What can cause fingernails to peel. Folk remedies for nail foliation

A rare girl can boast of strong and beautiful nails and at the same time admit that she does nothing to make them look well-groomed. The lack of systematic care affects the nails in the most negative way. sloppy appearance nails - this is not so bad. It is much worse when the nails begin to exfoliate. This causes significant inconvenience: the exfoliated nail clings to nylon tights, silk dresses, leaves arrows and elongated threads. Agree, not pleasant. And the thinned nail begins to bend, kinks form, which can cause pain. In such a situation, you need to immediately take the most decisive measures, hide your laziness away, gather your will into a fist and start acting.

Many are interested in the question of whether it is necessary to turn to professionals and treat exfoliating nails. Without a doubt, medical supervision and drug treatment- this is heavy artillery, which will "raise the dead to their feet." In fact, it all depends on the reasons that cause the foliation of nails. In some cases, the nails exfoliate due to the presence of a fungal infection, here you can’t do without a doctor, since you can get rid of the flaking of the nails only by applying special ointments and medicines. Fortunately, this does not happen often, usually the causes of nail foliation are commonplace:

  • filing nails with iron files and moving back and forth;
  • low-quality nail polish;
  • using acetone to remove nail polish;
  • an unbalanced diet with insufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium;
  • an excess of calcium. Yes, yes, a lot does not mean good in this case, with an excess amount of calcium in the body, the nails become brittle;
  • impact household chemicals when the hostess neglects household gloves.


To get your nails back to normal, enrich your diet useful products: fruits and vegetables, dairy products. It is necessary to abandon fast food, semi-finished products, products containing gelatin. If the nails exfoliate, it means that the body lacks vitamins B, A, E, as well as trace elements - magnesium and calcium. These substances are found in large quantities in cottage cheese, hard cheeses, fermented baked milk, kefir. Emphasis should be placed in nutrition on fish, eggs, cabbage, seafood.

Additionally, you can take vitamin preparations: each vitamin separately from each other or all together as part of multivitamins. Just remember that not all manufacturers take into account the compatibility of vitamins, and multivitamin complexes may be ineffective.

home remedies

At home, the foliation of nails can be defeated with the help of various baths. Of course, as with any treatment, regularity of procedures is important. If the condition of the nails is such that it bothers you a lot, it is better to take baths in a course for two weeks, the frequency is daily. As preventive measures It is enough to do nail baths once a week.

  1. Often nails exfoliate due to lack of moisture. In this case irreplaceable means to restore the structure of nails - oils. You can take castor, olive, sesame, burdock oil, in short, any that is at hand. You need quite a bit: a small drop of oil on each nail. Rub in in a circular motion. After several such procedures, the nails will look much better, and the newly growing nails will be strong.
  2. Another simple remedy is baths with sea salt. You will need one teaspoon of salt per bath. Doing this bath every day for ten days in a row, you will notice a change for the better.
  3. After making a few baths with lemon juice, you can notice a great effect. You just need to squeeze half a lemon into a bath of warm water and hold your fingers in it for about fifteen minutes. You can use iodine in the same way by adding a few drops either directly to water or to an oil you prepare to rub on your nails.

These are the most effective and proven remedies for lamination of nails.

Are your nails peeling and breaking? Do beautiful manicure became impossible? To cure nails and return them to an attractive appearance, we recommend that you make baths according to the recipes given in this article.

For modern woman it's okay to take care of yourself. And she can start to really panic if her nails begin to exfoliate and break. Obviously, this problem is complex, in order to solve it, one visit to the nail salon will not be enough.

Why do nails peel?

If the nail plates become brittle and exfoliate, it will be very difficult to make a beautiful manicure. But this is not the most a big problem about which a woman should worry. Skin, hair and nails - indication internal state organism. Therefore, if the nails ceased to be strong, faded, changed color, or spots appeared on them, you should think about your health and lifestyle.

The causes of cosmetic defects of the nail plates can be as follows:

  1. Avitaminosis. Lack of vitamins in autumn winter period or in early spring may affect appearance.
  2. If the nails exfoliate, which vitamin is lacking? Delamination, tarnishing, slow growth of the nail plate speaks of a deficiency in the body of vitamins A, D and E
  3. Malnutrition. A strict diet can negatively affect the condition of the nail plates. For their health and normal growth a person needs balanced diet, within which he will receive all macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), as well as vitamins, minerals (especially calcium, silicon, magnesium and phosphorus), amino acids and other useful substances
  4. fungal diseases. Delamination and fragility are signs of onychomycosis
  5. Diseases internal organs . If the nails turn yellow and exfoliate, there may be liver problems. The yellowish tint of the nail plates can also acquire in the presence of any endocrine disease, for example, diabetes. If the work is broken thyroid gland, plates become brittle
  6. Bad habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol affects the appearance of a person literally from the top of his head to his fingertips.
  7. Wrong way of life. Lack of sports, physical inactivity, lack of sleep lead to metabolic disorders in the body and poor blood circulation. The nail bed is not nourished enough, the nail grows thin and brittle.
  8. stress. peeling nails on thumbs may be the result of nervous shocks and frequent experiences
  9. External damaging factors. Contacts with household chemicals, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, frost or wind are harmful to the skin of hands and nails, etc.
  10. Not proper care . Thins and weakens nail plate frequent use varnishes, especially if the quality is questionable, acetone-based liquids for their removal. Inept actions during the hygienic manicure procedure (cuticle cutting, filing and grinding) can also disrupt its structure.

IMPORTANT: If the child's toenails exfoliate, you need to check if his shoes are tight.

Nails turn yellow and peel. Treatment of exfoliating nails

Care for exfoliating nails is not limited to the procedure of hygienic manicure in a beauty salon. It should be comprehensive and include:

  • rejection of bad habits
  • medical examination to identify internal diseases, their treatment
    a visit to a dermatologist or mycologist to exclude onychomycosis;
  • normalization of the daily routine and nutrition (inclusion of vitamin-containing foods in the diet)
  • increased stress resistance
  • intake of vitamin and mineral complexes
  • use of gloves when working with cleaners and detergents
  • under conditions nail salon or at home, a course of caring procedures - masks, baths, massage

Tip: Nails Are Peeling What To Do
To strengthen the nail plate, you need to purchase vitamins for nails, skin and hair at the pharmacy, and not a general strengthening complex. Special preparations contain exactly that balance useful substances, which is necessary for beautiful and healthy marigolds.

How to strengthen exfoliating nails at home?

Damaged, brittle, dull, exfoliating nails need to be replenished with vitamins and other useful substances, not only from the inside, but also from the outside. You can organize it at home by making masks and nail baths.

Video: How to strengthen nails and get rid of nail delamination

For the preparation of caring, restorative and therapeutic home preparations, inexpensive and accessible substances and products are used: essential and vegetable oils, honey, gelatin, decoctions and infusions of herbs, sea ​​salt and cosmetic clay.

Baths for nails. Care for split nails

Home baths require some preparation:

  • remove old varnish from the nail plate
  • for the purpose of degreasing and removing excess moisture, a dehydrator or alcohol is used
  • make chemical or hardware hygienic manicure
  • do massage of hands, fingers, directly nail plates

Tip: Nails peel and break. What to do? Home baths will help! Depending on the components used, they treat onychomycosis, strengthen the nail plate, restore its structure, nourish with vitamins and minerals, improve the color of the nail and accelerate its growth.

RECIPE #1. Strengthening vitamin bath with olive oil.

Components for home remedy: olive oil- 100 ml, citrus or bergamot ether - 5 drops, lemon juice - 0.5 teaspoon; liquid vitamins A and E - 2 drops each.
Olive oil is heated to a temperature human body, alternately enrich it with other active components. Fingertips are dipped into the mixture for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, fingers are rinsed with a decoction of chamomile.

IMPORTANT: The oil bath moisturizes the nails and makes them more elastic, as it stimulates the production of keratin, the main structural component of the nail plate.

RECIPE #2. Honey bath for delamination of nails

Components for a home preparation: fresh honey, liquid - 2 tablespoons, egg- 1 piece, lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.
Honey is slightly melted, the egg is beaten into foam. Mix, add lemon juice to the mixture. The drug is applied to the nail plates, put on polyethylene gloves. After 10-15 minutes, wash off with water with the addition of citric acid.

IMPORTANT: The effect of honey bath- nutrition, hydration and treatment of marigolds.

RECIPE #3. Anti-inflammatory and restorative bath with chamomile

Ingredients for home remedy : chamomile flowers - 2 tablespoons, horsetail - 1 tablespoon, string - 1 tablespoon, water - 1 liter, liquid vitamins A and E - 3 drops each.
Chamomile, string and field horsetail are poured into a glass dish, poured with boiling water and infused until the water cools down to 40 ° C. Dip your hands in a water infusion of herbs for 20 minutes. After the procedure, you can not wash your hands, just wipe them with a napkin made of natural matter.

IMPORTANT: Chamomile is a strong antiseptic. It can also be used to treat fungal diseases.

RECIPE #4. Baths from the leaves of plantain against the foliation of nails.

Components for a home remedy: fresh or dry plantain leaves - 5 pieces, milk - 250 ml.
Milk is brought to a boil, but not allowed to boil, dry plantain leaves crushed into powder or gruel from fresh leaves are added to it. The bath should be infused for about half an hour. She is being filtered. The duration of the procedure itself is 20 minutes. After not, the hands are rinsed with water or herbal decoction.

IMPORTANT: Fatty warm milk improves the absorption of nutrients contained in plantain leaves.

RECIPE No. 5. Cleansing and strengthening soda bath

Components for a home remedy: water - 500 ml, soda - 1 tablespoon, salt - 1/2 tablespoon, iodine - 5 drops.
Soda, salt and iodine are added to boiled and cooled water. Dip your fingertips into the bath and hold for 10 minutes. Wash off with acidified water or a decoction of herbs.

IMPORTANT: Soda crystals gently clean the surface of the nails without injuring them. They become stronger and more elastic.

RECIPE #6. Bath with gelatin

Components for a home preparation: food gelatin - 1 package, essential oils of rose, ylang ylang and patchouli - 3 drops each, liquid vitamins A and E - 3 drops each.
Gelatin is prepared according to the instructions on the package, heated and cooled, oils and vitamins are added to it. The nails are dipped in the bath for 15 minutes, after which the drug is washed off with a decoction of chamomile and coltsfoot.

IMPORTANT: Gelatin envelops the nail plate and creates a laminating effect.

RECIPE No. 7. Bath with egg and castor oil to strengthen nails

Ingredients for home remedy: egg yolk- 1 piece, castor oil - 1 tablespoon, Apple vinegar- 1 teaspoon, glycerin - 1 teaspoon.
The yolk is beaten separately, then with castor oil, vinegar and glycerin are added to the mixture. Dip the nails in the mixture for 10 minutes, after which the hands are washed with acidified water.

IMPORTANT: Castor oil saturates the nail plate fatty acids, thereby restoring its structure.

It is necessary to make baths from brittleness and delamination every three to four days until the condition of the nails improves. Decorative manicure at this time is undesirable. The exception is gel polish for exfoliating nails, which has a strengthening and healing effect.

Trays from natural ingredients, strengthening the nails and improving their appearance, it is very easy to cook. According to many women, the effect of them is no worse than that of expensive salon procedures.

Video: Baths for nails. How to quickly strengthen nails

If you look at someone's hands very carefully, then from them you can determine not only how careful this person is, but also find out certain information about his health. If the skin of the hands is clean and smooth, the nails are pink and even, then this indicates good health.

When they begin to exfoliate and break, then the hands look unkempt and untidy. At the same time, a person loses self-confidence, involuntarily tries to hide his hands from the eyes of strangers. Such untidiness is often associated not only with cosmetic problems, but also with certain deviations that occur in the body.

The exfoliating uneven nail plate is a consequence of dystrophic changes in the structure of the plate. It gradually becomes thinner and splits into separate scales.

This condition is characterized by severe brittleness, brittleness, dullness, and dryness of the nails. They grow very slowly, the surface of the plate becomes rough.

This medical condition is called onychodystrophy . About how this condition is treated, as well as the reasons for this phenomenon we will talk in the article below.

If the nails on the hands exfoliate, the causes of this phenomenon can be associated with many factors.

However, to understand this phenomenon, you need to know about the structure of the nail. Its plate is made up of thin, tightly pressed horny plates, which determine the density, as well as interlayers of water, making it elastic. The nail plate has a large number of different trace elements - zinc, chromium, calcium, etc.

The nail plate grows when germ cells divide in the light part of the base of the nail, which looks like a crescent. The nail grows towards the free edge, gradually pushing the old cells forward.

The foliation of fingernails occurs under the influence of a number of various factors. At the same time, small cracks and gaps appear between the stratum corneum, and then a cavity appears that exfoliates the nail.

If the nails exfoliate and break, the reasons can be both external and internal.

External causes

Influence of external factors, impact chemicals, which leads to dehydration of the plate:

  • Often lamination is due to the fact that a person comes into contact with household chemicals, hot water, alkali, etc.
  • The use of varnishes containing .
  • Frequent extensions.
  • Improper removal of artificial nails.
  • The use of products with acetone to remove or dilute varnish.
  • Constant hypothermia or exposure to dry air.
  • Mechanical damage: n proper pedicure and manicure; atshiba, squeezing; Pprofessional injuries in musicians, people working with some machines and units, etc.

Internal causes

Often parents cannot understand why a child's nails are already starting to exfoliate at the age of 2. The answer to the question of why the toenails of a child or on the hands exfoliate is often precisely internal reasons.

  • Iron-deficiency anemia , which develops due to a lack of iron in the body.
  • Functional disorders digestive tract, liver, bile ducts, endocrine system, in which there is a violation of minerals and their distribution in the body.
  • Improper nutrition, when there is a lack of a number of proteins, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus in the diet. Very often, this factor affects the foliation of nails in children.
  • Skin diseases and conditions in which skin lesions occur. Since the nails are a derivative of the skin, their condition also worsens with such pathologies: red lichen, , congenital epidermolysis , fungal diseases of nails and skin.
  • Hormonal imbalance in adolescence, in time . At this time, there is a lack or, conversely, an excess of certain hormones.
  • Poisoning with heavy metals, as well as some drugs.
  • The period when minerals entering the body go to the fetus that develops. If there is a lack of a certain mineral, then the fetus takes it from the mother's body.

Psychological reasons

Often the answer to the question of why nails break is psychological reasons. Are determined the following reasons brittle nails:

  • Availability bad habit constantly gnaw them, knock them on hard surfaces, etc.
  • Onychotillomania pathological condition in which a person seeks to destroy own nails with any of the tools.
  • Onychophagia - uncontrollable biting.
  • Stress and.

Thus, there can be a lot of reasons why the nails on the hands of women break. And the condition can be improved only if the cause of brittle nails on the hands is correctly determined.

Conditions in which the nails exfoliate and break

In this state, a median or symmetrical leaf-shaped splitting of the plate occurs. Splits in the transverse direction only free edge, and its main part is not damaged. The nail may grow and not break, but its free edge becomes thinner.

  • occupational disease due to the influence of alkaline solutions;
  • aggressive influence of varnish, etc.;
  • injuries that are constantly repeated;
  • improper manicure;
  • the influence of polishing tools that are used during manicure;
  • low quality varnishes;
  • x-ray;
  • congenital epidermolysis .

Sometimes the color changes to off-white or grayish. Most often, the plates are affected on the index, ring and middle fingers.

Treatment of brittle nails in this condition consists in long-term use vitamin A , ingestion of a solution of gelatin 10%, injections.

A disease that has a trophic character. The plate is separated from nail bed. As a result, the nail plate completely or partially exfoliates from the side or from the free edge.

  • occupational injuries;
  • influence of alkalis or acids;
  • various skin diseases eczema , psoriasis , streptoderma and etc.;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • fungal infections;

The nail plate peels off and becomes white-gray.

Both one and several plates can be affected, on any fingers, including on the legs.

Treatment depends on the cause and severity of the lesion. Using scissors, the detached nail is removed, after which a bandage with synthomycin ointment. It is also recommended to lubricate the affected area Castellani liquid . During the treatment period, vitamin A and gelatin should be taken orally.

appear on the nails longitudinal furrows, they start from the free edge, then split in the longitudinal direction. The process is complicated by the appearance of deep cracks.

  • lichen planus ;
  • eczema ;
  • psoriasis ;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • lack of vitamins.

On the affected plates, alternating stripes appear, light and dark. Fingernails and toenails, one or several plates can be affected. The use of vitamin A for 1 month is shown.

In this condition, the free edge of the nail plate breaks off, and the top layer of the nail or all of its layers is destroyed. As a result, the edge of the plate becomes uneven, resembling a fringe.

In this condition, the nail fold is often damaged. When the free edge is neatly cut off, the plate looks healthy. However, as it grows back, the nails become thin and brittle again.

If a person has too thin nails on the hands, the reasons can be both external and internal.

  • incorrectly done manicure;
  • influence low temperatures and chemicals;
  • endocrine disorders.

The color of the plate does not change, only its free edge becomes transparent or whitish, chipped plates are visible on it. As a rule, all nails are affected.

If the nails exfoliate, what to do depends on the problem that provoked such manifestations. In any case, if a person notices that for a certain time the nails on the hands or feet are exfoliating, and the free parts of the nails are breaking, it is important to visit a dermatologist or mycologist.

But in some cases, only a specialist gastroenterologist or endocrinologist can tell about what to do if the nails on the hands exfoliate, having discovered during the study internal cause such problems.

Sometimes it is necessary to examine the plate for fungus, trace elements, and often the doctor prescribes laboratory analysis blood, hormonal studies.

The doctor can prescribe effective treatment only after determining the cause of the problem. Therefore, advice on if the nails exfoliate, what to do at home, is far from always relevant.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes some medications to improve the condition of the nails. As a rule, biologically active additives, complexes of vitamins and minerals are prescribed. However, for those who are interested in what to do so that the nails do not exfoliate, it is important to consider that such products should be used for at least one month. Only in this case, you can get a positive effect.

Proper nutrition

In addition to medicines, for those for whom the question is relevant, how to strengthen the nails so that they do not exfoliate, it is important to take care of proper nutrition. It is necessary that the diet contains a sufficient amount of protein foods, vegetables, fruits, as well as foods with high content calcium - dairy products, green leafy vegetables, nuts.

Carrying out salon and physiotherapy

If the nails are constantly breaking, what to do, you can ask the cosmetologists. In beauty salons, special procedures are carried out that activate blood flow and accelerate regrowth.

  • This effect can be achieved with the help of special procedures - wax and paraffin applications. To carry out such a procedure, warm softened wax or paraffin is used, which is applied to the nail plate and soft tissues nearby, hold for about 20 minutes. It is necessary to take into account those who have brittle fingernails that such procedures can be done at home.
  • Professional nail care allows you to improve the condition of nails and give them healthy look. These treatments include aromatherapy, nourishing masks holding a hand massage.
  • Special equipment Japanese manicure also effective. It involves massaging the hands, rubbing jojoba oil into the fingers, and then - water massage hands At the end of the procedure, a mineral mask and a special polishing powder are applied, which contains beeswax.
  • Nail sealing procedure - if the nails exfoliate strongly, and there is a need to completely renew the plate. During the procedure, a salt bath is made, the plate is treated with a grinding file, oil with vitamins and vitamins is rubbed into the nail. natural wax. After the procedure, the effect of it lasts about 3 months.
  • Vitamin A Ultraphoresis and E - a procedure that allows you to "deliver" the necessary vitamins directly to the tissue. The procedure is carried out in courses, 10-15 sessions each. A month later, you can conduct a second course of sessions.
  • Diathermy - the procedure consists in warming the distal hands in order to activate metabolic processes and blood flow.
  • Hand massage - allows you to improve tissue trophism and speed up metabolic processes. As a result, the nail plates grow faster.

If you are worried about delamination, your toenails are crumbling, what to do, you should first of all ask your doctor. But even at home, it makes sense to carry out some procedures to improve the condition of the hands and nails.

  • First of all, you should not neglect hand creams that are used daily. When applying the cream, you need to carefully rub it into the cuticle area and each finger. It is better to choose products that contain vitamins, minerals, plant extracts. If the cream is applied regularly, the condition of the nails will improve. You can choose creams "Folk Healer", "DiaDerm", etc. The cost of such funds is from 100 rubles.
  • Healing varnishes - special varnishes for nails that exfoliate and break, contain growth activators in the composition, vitamins , other useful substances. They seal the plate, protecting it from external influences. Some varnishes are also used as decorative ones. The cost of such funds is from 120 rubles.
  • Wax for nails - protects against delamination. The composition contains beeswax, used at home. Price - from 130 rubles.
  • Therapeutic mud - they contain a lot of minerals, active substances. It is necessary to dilute the dirt in hot water to such an extent that it becomes viscous. After cooling to about 38 degrees, apply on the nails in a large layer and hold for about 15 minutes. Wash off the dirt, dip your hands in water with sea salt. Such procedures are carried out every day, for a week. After a while, the course is repeated.

Folk methods

Herbal masks

To prepare such a mask, any of the components must be crushed with a blender or grater. After mixing all the ingredients, apply the mask on the nails and distal phalanges of the fingers, hold for up to 15 minutes. The procedure should be carried out after a small massage or a warming bath.

The following masks are useful:

  • from cabbage and potatoes in equal proportions with the addition of cream;
  • from carrots, with the addition lemon juice and olive oil;
  • from cottage cheese and sour cream;
  • from bananas.

Wax film mask

It is necessary to melt the wax in a water bath, cool it to normal temperature. Next, dip your fingertips into the viscous wax and remove, waiting for the wax to harden. You need to perform this procedure before going to bed, and in the morning wash off the wax residue on your fingers with water. Do this procedure 2-3 times every week.


Activation of blood circulation will help improve tissue trophism. And this can be achieved if you regularly carry out baths with sea salt and essential oils.

To prepare such a bath, you need to take 1 liter of warm water, a couple of drops of any essential oil and 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt. Essential oil is first dissolved in a few drops vegetable oil. You need to keep your hands in the bath for 20 minutes, while spending light massage nails. This procedure should be done 3 times a week.

Rubbing medicated oils

Before going to bed, warm oil should be rubbed into each nail and soft tissues nearby. Favorably affect the condition of the skin and nail plates lemon, sea buckthorn, avocado, olive, castor, jojoba.

Mask of iodine, clay and olive oil

It is necessary to mix a little blue clay, warm olive oil and a few drops of iodine. After applying the mask on the nails, you need to wait 20 minutes. Carry out the procedure every day for a week.

Food grade gelatin

Inside you need to take jelly from edible gelatin. It should be strong, and such jelly should be taken three times a day, 1 tbsp. l. for 3-4 months. The condition of the nails will improve significantly.

How to prevent deterioration of the condition of the nails

It is important to follow some prevention rules so that the nail plates are even and beautiful:

  • perform a manicure correctly, using only high-quality tools;
  • cut your nails with sharp scissors, file them with a high-quality nail file, from the edge to the center;
  • use only quality varnishes and liquids for their removal;
  • eat right, consuming vegetables, fruits, dairy products;
  • wear gloves in winter.


All these methods will help to make your hands healthy and beautiful. But if available serious problems with nail plates should not be delayed with an appeal to the doctor. It is important to understand why the nails break, that is, what exactly the reason provoked this condition. If the provoking factors are eliminated and proper treatment, the problem can be eliminated by restoring a healthy look to the nails.

Violations of the shape and quality of nails occur due to improper care behind the hands or due to deviations in health. If the nails on the hands exfoliate, you must first determine the cause of this phenomenon and try to eliminate it, and only then proceed to complex treatment.

Why nails can peel

The nail plates consist of many thin horny scales that are tightly adjacent to each other, keratin substance, which is responsible for the density of nails and water layers, on which it depends healthy shine and elasticity of the nail.

Under the influence of destructive factors, gaps appear between the layers of scales, which eventually turn into cracks and exfoliate nails. Due to such a violation of the uniformity of the nail plate, brittleness, fragility, dullness, dryness of the nails occur and their growth slows down.

The reasons why the nails on the hands exfoliate can be conditionally divided into internal and external.

External factors that affect the fact that the nails exfoliate and break include:

  • Aggressive impact on the hands of household chemicals - frequent use of powders, bleaches, detergents without protective equipment (gloves).
  • Misapplication cosmetic procedures- use of acetone-containing solvents, formaldehyde-containing varnishes, improper removal of artificial coatings, improper nail extensions.
  • Frequent hypothermia and overdrying of hands.
  • Mechanical damage - injuries and squeezing of nails, improperly done manicure and pedicure, injury associated with professional activity(musicians, operators of mechanical installations, etc.).

Improper cosmetic procedures can lead to nail peeling

The reasons why toenails exfoliate are identical to those listed - you can only add to them the wearing of uncomfortable or narrow shoes.

Note! The most common cause of delamination of the nails is a lack of vitamin B in the body.Dand . Replenishment of these elements in the body, by taking vitamin and mineral complexes, will help to quickly solve the problem with nails.

Nails may begin to peel due to exposure internal factors:

  • Improperly balanced nutrition - deficiency of vitamins E, A, D, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, selenium.
  • Violation of the metabolism of minerals that arose as a result of pathologies of the endocrine, biliary system, liver, gastrointestinal tract.
  • Iron deficiency - often affects the condition of the nails negatively.
  • Diseases and pathologies skin- red flat, eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections, etc.
  • Hormonal changes in the body - period, puberty, pregnancy.

To exclude the influence of internal factors, you need to consult a doctor who will establish the causes and prescribe treatment based on general condition organism.

How to cure split nails

You need to start treatment with a visit to a dermatologist or mycologist, who, if necessary, will prescribe a laboratory research and establish the cause of the pathology.

Note! The treatment of cases when the nails on the hands exfoliate and break always takes a long time. To completely cure the pathology, you will need not less than a month.

How to treat nails:

  1. First of all, if the nails are very exfoliating, you should drink vitamin-mineral complexes for a month. This will help to fill the deficiency of nutrients in the body and improve internal processes.
  2. At the same time, nutrition should be adjusted: add protein, plant foods, vegetables, fruits, calcium-rich foods to the diet.
  3. Further, the treatment of brittle and exfoliating nails is reduced to procedures that can be carried out both independently, at home, and in special beauty salons.

Salon procedures

Many beauty salons offer procedures for the restoration of the nail plates:

  • Paraffin and wax applications - contribute to speedy recovery nails, improve blood circulation in the tissues. Warm, softened paraffin or wax is applied for 15-20 minutes on the nail and the soft tissues surrounding it.
  • Japanese manicure. A hand massage is performed, during which jojoba oil is rubbed into the nails, and then a water hand massage is performed. At the end of the procedure, a special mineral mask and polishing powder based on beeswax are applied to the hands.
  • Spa manicure. A complex of procedures, including aromatherapy, application of nourishing and firming masks, baths, hand massage and paraffin therapy.

Spa manicure - excellent prevention and treatment of nail lamination
  • Salon sealing. The procedure is carried out if the nails on the hands are very exfoliating, when it is necessary to completely renew the nail plate. During the procedure, a salt bath is made, after which the nail plate is treated with a grinding file and natural wax and fortified oil are rubbed into the nail.
  • Ultraphoresis with vitamins A and E. Through this manipulation, vitamins are delivered directly to the tissues.

Note! At the time of treatment, nail extensions, the use of varnishes and nail polish removers should be abandoned.

Pharmacy funds

For the treatment of exfoliating nails, ordinary daily hand creams are suitable - the main thing is to choose good composition enriched with vitamins and minerals, and apply the cream daily.

How to strengthen exfoliating nails:

  • Hand creams:"People's healer", "Undertone cream", cream "Diaderm". Creams should be rubbed daily into the nail and cuticle area.
  • Wax for nails. Can be used as an alternative to expensive salon sealing procedures. Based on the action of beeswax.
  • Healing varnishes. Contain growth activators and vitamins, seal the damaged plate and protect it from external influences. A series of varnishes from FIONA, Eveline, Dance Legend is effective.
  • Healing mud. Peat, silty, hilly mud, enriched with biologically active substances and vitamins. The mud is diluted in warm water, after which it is applied to the nails for 15 minutes in a dense layer, then the mud is washed off, and the hands are rinsed in salted water.

Note! You should regularly carry out hygienic manicure, observing all the rules: with a hand bath, careful removal of damaged areas of the nail, application of therapeutic coatings.

Baths for nails

most accessible and simple method treatment of exfoliating nails is the use of salt baths. To do this, a teaspoon of salt is diluted in a liter of warm water and hands are lowered for 15-20 minutes. Daily carrying out of such a procedure will significantly strengthen the nails.

What baths should be done:

  • With essential oils: myrrh, bergamot, pine, tea tree, patchouli, cedar. Dilute a couple of drops of oil with vegetable oil. Add oil and a couple of tablespoons of salt to a liter of warm water. Keep your hands in the bath for 15-20 minutes, while massaging your fingertips and nails.
  • With lemon juice. Dilute a tablespoon of lemon juice in five tablespoons of slightly warmed vegetable oil. Dip your hands in the bath for 15 minutes, after which do not rinse your hands, but simply get wet in a napkin.
  • Herbal baths. Herbs of chamomile, celandine, St. John's wort, calendula are used. A tablespoon of any herb is brewed in a glass of boiling water, after which it cools slightly. Keep your hands in the bath until completely cooled.
  • Soda bath. Heat a glass of water (up to about 37 degrees) and dissolve soda in it (1 tablespoon) and half a teaspoon of iodine. Take a bath for 5-7 minutes.

Nail masks

So that the nails do not exfoliate, everything medical masks for nails, you need to do it regularly - every day or at least three times a week. Before use, it is recommended to do a light hand massage.

Firming masks:

  • Based on lemon (1 pc.), Olive oil and sea salt. Mix lemon juice with salt and oil (a teaspoon of each ingredient), and rub into the nail and skin around it. The duration of the procedure is 10-12 minutes, daily, 7-10 days.
  • Based on vitamin A (2 drops), salt, sunflower oil, . Heat a tablespoon of oil in a frying pan without boiling. Cool slightly and mix with a teaspoon of salt, vitamin A and vinegar (1/2 tsp). rub into nails massage movements and then leave for 10-15 minutes. Use daily for 7 days.
  • Fruit and vegetable masks. Grind the pulp of kiwi, avocado or kiwi in a blender. Pour the resulting mass into gloves, then immerse your hands in them for 15-20 minutes. Similarly, you can use mixtures of cottage cheese and sour cream, carrots and lemon juice, fresh potatoes and cabbage with cream.
  • Wax masks. Melt the wax in a water bath, cool slightly to a comfortable temperature. Dip your fingertips into the mass and let the wax harden. The procedure is done at night, in the morning the wax residues are removed with warm water.
  • Masks based on medicinal oils: castor, sea buckthorn, avocado, lemon, olive. Rub a couple of drops into the nail medicinal oil and leave overnight.

Note! Applying masks on nails at home is the easiest and most costly way treatment of the exfoliated nail plate.

Any of the proposed methods should be used regularly, be patient before treatment and tune in to long-term and comprehensive nail treatment.

The nails of a child exfoliate: causes and treatment

If a child has exfoliating fingernails or toenails, this clear sign that the baby has health problems. To understand why this happens, you should analyze the behavior and condition of the child over the past few days: what he ate, what injuries he suffered, whether he was upset, what he had been ill with, etc.

Common reasons why a child's nails exfoliate may be:

  • Mechanical injuries: children often press down on their fingers, which can cause the nail to become brittle and begin to delaminate. On the legs, the cause of delamination of the nails may be wearing uncomfortable shoes which deforms the nail plate.
  • Avitaminosis. If the nail begins to break and exfoliates at its base, then common cause- lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet. In addition, the nail can take yellowish tinge and covered with white spots.
  • Fungus. With the development of a fungal infection in children, you should immediately seek medical help.
  • Mental disorders. Due to inner feelings or stressful situations the child may chew or suck on their fingers. Often this behavior is accompanied by sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, and anxious behavior.
  • Internal violations: metabolic failure, problems with the adrenal glands, anemia.

The doctor can determine the cause of the separation of the nails in a child - together with others additional features a specialist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Note! If a child has exfoliating toenails or hands, it is better not to self-medicate, but to seek qualified help.

Treatment consists in the treatment of the underlying disease in combination with cosmetic measures to strengthen the nails:

  • To eliminate avitaminosis, a reception is prescribed vitamin complexes. What vitamins to drink: Multitabs, Pregnavit, Pikovit. At the same time, it is proposed to review the child's diet: include in the menu foods enriched with calcium and iron: cheeses, broccoli, dairy products, raisins, cottage cheese, cereals.
  • Nail plates should be treated daily oil solutions vitamins E and A.
  • Daily procedures using baths based on warm vegetable oil, lemon juice, iodine.
  • If a child bites his nails, you should try to wean him from a bad habit - you may need to visit a psychologist.
  • With a fungal infection, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment, depending on the neglect of the process - therapy can last from 2 to 4 months.

It is much easier to identify the cause of delamination of fingernails than to treat this defect for a long time. Proper nail care and an adequate attitude towards one's own health will help to avoid problems and maintain the beauty of nails.

From time to time people ask me how I cured my nails. I start to remember, I try not to miss anything, and as a result I write some kind of rubbish. In this post I will collect all my secret knowledge about nail treatment.

What started it all. I was washing my hands and noticed that the clear polish was peeling off my nails. Pulling on the tip, I realized with horror that it was not the varnish that was peeling off, but the nail itself; More precisely, its top layer. Do you know what happens when the nail exfoliates? Here I had the same thing, only the size of a full nail. I started looking at my hands and took this one off. upper part with 6 nails. To say I was scared is an understatement. Deficiency of all vitamins and minerals, fungus and sudden death! This incident made me take my hands in hand and act.
Before that, the situation with nails was like this: twice a week I used a cuticle remover and painted my nails with clear varnish. occasionally did edged manicure and once or twice a month used colored varnish. More often I could not, because my nails were very exfoliating. If it was just bad without varnish, then after painting a disaster began, and it took two weeks to splice the exfoliated part, then I could not stand it again and painted, and the nails peeled again. Naturally, it was not possible to grow them either: where they did not exfoliate, they broke. But despite all this, I always had good shape nails and a relatively unproblematic cuticle.

The first thing I did was throw away all my old nail supplies. There was a thought: what if a fungus? In order not to produce an infection, I sent everything to the trash. She threw away the nail files, scissors, orange sticks, the old cheap ZhDSL and - with special pleasure - the remover. The remover spoiled my nails terribly, they peeled off and dried out, but I couldn’t stop using it: without it, the cuticle grew and bushed. All colored varnishes - there too. I left only two varnishes and a base with a pedicure top and Sally Hansen oil in a pencil for use at work. On my first visit to the store, I bought:
- a cardboard nail file (glass ones are also good, but no metal ones! metal and nails are incompatible concepts)
- a polishing file (I recommend a Kiss file, sold in Rive Gauches, it costs 80 rubles, it polishes perfectly)
- good quality scissors (metal and nails are incompatible concepts, everyone remembers? but you need to have scissors; now I have Staleks scissors with long thin and VERY sharp blades)
- orange sticks
- JDL Sally Hansen moisturizing
- transparent coating Sally Hansen (I don’t remember which one, but I often change them, because I don’t believe that they heal, but I use them purely as protection against mechanical damage; in general, any will do)
- sea salt without dyes and flavorings
- essential oils of lemon and bergamot (you can read on the Internet for which nails which oil is needed; I took it for exfoliating, although I don’t really believe in such a separation by properties)
- vitamins Aevit capsules
- iodine
- Calcid - calcium in tablets (I already drank it as prescribed by a doctor for other purposes, so I was not afraid to take it, but in general it's better to "consult a doctor" :) UPD from estel_the_fair : Consultation is absolutely necessary, since an overdose of calcium in the body is very dangerous.)
- still need something to use at work (I still have a Sally Hansen oil pencil, I wrote above)

I will not describe how I found the right care by trial and error, I will simply describe what, how, when and in what quantity I need to do it.
1. The most important thing is to love your nails. Stop opening cans with them, tearing off stickers, banging on the keyboard; even itching is neat, and even better - with a comb :) Do not beat, do not gnaw, do not dig the ground, all homework do it with gloves, follow the movements of the hands and minimize the contact of the nails with the outside world.
2. There are cottage cheese and other dairy products. No matter how disgusting it was (yes, I'm a "fan" of milk), I had to eat at least 50 grams a day.
3. Calcid three times a day on a tablet.
4. Hand cream after each contact with water. Even if you just rinsed your hands, and did not wash with soap and water, you still use the cream. Especially carefully lubricate the cuticle.
5. Every other day, a bath: for 500 ml of warm water - a handful of salt, 5 drops of essential oil, 5 drops of iodine. It can be more, it can be less, you can add olive oil, you can squeeze an Aevit capsule or throw a piece of lemon. But salt, oil and iodine are a must (strengthening, nutrition, disinfection). Keep 15 minutes. To do, of course, on unpainted nails. After - thickly smear your hands with cream and gently push the cuticle away with a wooden stick and clean out any rubbish from under it. It won’t work the first time, but the main thing is not to be zealous, not to put pressure on your nails, so as not to get it later wavy surface. Everything is soft and tidy.
6. For the most daring - a bath of olive oil. I did it once, the effect was just wow, but the procedure itself seemed too unpleasant (I don’t like oils). In a water bath, heat the olive oil so that it is hot, but not burning, and dip your fingertips into it for 7 minutes. I think this bath should be done once every two weeks, the nails will definitely thank you for it.
7. Every evening you need to smear your nails with Aevit. Pierce the capsule with a needle, drip a drop on each nail and rub-rub-rub. It is best to do this on steamed skin, i.e. immediately after a bath/bath. As for the organization of the process: I wash my head every other day in the evenings, respectively, I do a nail bath on the day when the wash is not planned. And it turns out that I used Aevit one day after the bath, one day after a long shower. You need to massage your nails, do not be lazy, and push back the cuticle with a stick (gently and gently!)
8. Several times a day (2-3-4, as needed) use cuticle oil. In the morning, during lunch, at home in front of the TV - in general, in any free minute.
9. During treatment, it makes no sense to try to grow nails: if the nail is weak, thin and prone to foliation, then nothing can be done about it. My task was to grow all the nails as soon as possible so that beautiful and strong nails grow in their place, and the condition of the nail directly depends on the state of the matrix and who knows what, what is hidden under the cuticle, so for the first 2-3 months it is the cuticle that should be nourished as much as possible and moisturize, and cut the nails to zero, so as not to interfere and not be injured once again. Do NOT cut with a metal nail file strictly in one direction. After filing - sand the tips and ends of the nails with the rough side of the polishing file and polish with the soft side. This procedure protects the nails from delamination.
10. Nails should always be covered with transparent varnish: this protects them from mechanical damage. I smeared myself with Aevit - massaged - waited an hour - washed my hands with soap (to degrease the surface of the nail) - painted my nails. I repainted every other day: washed before the bath, dyed after. It is NOT necessary to paint close to the cuticle, let it breathe. Colored varnishes are strictly prohibited :)
11. You need to forget about trimmed manicure and cuticle removers. Now it can only be fought with wooden stick; but with such complex nutrition and hydration, it is not at all difficult.

You should be prepared for the fact that the first month or even two will not see any result. This is fine. All procedures are aimed at nourishing growing nails, and not already grown ones. When diseased nails grow, healthy and strong ones will take their place. It took me 5 months to do it. Two months later, I began to slowly use colored varnishes - once every two weeks, and wore them for no longer than four days. For these days, the baths were canceled, but I still used Aevit. Then I bought "Lemon Sensation" from LUSH, used it alternately with Aevit and gradually, within six months, completely switched to it. I rarely use oil in a pencil, rather in cosmetic purposes. I paint my nails all the time, it turns out two colors a week, I try to do a bath before each, but it doesn’t always work out. Nails turn yellow, nothing can be done about it, but they grow strong and no longer exfoliate.

In total, my current care: baths twice a week and every evening - Lemon Sensation. Began to do trimming. I do it once a month and a half. I don't think that a cut manicure is bad in itself; it is bad in the wrong hands. I can cut and not injure my nails and skin, so I cut.

It probably seems like it takes a long time. Actually, it is not. Anoint the cuticles with oil - this is half a minute, hands with cream - the same, bath for 15 minutes, massage for 15 minutes. The most difficult thing is to always remember this, to do everything regularly, not to be lazy, not to forget, not every other time, to develop a habit, to do everything automatically. If there is a desire to cure nails, it is not difficult, but if special desire no, there are other ways. In the end, you can always use Trind :)
