect your intimate relationship with a partner. You will begin to show jealousy, and you will treat your loved one as your own thing, and such relationships cannot last long.

Therefore, you risk being abandoned. In 2016, representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign should not enter into a new relationship, because in such an unbalanced state of mind you will not figure out what feelings you were attracted to this person. And if you are a family representative of this zodiac sign, then get ready for the fact that in the near future your soulmate will pour out on you all the negativity that she has collected over the previous year. Perhaps your loved ones will start to be very demanding of you. In general, in 2016, representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign will not experience any special relaxation, since all the situations that will occur during this period will keep you in psychological tension.

In the middle of 2016, representatives of the zodiac sign Capricorn will be drawn to adventure. You will also try to achieve location among your work partners and superiors. Perhaps you will discover a new talent in yourself and decide to prove yourself as a creative person. If it happens that you are not quite able to achieve what you wanted, then be sure your friends and loved ones will not leave you at a difficult moment and will always support you. That's why good mood And positive attitude for the following prospects you are provided. Perhaps you will be sent on a long business trip, and if you want to get not only benefits from this trip, but also have a great time, then you will have to spend a little money.

At the end of 2016, representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign will begin to be very active in their professional activities, inspiration will visit you, and you will almost instinctively solve all the problems that arise. You will feel some power over your employees, but be careful, because not everyone will be able to understand that this is just a temporary phenomenon that your pride has given rise to. Your actions and attitudes towards others can become a very difficult obstacle to your further success and opportunities. Therefore, try to be reasonable and adequate in your actions, understand that your biased attitude towards people will put a big bullet on your career.

Astrological forecast for 2016 Aquarius

In 2016, representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign will meet new people who will help them realize all their plans. None unexpected surprises this period will not present you, but different pleasant meetings And positive emotions You are provided. by the most good time spending for you will be communication with your friends and soulmate, and not only your work partners will also show a special interest in you, which will make your relationship with them more trusting.

If we touch on material well-being, then we can assume that 2016 for representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign will be a very good and fruitful period in this area. At the very beginning of the month, you will not be able to fully recover the money spent, but you will already know exactly how you will do it in the near future. The most important thing is that you will implement all your projects using only your intuition, that is, your inner voice will tell you what to do in a given situation. Also in 2016, Aquarius expects representatives of the zodiac sign unexpected gift or remuneration, you may get a pay raise.

In the middle of 2016, the representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign will want to expand their knowledge in order to use it in another field of activity that you have never done before. As you gain new knowledge, you will immediately direct them to your chosen new additional profession. Also, using their powerful potential, representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign will be able to achieve success in their projects even faster. Communicating with others, you will show how high your mental development, and this will attract special attention to yourself.

You will be welcomed everywhere, as you will be a very interesting person for others, and from your conversations they will draw for themselves a lot of new and useful information. Also in the middle of 2016, some representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign, due to their good qualities, will attract the opposite sex. Perhaps even a close relationship. You have to learn many new and vivid feelings, and if you are in this moment you will have a connection with another person, which means that you will be comprehended by thoughts that throughout all this time you were not at all with the person with whom you would like to connect your life.

At the end of 2016, representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign will feel a slight decrease in efficiency, and therefore you will try to set yourself up for more vigorous activity. This period will provide you with all the opportunities and therefore you should not relax now. The most important thing is not to rush into your decisions, because if you make a mistake, then your future prospects will be under great threat, perhaps all your plans will simply fail. The best option for you in this situation, this is a sober self-esteem, learn to control your emotions, and be sure that you are already halfway to success.

Astrological forecast for 2016 Pisces

People who believe that representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces are suspicious, inconsistent in their actions, then we want to refute this opinion and say that you are absolutely wrong. Representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces always calculate their every step, they are very attentive and serious about their actions, so you should not speak so badly about the representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces. In 2016, for representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign, new period in life, many secret reserves of your body will open up for you, which you have not even suspected to this day, they will help you cope with difficult moments in life. You will have a second wind, and you will optimistically begin to make changes in your everyday life. But even with such strong inner qualities that you possess, some disappointments will befall you. Your mood will change from time to time, perhaps some kind of struggle will begin with your inner world. But this will not globally affect your life, you just need to understand what you really want and how much it is possible to fulfill your desires.

2016 will bring some changes to the character of the representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces. And thanks to this, you will have great power will, you will treat yourself very demandingly, and even in the most difficult life situations you will control yourself. Therefore, you can easily achieve success, not only in the professional and financial sphere, but also in your personal life. You can turn each of your shortcomings so that the people around you will consider you simply perfect person, that is, we can say that you and your character is a solid dignity. Sometimes people who will communicate with you will feel embarrassed, because you will go too far, and your dignity will grow into a great sense of pride, and pride has never painted a person, especially if it manifests itself to your friends and loved ones.

In 2016, representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces will be subject to everything, that is, every business that you undertake will burn in your hands. All luck and trump cards during this period will be on your side. But there is one “but”, you must properly dispose of this luck and use it during it.

In 2016, representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign are not recommended to go on long trips, especially if you have to travel abroad for work. Try to postpone this business trip until next month. And during this period, concentrate your attention on achieving the goal, it does not matter with which sphere of life it will be connected.

The end of 2016 for representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign will also be a very favorable period. The most will come for you important time which will give you many possibilities. You can fulfill any of your dreams. Only in the aisles of the reasonable, because life is still not a fairy tale. You must understand what 2016 brings to you good chance, in order for you to turn your life around the way you want it and you will definitely succeed, the most important thing is to be confident in your actions so that, having changed something in your life, you do not want to return everything back.

And it promises to be unusual, unexpected, very bright and memorable.

The monkey will come into his own February 8, 2016, then the new lunar year will begin

The Monkey likes to be first all the time, wants to learn as much as possible and seeks professional recognition. This year you will need endurance and inner strength the will to get what you want or to cope with life's troubles.

Especially now will guide those who have quick and inventive mind, whose work is closely related to research and the search for new solutions.

Scientists, explorers, adventurers and extreme lovers get a chance be realized this year. However, people of all professions should now strive for progress, then success and recognition will not be far off.


Aries this year will not be particularly satisfied with the state of affairs and will want a lot review in your life. You may have a desire to return to the past, go on foreign trips where you have already been, or communicate with those whom you have not met for a long time.

An important event of this year for you will be retrograde movement of your planet Mars co the second half of April to the beginning of July 2016. This period can be marked by inhibition in your affairs and undertakings more than any other sign of the Zodiac, because Mars is your most important planet. The retro movement of Mars will be especially marked by Aries working in the field of tourism, education and surgery. We especially do not advise you to start new business and start new projects at this time. It is best to finish the work started in the past at this time.

Many Aries at this time may experience a feeling of apathy, there will be a feeling of stupor and the inability to move forward. Don't be scared! You need this period in order to review many of your affairs and plans and decide for yourself whether you really need it or maybe you should switch to something more worthwhile. Your activity is now falling, processes are slowing down, and there will not be enough strength to achieve your goals. It will also be difficult for you to act in the second half of August, at this time we advise you to rest and relax more.

Aries born in the period from 5 to 11 April any year, freedom will be sorely missed this year. You will especially want updates and changes which you will be striving for. This year will be very important for you, it will change a lot in your usual way of life, it will bring changes that you did not even think about before.

good times for love:

good times for career, work and money:

good times for travel:

Turning points of the year change

Dangerous or bad times:


This year your planet Venus will not be retrograde and will have time to visit the signs twice Capricorn and Aquarius making a full circle around the Zodiac. This year cannot be called easy for you. Although you will push forward hard and choose the tasks that are most difficult for you, you may have serious obstacles that make you want to quit. Especially do not count on a good set of circumstances in bad times when you run into big obstacles.

This year you will have a lot of paperwork, you may have to resolve some issues related to documents, inheritance and negotiations with important people. Not excluded are also very unexpected news which will worry you a lot. Your social circle can only be reduced to the right people, and the state of finance will not satisfy you 100%.

Relations with partners will now come to the fore, but now you can’t wait for good luck in love. For marriage, this year is not quite suitable, as marriage may be premature and thoughtless, or your plans will not be realized at all.

good times for love:

good times for career, work and money:

good times for travel:

Turning points of the year change:


This year, you may feel that the desire for change will drive you and you will be able to change a lot in your environment through personal initiative. Do not rely on partners who can help you this year a lot to disappoint. Matters related to home and family, real estate and inheritance will be important.

This year could change a lot. working conditions, for example, there will be changes in your company, or you will change jobs altogether. You should be careful about your health, as it is not excluded unexpected problems, injury, stay away from electricity and extreme sports.

Lonely Gemini have every chance meet love. You should especially look at people from your circle of friends.

good times for love:

good times for career, work and money:

good times for travel:

Turning points of the year change: ,

Dangerous or bad times

Horoscope for the year of the Monkey horoscope for all signs


An important event of this year for you may be new acquaintances and connections. Your social circle may change completely, and you may also break up with some people from your inner circle. Traveling and moving this year will be quite frequent, but you should be especially careful in dangerous periods year and, if possible, generally postpone travel on these days.

Changes are waiting for you professional field, and if you put in enough effort, you may even move up the corporate ladder to a higher position.

If you were born during from 8 to 14 July, this year will be quite difficult for you. Your life may cool change, events will knock you out of your usual rut and bring a lot of unwanted changes.

good times for love:

good times for career, work and money: February 7-14, November 28-December 2, 2016

good times for travel:

Turning points of the year change: March 9, 23, May 5-13, September 1, 9, 16, 2016

Dangerous or bad times:


This year you have every chance to significantly move up the career ladder. This year should be used to improve your status, prestige and authority. You can get a new long-awaited position or find Good work on which you can perfectly realize your abilities. Your personal charm, diplomacy, the ability to speak beautifully and convince will help you advance. When searching new job be confident and don't show that this job is the dream of your life.

However, your career aspirations may not please your partners, who are now will be neglected. If a career is your goal, try to properly explain to them how important what you are doing now is for you. If you are not working and especially do not want to pursue a career, now is the time to find some interesting hobby or an activity to your liking, pay more attention to children and their development.

Lonely Lions have a chance unexpectedly meet an interesting person which can play a significant role in life. However, be careful: a relationship that starts unexpectedly can also end unexpectedly, and a breakup can be quite painful.

If you were born from 8 to 14 August of any year, this year will be very memorable, bright and unusual for you. You can open channels of creativity. Which you didn't know about before. In your life there will be a lot of new.

good times for travel: July 3, 4, 9, 10, September 20-26, 2016

Turning points of the year change: March 9, 23, September 1, 16, 2016

Dangerous or bad times: January 1-7, March 1-8, April 4-9, May 29-June 4, July 5-8, August 28-September 2, December 7-10, 2016


This year will be important to you partnership issues and social activities . If you are a public person, expect a lot of events in your professional activities. If your work and activities are not directly related to the public, you can spend a lot of time to your partners and relationships with them. Relationships should not be negative. Rather, it is building relationships, surrounding yourself with new interesting people. Lonely Virgos have every chance to meet love and have serious relationship, up to .

Here's to traveling this year it will be hard: Possible travel delays, flight cancellations, obstacles different kind. Especially we do not advise now to go on trips by sea means of transport, and also avoid any extreme sports.

good times for love: May 9-13, July 10-15, August 24-29, 2016

good times for career, work and money: February 23-25, March 20-27, July 8-11, July 17-19, November 12-15, 2016

good times for travel: February 3-7, April 11-15, August 21-22, October 9-11, 2016

Turning points of the year change: January 5 and 25, April 27, May 23,August 30, September 22, December 19, 2016

Dangerous or bad times: January 18-31, March 28-31, June 18-23, July 5-7, August 6-8, 2016


Your relationship with partners this year will not be too cloudless. Unlike Virgos, who will be able to significantly improve their relationship with partners, on the contrary, you have many chances to spoil them. Everything, of course, depends on your desire. save or break existing relationship. Those Libra who are in search should not be overly active in this direction. Be careful with new acquaintances and do not trust too much the first person you meet.

This year you may have urge to move. Those who rent housing can change their place of residence, and it is possible that this can happen even several times.

It will not be easy in the professional sphere: a lot of urgent matters, important complex tasks.

If you were born during from 9 to 15 October any year, get ready for what this year might bring you many unwanted changes, will become quite tense.

good times for love: January 25-30, June 23-27, August 23-27, September 25-30, 2016

good times for career, work and money: February 25-29, April 13-18, July 13-20, December 20-25, 2016

good times for travel: February 3-10, May 3-10, August 20-27, 2016

Turning points of the year change: February 6, April 19-22, June 3, 4, 30, September 17, November 25, 2016


This year, the role of communication will increase, the immediate environment may change. With some people you will quite difficult to communicate. Be especially careful with your closest relatives - brothers or sisters, with whom there may be quarrels and disagreements. You will often visit and invite guests to your home. This year, you may want to somehow decorate your home, update the design, make repairs, or at least move the furniture in the apartment.

You are most likely to be move and move frequently. Also this year there will be issues of education and advanced training. You may want to attend some courses or want to read more. This year does not promise you any serious career advancement.

good times for love: January 15-18, February 4-7, April 9-13, July 4-7, September 15-19, 2016

good times for career, work and money: January 25 - February 3, November 25 - December 2, 2016

good times for travel: February 1-13, November 15-30, 2016

Turning points of the year change: January 3, March 6, May 27, August 3, September 27, November 9, December 19, 2016

Dangerous or bad times: April 13 - July 4, August 20-23, October 25-30, 2016


This year, your main thoughts will occupy family, children and home. Single Sagittarius can start a family or seriously think about it, while family people will devote more time to their families. Questions may arise regarding real estate and other housing issues. You may have to solve problems related to these issues, conclude contracts, sell / buy real estate, do repairs, home improvement, etc. Improve your living conditions it will be more difficult, but with good indicators of a personal horoscope, it is quite possible.

In personal life will not everything is clear. You may encounter deceptions, disappointments. Partners can be confusing and complicated relationship, it will be difficult for you to understand them. Deception and betrayal by partners are possible.

Sagittarius born from 8 to 14 December any year, will be able to use happy opportunities that this year will unexpectedly present to you. You will be able to solve problems that were unsolvable in the past, look at the world from a completely different perspective. There will be many new things in your life.

good times for love: February 6-10, May 6-11, June 28-July 2, August 21-28, October 26-23, December 20-25, 2016

good times for career, work and money: February 7-14, November 28-December 2, 2016

good times for travel: February 3-6, April 7-14, July 3-10, August 21-22, September 24-25, October 8-11, 2016

Dangerous or bad times: March 16-23, May 19-26, October 1-7, November 20-27, December 19-26, 2016

2016: forecast for the signs of the zodiac for the year of the Fire Monkey


This year you should have at least one important trip abroad. There may be cases involving foreigners, foreign companies, or people who have come from afar. This year is very good for raising the level of education, entering new educational establishments, advanced training or self-education. It is also good now to resolve any legal conflicts, disagreements.

In the professional field, you will desire move up the career ladder because it seems to you that you have already stayed too long in one place. For major bosses, this year promises a strengthening of the situation, and for those who do not aspire to power and leadership positions, there are chances to improve financial position and prove their professional viability to superiors.

For Capricorns born in the period from 7 to 12 December, this year will be quite difficult and stressful. Can be harsh and unexpected changes. It is very likely that you will have to solve some difficult problems unexpectedly. Be especially careful with your health, do not take risks!

good times for love: February 25-29, April 13-18, July 13-20, December 20-25, 2016

good times for career, work and money: November 27 - December 3, 2016

good times for travel: February 1-13, November 15-30, 2016

Turning points of the year change:


This year, career will not be of paramount importance to you. Most of the time and effort you will spend on family and home. Replenishment is not excluded in the family, and single Aquarians have a chance to meet love and start a romantic relationship.

This year you will be inclined to express disagreement on any issue, why you may have a lot of problems with those around you. There may be conflicts with partners (personal and business), up to a break in relations.

You may have to master something completely new and unknown. However, this year not suitable for promotion up the career ladder. If you will lead trial, the outcome of the case will be very unexpected for you.

good times for love: February 29 - March 2, July 26-31, November 1-4, December 22-25, 2016

good times for career, work and money: November 27 - December 6, 2016

good times for travel: February 1-13, November 15-30, 2016

Turning points of the year change: March 21-28, August 9-17, 2016


This year you will want to lead more solitary lifestyle, hide their intentions and plans. It is likely that you can engage in some kind of secret activity, or your income will become unofficial. This year will especially lead to those Pisces who work in closed institutions, hospitals, charities or places of detention.

Although this year does not promise you a big breakthrough in the field of career, you will be able to achieve good results in your business. Traveling this year will be difficult, there may be any obstacles.

This year you have a chance to acquire many useful connections, establish relationships with partners, improve social status and increase personal popularity. The sympathies of other people will be on your side, so you have every chance to realize many of your ideas.

good times for love: January 27-30, March 15-20, March 8-13, June 22-27, September 26-October 1, 2016

good times for career, work and money: February 7-14, November 26-December 2, 2016

good times for travel: February 3-6, April 7-14, July 3-10, September 24-25, October 8-11, 2016

Turning points of the year change: June 10-17, November 16-23, 2016

Dangerous or bad times: June 10-19, August 20-26, 2016

According to eastern horoscope, 2016 will be the Year of the Fire (Red) Monkey. This symbol is a metaphysical embodiment of the anthropogenic factor. Year of the Monkey Eastern calendar starts February 7, 2016 and ends February 27, 2017. What to expect in the Year of the Red Monkey? According to the theory of five elements (in Chinese, Wu-xing), the natural elements of the Monkey are metal and water. The metal is associated with gold. Water is associated with wisdom and danger. Thus, in 2016 of the Monkey we will deal with diverse financial events. The monkey is smart, mischievous, cunning and vigilant. If you want to successfully invest money, then you need to outsmart the Monkey.

Metal is also associated with the wind. This implies that for all signs of the zodiac in 2016, events will change very quickly. Measure seven times before you change something in your career, business, relationships. The symbol of 2016 - the Monkey - symbolizes special way existence, rise above the world of animal passions and reign in it, but without subordinating the surrounding reality to their desires and being in harmony with the Universe.

In this respect, Eastern philosophy is much deeper and more metaphorical than European. For the signs of the zodiac, the horoscope for 2016 predicts that in 2016 the stars and elements will patronize explorers, scientists and adventurers - everyone who denies everything static and strives for constant change everything that surrounds us. The 2016 horoscope for the signs of the zodiac and the year of birth notes that, regardless of profession, each of us can (and should) strive for sustainable progress, which can be expressed in different ways. Some of the signs of the zodiac will clean up the courtyard of their house, someone will build a skyscraper, and someone will conquer Everest. Moreover, it is impossible to say who more is a researcher. Many areas of activity require such outstanding qualities as perseverance, will, fine calculation, etc. In 2016, new horizons will open up for each of us. And the more we strive for success, the better the possibilities of this world will open for us.

If we talk about the patronage of the stars, it is hardly appropriate to single out the element that will clearly dominate in 2016. Each zodiac sign has its own traits and characteristics that you should pay attention to. For example, in 2016 the fire signs of the zodiac - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, who are known for their temperament and emotionality, will be surprised to discover the possibilities of psycho-mental (emotional) energy, which will receive an additional impetus due to the increasing dynamics solar energy in 2016. However, it is better to spend the provided opportunities not on parties, but on more rational and reasonable things. Before watermarks zodiac - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces in 2016 will rise a number of challenging tasks relating to the esoteric side of life. Most likely, in 2016 you will try to fulfill your old dream. In other words, for the water signs of the zodiac, 2016 will be a time for awareness, implementation and acceptance of certain knowledge that does not come to every person who is interested in them. It is important to realize that, according to the horoscope, 2016 will bring almost limitless opportunities in the field of spiritual development but the responsibility will increase in direct proportion to the growth of consciousness.

For the zodiac signs of the air element - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, the horoscope in 2016 predicts the raising of issues related to love relationship. Of course, here much depends on the individuality and the specific arrangement of the planets in your personal horoscope. 2016 will be full of romance, tenderness, love and sincerity. You may experience unexpected disappointments, but don't worry - everything will be as it should be. Moreover, even if a loved one has left you, this is not a reason to lose control of your life. Maybe you and your partner are just not right for each other.

Representatives of the elements of the Earth - the signs of the zodiac Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, as the horoscope predicts, in 2016 will be less influenced by the stars than other signs of the zodiac. However, it would be reckless not to mention the strong beneficial effect Jupiter on representatives of this element until September 2016. In general, we can say that Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn will do well, especially in the field of finance and business management. Of course, we must take into account some individual aspects. In other words, if you do nothing, you are unlikely to get anything. You know, fulfilling a sacred duty towards the family is not only about washing dishes or going to the park together. Moreover, in 2016, the signs of the zodiac of the elements of the Earth will experience some radical changes associated with spiritual evolution.

In a global sense, humanity should expect many surprises from 2016, which will be impossible to predict in advance. The events and problems of the distant past will have a great influence, and the mistakes that were made then will receive an unexpected development in the present. Therefore, if you plan some goals in the new year 2016, then try to plan everything and put it on the shelves in advance, so that the path to achieving them is not confusing, but as simple as possible. Alas, as the horoscope for 2016 predicts according to the signs of the zodiac, the main feature of 2016 will be instability, which will affect absolutely all areas human life: economics, politics and finance. It will not bypass the souls of people either, so truly global cataclysms should be expected. But although for some signs of the zodiac this year will seem rather difficult and unsuccessful, all the processes that will take place in it are very plastic, and, if desired, they can be sufficiently turned to global benefit. This applies not only to each individual person, but to the whole society as a whole. We wish you that in 2016 you will forget about all the problems in your life, give the opportunity to every moment in your life to be full of love, tenderness and happiness!

Aries. Interpersonal relationships are key point this year. A recurring theme throughout 2016 will be working with people and finding compromises on values ​​and resources. Let's face it, Aries loves to be bossy, but this year it's about teamwork and creating something in common with other people. You may find yourself in a situation where you have to pool resources or even hand over control of something to which you are very closely attached to a group or team. You will have to learn how to get what you need from other people, armed with patience: relationships need to be nurtured like a tender plant. When things go wrong in a relationship at home or at work, you must consider the traits of your character that are reflected in your opponent. The way you may have voluntarily or unwittingly treated others in the past can cause big problems in relationships in the current time. Be careful with those to whom you open up, to whom you express your concerns, as sympathies quickly change. The horoscope for 2016 predicts to Aries that this year can become really productive if you learn to bypass or completely eliminate the obstacles that arise in your life path.

Calf. It will be big year for Taurus, a time of increased opportunities, creativity, recognition. The auspicious trine of Jupiter will be a pledge positive change and visible movement up the rungs of the social ladder. True, starting from September (or rather, from the 9th of this month), the patronage of Jupiter will disappear, so it is advisable to realize your ambitions before this date. But one cannot but agree that 8 months of luck out of twelve is a lot and, in any case, enough to have time to set goals and find resources for their implementation. Interesting influence Mars will have on Taurus. He will push them to a deeper worldview, forcing them to put into practice the principle “in suffering the soul is perfected”. Of course, Taurus should not be afraid of any suffering in the literal sense. The point here is that in moments of anxiety and grief, one should not be angry at everyone and everything and not give up, but try to treat negative events wisely, analyzing them and realizing that everything in life is given to a person for his good.

Twins. 2016 will not be the easiest year for Gemini. You will have to pass both “strength” tests and patience tests. Opposition will arrange this school of life for Gemini transit Saturn. Therefore, it is advisable to hide ambitions until better times and remember that “the soul must work”. Gemini needs to learn to be tolerant of difficulties, it is better to forget about pride altogether. The goals they have set for themselves will almost certainly require adjustment, and this is also worth taking into account. Among other things, it is impossible to avoid negative impact squaring Jupiter, which will force you to rely only on yourself, not expecting the favors of fate. This moment is especially important, since any aspect of life can require a responsible attitude - both the sphere of relations, and professional activity, etc. A calm period will begin around the fall. The key date is September 9th. From this day forward, Gemini can count dark stripe completed life.

Cancer. The year for Cancers will be marked interesting acquaintances, new projects (or responsibilities) in the workplace, and financial growth. Although it must be admitted that they will not be able to experience feelings of euphoria on this occasion, because these changes will occur in not quite comfortable conditions. In particular, the belligerent mood of Cancers can spoil the general atmosphere of what is happening. They will work hard, make plans... This, of course, will have a positive impact on their well-being, but at the same time it will create risks of stress. And Cancers should understand that “nervous fatigue” and “ bad feeling” for them in this case will mean not a formal description of ailments and fatigue, but very specific health problems, which are also fraught with consequences. However, having made the appropriate “organizational conclusions”, Cancers will completely cope with them and will be able to find a compromise between normal physical well-being and the achievement of professional goals.

A lion. The planets and stars are unequivocally favorable to Leos. In 2016, they will have many opportunities to prove themselves, to expand their sphere of influence. Saturn, which will be in friendly Sagittarius throughout the year, will become a constant source for Leo. positive energy and promising ideas. And the extremely positive vibrations of Uranus will allow luck to become their companion for almost the full year 2016. In the professional sphere, Lions also cannot be denied success. True, this will be true in full measure for those of them who will be able to sufficiently organize themselves and show diligence. Moreover, these Lions can count not only on the recognition of their worthy professional level, but also on impressive financial results. And it should be noted that there will be by no means few such lucky ones, for favorable Saturn is generous with resources and promising opportunities. And by the way, it is 2016 that should be considered the most promising in terms of opportunities to achieve more high level welfare.

Virgo. The general mood and pace for 2016 will be set by Jupiter, which will stay in the sign of Virgo for 8 months (until September 9), and then move into the sign of Libra. And this pace will be quite good and fruitful. True, Saturn will intervene in this idyll in Sagittarius, which will bring some emotional stress making them insecure. But still, this year promises to give them many favorable opportunities and a chance to implement previously conceived projects. Virgos will have to give up useless habits that have no value or benefit. Although such habits usually tend to be very reluctant to let go of us. Therefore, it is advisable for Virgos to be patient and try to look at the world optimistically, without irritation. Career in 2016 will be one of the successful aspects of Virgo's life. In general, Virgos in 2016 will be full of energy, determined and purposeful. Professional activity will become for them not just a job, but also one of their favorite hobbies. For financial transactions, you will have to choose the right moment. The fact is that starting from January 8 and ending on May 9, Jupiter will be retrograde. At this time, you can continue and complete what you started earlier. But it’s better not to take on new projects, just as you shouldn’t make large spontaneous purchases.

Scales. The year for Libra promises to be quite successful and productive. They will become stronger, wiser, bolder. Particularly positive and promising period will become recent months 2016, when Jupiter comes into its own on September 9th. At this time, Libra can begin the implementation of new projects without fear of any “footsteps”. True, it is necessary to warn the representatives of this sign that from time to time Pluto and Uranus can create prerequisites for problems. However, Libra, it seems, “on the shoulder” will be any difficulties. And in any case, it’s not worth getting too upset about life’s difficulties; after all, it would be absurd to expect that for 366 days life can be absolutely cloudless and ideally dynamic. The financial affairs of Libra will experience ups and downs. Summer will be the most dangerous in this sense. At this time, they need to be as careful as possible about any papers that they have to sign. In general, any emerging financial problem should be resolved as quickly as possible.

Scorpion. The year promises to be not very simple, but interesting and rich in emotions. Interesting events will begin to take place almost from the very first days of the year, and basically it will take place under the “auspices” of good luck and positive. There is no Scorpio who could not boast of excellent potential - both physically and intellectually - and 2016 will provide each of the representatives of this sign with the opportunity to reveal it with even greater strength. Moreover, June and July will be especially active, when Mars will be in Scorpio. At this time, the energy will simply go off scale, forcing you to assert yourself, defend your own “I” and experience satisfaction from progress. Jupiter will have a very favorable effect on Scorpions for at least three quarters of the year (until September 9). In many ways, it is thanks to this that they will be able to move forward, realizing the prospects and opportunities that open up before them.

Sagittarius. 2016 for Sagittarius is a time rich in events. Much of what is happening will be unambiguously pleasant and positive. However, at times it may seem to Sagittarius that fate decided to “teach them about”. To some extent this will indeed be the case, for it will be impossible for them not to feel Saturn and Mars retrograde. However, this teaching will pass gently and rather painlessly. In any case, representatives of this sign will not only not suffer from such “study”, but will have the opportunity to draw conclusions that are by no means uninteresting for themselves and acquire very useful experience. Those of Sagittarius who will be able to demonstrate wisdom, patience and reasonable determination will achieve impressive results this year. 2016 will force Sagittarians to be more active than before. On the one hand, the quadrature of the transit Jupiter will force from time to time to overcome obstacles on the way to the goal (that is, you will have to strain, and not calmly go with the flow). In terms of finance, the year promises to be quite satisfactory. At the beginning of the year, however, spending may exceed income, but this not very easy period will soon be replaced by monetary stability and normal level prosperity.

Capricorn. Capricorns will remain true to themselves in 2016. They will strive forward, set goals and try to achieve them. And I must admit that they will be very good at it. In any case, until the first ten days of September, inclusive, Jupiter will reliably protect them. After that, however, difficulties may arise, but Capricorns are strong and persistent and will be able to cope with them. So all the difficulties will be quite surmountable. Several significant events can occur during the year. Not the fact that all of them will be positive and pleasant. But it's no secret to anyone that useful experience is not always acquired through joy and pleasure. And the main thing in this “process” is the result. However, in fairness, it must be admitted that next year there will be much more pleasant events and Capricorns than negative ones. Some of the Capricorns will be able to climb the next step of the career and, accordingly, the social ladder. And those of them who are planning a new business in 2016 will almost certainly get a chance to successfully implement it. Closer to winter, you should be wary of problems and obstacles in achieving professional goals. Therefore, already at the beginning of the year, Capricorns should tune in to the fact that by the end of the year they will not have to relax, but, on the contrary, work even harder. But about financial side they don't have to worry about their lives.

Aquarius. 2016 for Aquarius promises to be rich in impressions and events. They will have many chances to become versatile, generous, more organized. It would not be an exaggeration to say that in the end they will turn out to be more holistic natures than at the beginning of the year, having also acquired even greater authority and wisdom. All these gifts will be presented to Aquarius in next year benevolent Saturn. The stars advise: at the beginning of the year, as well as in June-July, representatives of this sign should stop running their lives and have more rest, not forgetting to think about the main issues for human existence in parallel. The professional sphere, presumably, will not become a reason for Aquarius to serious problems or misunderstandings. On the contrary, they will be able to show their best qualities- organizational skills, common sense, commanding respect ambition. And if Aquarians do not behave too presumptuously and begin to be attentive and respectful to recognized authorities, not neglecting their advice and recommendations, then their affairs will go absolutely wonderfully. There is, however, one “but”. Aquarius, most likely, will not be able to commensurate their income with expenses. They often don't have enough money.

Fish. 2016 will be a time for Pisces to gain experience, useful conclusions. The opposition to their sign from Jupiter will force them to do this, regardless of personal desire and mood. And they will also be able to learn to set realistic goals for themselves and find successful means and ways to solve them. Maybe, reading this, some of the Pisces will grimace in annoyance. Like, to overcome something again, to learn something ... One can rightfully object to this, firstly, that gaining new experience and gaining support under one’s feet is very good, and secondly, what to argue with the stars and planets is useless, and since you still have to live according to the rules established by them, you need to try to extract as much benefit from this situation as possible for yourself. However, starting September 9, Jupiter will move into Libra and take a neutral position with respect to Pisces. And they will immediately “let go” - the view of the world will become easier and more optimistic, and many of the anxieties that have stirred the soul will recede.

May the coming year, no matter what, be happy for you! Health and success in everything!
