Breast child. Restless baby: how to survive a young mother? What does it mean to sleep badly

happened in your family long awaited event- a baby was born. At first, it seems to the mother that the difficulties are over, but it turns out that the child is already a person, like you, with his own desires and preferences. He can't talk about it himself, he just screams. And very often and loudly!

What to do if the baby is not eating well

The main thing here is not to be nervous, but to try to understand the problem.

There are times when your infant eats very poorly - this can be faced by the mother of the first-born, and more experienced woman. Let's take a closer look different situations and try to find out the cause of poor appetite.

Why the baby does not eat well and what to do in this case

Breastfeeding problems

Are you still in maternity hospital notice that your child is not eating well. The reason for this may be improper attachment to the breast. Unfortunately, not all maternity hospitals teach this. ()

  1. Milk problems. The milk is gone. The child willingly takes the breast, sucks, but does not eat up, because the mother has little milk. How to be? Try: drink more fluids, pump after each feeding, drink lactogenic tea based on dill seed. More to be with the child, to establish with him a close emotional and body contact(“skin to skin”). And if the milk still disappears, supplement the baby with a mixture. Only one breast is given first, then the other, and after that the mixture. Preferably before switching to mixed feeding, consult a pediatrician.
  2. A lot of milk. If there is a lot of milk, and it beats with a strong stream into the baby’s mouth so that he starts to choke, this can also reduce the baby’s appetite. What to do? Express a little before feeding, weaken the stream of milk.
  3. Milk can change your taste if you have eaten some new food. The child may refuse to drink it. What to do? Closely monitor the baby's reaction to your food ().

Congenital pathologies

If the child is physically unable to suck, that is, he may have some kind of pathology. For example, short bridle. But this will become known immediately in the maternity hospital. Action is being taken by experts.

tummy hurts

  • The baby takes the breast, sucks a little, and then begins to “bow”. Most likely, the baby has ordinary colic, they are also called physiological. Digestive system child is imperfect. The movement of food causes swelling in the intestines and pain. The child refuses the breast at the time of the attack, screams a lot, he is not up to food. What to do? - . Usually, by 3-4 months, colic disappears;
  • But it happens that the baby also takes the breast, starts to suck, then throws it with a cry. It is possible that the baby has dysbacteriosis and the stomach hurts a lot. This disease is confirmed special analyzes. And the treatment is prescribed by doctors. You can suspect dysbacteriosis if you were treated with antibiotics (after surgery caesarean section), if the baby, for some reason, also underwent antibiotic therapy. The color and smell of the baby's stools change from yellow to green with mucus. This must be told to the doctor. More


If there are weather-sensitive people in your family, then the baby can also react to a change in the weather by refusing to eat and screaming. If such symptoms are pronounced, it is better to consult a specialist. Moreover, if the fontanel on the head at this time swells strongly, pulsates. This may indicate increased intracranial pressure. You need to take medication.


Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

By 4 months, the baby begins to be distracted by others. He notices what you are wearing, that dad or brother has approached, music has played somewhere, etc. Feeding stops, the child is no longer up to food. How to be in such a situation? To close oneself in a room, to be in silence, without harsh light. Then the probability of feeding the baby increases.

fell ill

  • The child wants to eat, takes the breast, starts to suck, throws and screams. Pay attention to his nose: whether he breathes freely or sniffs heavily. Don't be alarmed if your breathing is difficult. What to do? Try ;
  • Ears may hurt. When he starts to suck and swallow, the pain intensifies. To prevent him from starving, we express milk into a clean bottle and give a little from a spoon. How to check if the ears are sick? We slowly press on the tragus (the protruding part of the ear to the cheek), if the child twitches, screams, then it is necessary to call the pediatrician and begin treatment;
  • White spots in the mouth(thrush or stomatitis), which may increase in size. Under them is a bright red mucous membrane. Be sure to treat, because the child may refuse to eat due to pain. Infection can occur:
    • from mother during childbirth,
    • if a woman does not wash her breasts before feeding,
    • if dirty nipples, toys get into your mouth,
    • if the oral mucosa has been damaged.

Teeth are being cut


It happens that a baby does not eat well because he is naturally "little". He eats little and gets better too little. If there are no deviations in the operation of the central nervous system, it means that your child is just like that on his own. If he is in a good mood, he is active and joyful, then there is no reason for concern.

Bad mood

It happens that to crying baby did not come right after he woke up. The baby starts screaming louder and louder. When his mother still takes him in her arms, he is unable to grasp the chest. What to do? — Calm down. Give him a pacifier, and after a few seconds, offer a breast. If it doesn’t take again, return the pacifier and let it doze off for a few minutes. The baby calms down, then wakes up and eats calmly.

So, we tried to analyze the main reasons why a baby does not eat well. If the baby is active, then the appetite could disappear temporarily. And if the condition of the child causes concern, see a doctor immediately . Can call ambulance. The main thing is to learn to understand your child. It's not that hard if you keep an eye on it.

Why a newborn does not sleep all day is a question that many young mothers have. Is it worth it to see a doctor? How should one proceed in such a case? The answer to this question is ambiguous and depends on many factors.

All children should buy-bye: the benefits of sleep for the baby

The brain and nervous system of the born baby continue to develop. Unusual stimuli help to get used to new environment. The immature brain processes information in small chunks and needs constant rest. This is the reason for the long sleep.

If the baby yawns, is naughty and rubs his eyes with his fists, he wants to sleep - it's time to help him. A light rocking and a lullaby always help.

Let's figure out how much a newborn should sleep during the day. they say the following: the first days the baby can be awake between feedings for 15-30 minutes. Total duration sleepy state up to 20 hours a day.

Every 30-40 days of growing up, it decreases daily requirement rest for about an hour. From 9 months to a year daily allowance- 1 time for 2 hours or 2 times for an hour and a half.

It is very important for infants to get enough sleep - chronic lack of sleep can slow down the development and growth of the baby..

Such a regime is not necessarily natural. It often happens that the baby sleeps little during the day. At the same time, periods of wakefulness are inconsistent, do not leave time for other activities, take a lot of strength from the mother.

6 causes of disturbed sleep

During the first year of life, the reasons for which the day may be different. The simplest and most frequent are omissions on:
Wet diaper. Wet diapers are uncomfortable for most young children. They prevent them from falling asleep soundly not only during the day, but also at night. needs to be changed in time.
Intertrigo. due to an oversight of mothers, it appears in the folds of the legs, armpits, behind the ears. Over time, disturbing itching appears in these places.
Uncomfortable bed position. A turned up hand, a hand, a bed that is too soft or hard do not contribute to falling asleep. read in this article, and what kind of mattress for a baby is needed - here.
Stuff in the room. The lungs of the baby need a constant influx fresh air. Lack of oxygen in an unventilated room, rare walks - everything is reflected in daytime rest.
Freezing. - 20-23 degrees. Thermoregulation of the body in infants is imperfect. Besides, cold air entering the lungs cools the body, even if the baby is well covered. It is not recommended to lay babies outdoors at temperatures below 10 degrees.
a lack of breast milk. Newborns are able to sleep on an empty stomach up to 2 months. If the baby does not wake up for 4 hours, you need to wake him up for feeding.

Having become older, the newborn sleeps little during the day, if he has not eaten. We describe the signs by which it can be determined that the child does not have enough milk in an article on.

More serious reasons why the baby does not sleep all day , related to health.

If a newborn wakes up every 5-7 minutes, and is awake for more than 5-6 hours, then he has obvious sleep disorders

It can be:

  • intestinal colic;
  • bloating;
  • overfeeding;
  • otitis;
  • runny nose, read how to wash the nose of a baby;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • heat;

Each symptom has its own manifestations, which must be learned to distinguish so that babies can sleep during the day.

Mikhailenko O.I., neurologist, City Clinical Hospital No. 34, Novosibirsk

mode is needed. A sign of a healthy nervous system is the desire for a regimen. For a child, compliance is extremely important.

If mom tries to stick to it from the first days, then in further kid will fall asleep strictly by the clock without the slightest effort from the mother. At the same time, he will sleep soundly and sweetly.

6 signs of sleep disturbance

Each cause has its own manifestations, which must be learned to distinguish so that babies can sleep during the day.
Stomach problems. If the baby does not sleep well during the day after feeding, then this may be the result of overfeeding. This happens in the first two months, until the stomach is stretched to the desired volume. Too much fat milk(after nuts, condensed milk) makes it difficult to empty the intestines, causes an accumulation of gases. Characteristic features: hard, slightly swollen abdomen, regurgitation. Will Plantex help with stomach problems, you can find out.
Colds in the form of otitis media, a runny nose will not let an adult fall asleep. If, when you press the ear, the baby reacts with a start or crying, then this means the first signs of inflammation of the middle ear. The baby does not know how to sleep with his mouth open. If the nose is clogged, it will constantly wake up.
High ICP is a severe headache. A provocative factor in pressure surges is a sharp change in weather. The meteorological sensitivity of infants is already increased, and with such a disease it is even more difficult for them.
Allergy. Eating by a breastfeeding mother, results in itchy skin rashes. The rash appears primarily on the cheeks, folds of the arms, legs, buttocks.
Temperature. One of the signs of a temperature beyond 37.5 degrees - hyperexcitability. The release of adrenaline makes babies restless. For this reason, the newborn does not sleep all day if he is not.
Teething. If, and the cams are in the mouth all the time, most likely the cause disturbing sleep is . To alleviate the condition of the baby will help cooling gels for children's gums.

Why the baby does not sleep and cries

The kid can't tell what's bothering him. The fact that it hurts somewhere, mom can guess from such outward signs like poor sleep, crying.

When a baby does not sleep during the day and at the same time cries, this causes serious concern. Anxiety and crying cause:

  • sick stomach;
  • ear problems;
  • headache;
  • teething.

These painful manifestations do not allow to calm down. The baby becomes capricious, whiny. Wants to sleep, but wakes up in pain.

Sometimes the baby does not sleep during the day due to overexcitation of the nervous system. Loud music, noise, conversations, bright lights - factors affecting well-being little man . Babies are sensitive to the external environment, to the well-being of the mother. The nervousness of the mother will be transmitted to the baby and will cause anxiety and crying.

When a newborn does not sleep all day for no apparent reason, is naughty, then you need to pay attention to family relationships and the routine of life in the house.

Help me mom

An attentive, sensitive attitude to the baby will help the mother determine why the baby does not sleep during the day. Its further actions will be aimed at eliminating interference and sources of alarm:

The baby needs mom's love from the very first day of his birth, so he sleeps better in his mother's arms
  1. If you suspect a cold, the temperature without medical care not enough.
  2. With a runny nose, you can cope by changing the position of the body to an inclined one. Snot will not accumulate in the nasal passage, which will make breathing easier.
  3. Intestinal colic is very painful. Relief will bring a massage of the tummy, a warm diaper as a compress, position on the stomach. How to massage for colic, read.
  4. Defecation for babies is not an easy process. A tight stomach is evidence of constipation. It is necessary to help the baby by pressing the legs to the stomach (if not sitting), hold it in your arms (over 6 months old).
  5. Allergic itching aggravated in warmth. Access to cool air, baths with a succession are means for temporarily relieving an attack, allowing you to sleep during the day.
  6. Swelling gums, saliva - symptoms of teething of the first teeth. The most acute period lasts from a week or more. At this time, children are restless at night and during the day. Special anesthetic ointments, gum massage, bite of cold objects help to overcome painful phenomena. Here we additionally tell.

Slepenkov A. V., neurologist, Alan Clinic Medical Center, Izhevsk

Prolonged motion sickness on the hands (an hour or more) may indicate neurological disorders. For example, about intracranial pressure.

It has been proven that swaying normalizes the state of the cerebrospinal fluid ( cerebral fluid), take off headache.

It is imperative to see a neurologist if the child does not fall asleep well, sleeps restlessly, or constantly wakes up and refuses to feed.

Sometimes a newborn does not sleep all day and constantly asks for food. The first reason is the lack of food. To determine it, it is necessary to weigh the baby before and after feeding in order to find out the amount of milk eaten. Then compare with the average standards for this age, if necessary, introduce complementary foods.

Another explanation is reflex. The sucking process is soothing nervous system . If children are worried about something, then pain is drowned out or peace and a sense of security are gained.

It also happens that a healthy, vigorous baby sleeps for 30 minutes a day. Main indicator- the well-being and mood of the baby. No complaints about appetite, gaining weight, in good mood- enough of this duration of sleep or not enough physical activity.

Sleep, my joy, sleep

In order for the baby to sleep soundly, sometimes it is enough to adjust the air temperature in the room, cover the baby warmer or, conversely, not wrap it up

The mode helps the formation conditioned reflexes in children from infancy.

For the smallest - motion sickness after eating. Rocking has a beneficial effect on the condition of the baby. Rhythmic movements, close contact, calm melody create a sense of security.

The cause of sleep disturbance in a child up to a year can be different way sleep preparation. Once they wear it on their hands, the other - they immediately put it in the crib. In the matter of putting to bed, there should be stability and uniformity of rituals in everything.
Tips for laying your baby down during the day:

  • ventilate the children's room;
  • reduce lighting (lower curtains, blinds);
  • mute the sound
  • shake for 5-10 minutes on your hands;
  • sing a lullaby or talk softly.

Such techniques, used at the same time, in the same sequence, will help to establish a baby's daytime rest.

Shipilova A.V., neurologist, Family Clinic LLC, Moscow

Prolonged crying for several days, when it is not possible to divert attention and calm, indicates the need for an examination.

The sooner the pathology is detected, the faster and easier it will be cured.

Parents should understand that neglect of a child's health can lead to very serious consequences. Yes, and mom's nerves will be in order when the cause of unhealthy sleep is eliminated and the baby finally starts to sleep soundly.


The background to why a newborn does not sleep all day , There may be objective and subjective factors. Objective - pathological phenomena. These include abnormal intracranial pressure, colds, allergies. Subjective - violation hygiene requirements, daily routine. Only by eliminating the cause, you can establish a calm healthy sleep baby.

For every family, the birth of a child is a grand event. And young parents prepare themselves in advance for the fact that in the first months they will not get enough sleep at night. And in some cases, children are born who, from the first days of their lives, sleep abnormally much, more than 20 hours. Of course, at first, young mothers are glad that they can get enough sleep at night and have time to do housework. But over time, they begin to worry and wonder why the baby sleeps a lot?

Importance of sleep and nutrition for the baby

For proper physiological and psychological development The baby needs to sleep a lot and eat a lot. These are the two main components of the diet of the baby, on which his health depends.

Many parents rejoice at a calm and obedient baby who sleeps a lot and is not naughty. At first glance, it seems that the child is full and happy with everything, and this may be true if he receives nutrients in time with his mother's milk.

Of course, the child should sleep exactly as much as he wants, but do not forget that for the full development of the newborn, not only sound sleep is required, but also timely feeding with mother's milk.

In the first 6 weeks, the baby sleeps a lot, 17-20 hours a day, waking up every 1.5-2 hours just to eat. Such a frequent awakening of the baby is due to the fact that in the first weeks all newborns have a very small ventricle and can only hold a teaspoon of milk. And although maternal colostrum is very nutritious and fatty, it is processed in the baby's ventricle quite quickly.

Is it worth worrying?

The reason for this behavior can be individual characteristics child's body, and negative factors which inexperienced mothers may not notice. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of excessive lethargy and drowsiness of the baby, it is worth seeking advice from the local pediatrician. Better, as they say, to be safe than to miss a dangerous moment!

Should I wake up the baby?

There are very frequent cases when in the first days a newborn does not eat well and almost constantly sleeps, this is primarily due to adaptation to the new world around him and rest after difficult process childbirth.

It's one thing if a newborn sleeps a lot and when applied to the breast, without waking up, begins to suck milk, having had enough, they continue to sleep. This behavior is quite common and normal, because it is in a dream that babies develop and grow best.

But there are times when young mothers do not monitor the frequency of feeding and do not put the baby to the breast while he is sleeping. If a child is calm and sleeps a lot, this does not mean that he is full, such babies must be awakened and fed, or at least try to attach a sleeping child to the breast, smelling milk, he can start sucking without waking up.

Shallow sleep in babies

Some young mothers are trying to teach babies to sleep all night without feeding, which is absolutely impossible to do. Prolonged sleep (over 5 hours) threatens with dehydration of the baby's body.

Unlike adults, whose average sleep duration is 8 hours, falling asleep, an adult immediately falls into a phase of long (deep) sleep, lasting 2-3 hours. In infants deep dream much shorter and it develops in them over time, falling asleep, they immediately fall into the phase of superficial (REM) sleep, and deep sleep comes later and it lasts for a short time. And therefore, frequent awakening is the norm for infants.

wake up infants must be very careful and only in the period REM sleep.
Superficial sleep is not difficult to recognize:

  • twitching of the eyelids;
  • moving arms and legs;
  • the appearance of facial expressions.

And also, if, when touching the face of a newborn, he does sucking movements and looking for breasts, this will be best moment for feeding.

The danger of prolonged sleep

Rare attachment to the breast leads not only to the weakening and lethargy of the baby, but also to problems with lactation and further development mastopathy in the mother. And for babies it is fraught dangerous consequences for health, because, for the full development of the body, they do not receive required amount fluids, nutrients and trace elements.

Chronic malnutrition can eventually lead to sad consequences such as: lethargy, irritability, dehydration, hypokleemia, jaundice, low level baby's blood glucose.

Difficult childbirth

The birth process is as much stress for a baby as it is for his mother, so in the first days, newborns almost constantly sleep, waking up only for a few minutes to eat.

Long sleep babies can be a consequence medicines used during difficult childbirth. With long and difficult childbirth, doctors cannot do without the use of pharmacological drugs that stimulate labor activity, such drugs can cause long sleep in a newborn, as these drugs enter his blood.

In some, especially severe cases, the child may temporarily lose sucking reflex and the ability to control proper reflex swallowing and breathing at the mother's breast.


Improper attachment to the chest - can also cause malnutrition in infants. From the influx of milk, the mother's breasts become very tight, the nipples become coarse and the baby's small mouth cannot completely capture them. After several unsuccessful attempts, he gets tired and falls asleep hungry, without getting the right portion of milk. Each time, from constant malnutrition, the baby weakens, this leads to lethargy and increased drowsiness.

The infant may also refuse to eat when a large number of a stream of milk enters his mouth, causing him to choke and become frightened. Therefore, in order for the breast to become softer and milk does not flow too much, mother should express a little milk before each feeding.

Bright light

Oddly enough, bright light can act as a sedative for babies and cause prolonged sleep. Noisy room with bright lighting appropriate place for newborn sleep. The crumbs quickly fall asleep under such conditions, but they sleep very restlessly, and such a dream cannot be considered complete.


Teething can also cause sleep disturbance in children, causing discomfort, some discomfort for kids. Crying all night pain, he will naturally sleep during the day and this is quite adequate response tired body.

Remember - nothing restores the immunity and strength of babies like mother's milk!


In the first year of life, babies are vaccinated to develop immunity to a number of dangerous diseases. Usually, after vaccination, children are given anti-allergic and antipyretic drugs, which have a sedative effect, so children sleep a lot in the first and most difficult hours after vaccination, which is a common and normal phenomenon.


By 3 months, when the child's body has already fully adapted, daytime sleep takes not so much time. But in cases where children have suffered various diseases, they sleep a lot, because, to fight the infection, the children's body spends great amount energy.

It's considered normal physiological phenomenon, after all, after the illness, the child is weakened, and long sleep helps to restore the expended energy. You should not panic in such situations, watch the baby during the day, listen to breathing, check the temperature, complexion. If all of these readings are normal, you should not worry. Let him rest and gain strength. And, of course, periodically put the baby to the chest.

Sleep norms

At the age of 1.5 - 2 months, children begin to sleep a little longer at night, but you should not expect the baby to sleep all night long, he can endure a maximum of 5-6 hours without food. After feeding and changing the diaper, the mother can put the baby to sleep next to her. After all co-sleeping very convenient for a mother whose child sleeps a lot and eats little, as you can feed him without waking him up. And also, sleeping next to the mother is very important for the overall and psychological development of the child. Knock maternal heart, touch, her smell, warmth, are familiar to the baby, which allows him to calm down and feel in psychological comfort and security.

According to pediatricians, daily rate sleep of a child who has reached 2 months of age should not exceed 16-18 hours, of which 4-5 hours of continuous sleep only once a day. Exceeding the indicator is the reason for going to a specialist and finding out the reason for such a sleepy behavior of the baby.

Sleep as an alarm

All of the above cases about the condition of the child are not so dangerous and require the advice of specialists and local pediatricians. The following symptoms require urgent medical attention:

  • Prolonged sleep (more than 5 hours), without movement;
  • Intermittent and shallow breathing of the baby;
  • elevated temperature;
  • The mucous membranes and skin of the crumbs became cyanotic.

If a child has at least one of the above symptoms, parents need to urgently call an ambulance medical care. Any delay can be fatal for a newborn.

Fresh air

For healthy and sound sleep, it is best to put babies to bed in a well-ventilated and well-moistened room. The bed should not be very soft, in order to avoid getting the soft edges of pillows or blankets on the face of the crumbs.

Walking on fresh air play an important role in full development children. While walking, a baby sleeping in a stroller associates the rocking of the stroller with the lulling movements of the mother. Together with these sensations, an influx of oxygen that saturates the blood, stimulates the brain and strengthens immune system, allows you to normalize a healthy and sound sleep of the baby.

It will take a little time, and you will get used to the new and very responsible role of a parent. Over time, the child's daily routine will become stable, which will suit both the baby and his parents. And the question will lose its significance in your eyes. accustoming with early childhood your child to a correct and stable sleep schedule, you will help him avoid many problems associated with physiological and mental development in the future.

For a newborn baby proper development You need regular meals and a good long sleep. In the first weeks of life, the child sleeps most of the day, waking up briefly in order to eat. It is important to pay close attention to how much the baby sleeps and how often he eats, since excessive sleep and lack of food indicate health problems.

How much should a baby eat

The volume of the stomach in a newborn is very small - immediately after birth it holds about 7 ml, but it stretches rather quickly, adjusting to the body's increasing need for food. A two-month-old baby in one feeding is able to eat up to 150 g of mother's milk or artificial mixture.

Pediatricians believe that favorable conditions(the baby is properly attached to the breast, and he is completely healthy) the baby eats exactly as much food as he needs for proper development, and maternal organism adjusts and produces the required amount of milk.

A healthy baby wakes up about 10 times a day and requires food - breast milk is quickly digested and he needs a new portion. On empty stomach active child can't sleep.

The rate of digestion is affected not only by the volume of milk eaten, but also by its chemical composition, fat content. To understand whether a newborn eats the amount of food that is required for his body, it is enough to count the number of urination per day - there should be about 12 wet diapers.

If a child eats little and spends almost all the time in a dream, this is convenient for his parents, who get enough sleep at night and manage to cope with all the day-to-day activities. But one should not rejoice at the calmness of the baby, since malnutrition is the cause and effect of certain disorders.

A newborn who, for some reason, eats little, loses strength, his body goes into an “energy-saving mode” - this is precisely what explains constant sleepiness. How weaker child, the harder it is for him to wake up, even when he is hungry. It turns out a vicious circle, which can lead to sad consequences.

A child who rarely and little eats not only receives less nutrients, but also the fluid itself. This threatens with dehydration, which is very dangerous for the baby. In the most extreme cases only doctors can save you from dehydration and its consequences.

Underfeeding: Consequences

A deviation from the norm is considered if the newborn requires a breast less than every 3 hours and the number of wet diapers per day is less than 10. Such a nutrition schedule indicates that the child does not have enough strength. Related issues include:

  • Low immunity. If a newborn does not receive enough colostrum and early breast milk, which contain the maximum of the substances necessary to develop their own immunity, his body will remain susceptible to infections.
  • Difficulty with sucking. It is important for a child in the very first days to take the breast correctly, otherwise he will not only receive less useful material, but will not be able to fully suck out milk in the future - this turns into malnutrition and weakening of the body. Typically, such problems occur if the mother's breast nipples are flat or inverted.
  • Severe jaundice. To remove bilirubin from the body of a child, which stains tissues in yellowish color he needs to drink more fluids. If the baby eats little, his jaundice lasts longer and more difficult.

  • Delay in the arrival of milk. Active sucking of the breast by a newborn in the first few days of life contributes to the flow of full-fledged milk. Insufficient nipple stimulation bad sucking baby delays the process, and the child receives less nutrients.
  • Lacostasis and mastitis. If the baby eats poorly, he does not suck out the milk that has flowed in, which threatens to stagnate and inflammatory processes in the chest.
  • Postpartum bleeding. Frequent and intense stimulation of the nipples during feedings causes the uterus to actively contract. If the newborn does not eat well, this increases the risk of postpartum hemorrhage.

Malnutrition increases the risk of hypoglycemia in an infant.

It is important to know the symptoms of low blood glucose in an infant:

  • increased drowsiness - the baby is difficult to wake up, he is relaxed and spends almost all the time in a dream;
  • lethargy - the child has no interest in the world around him;
  • strong sweating - undershirts and diapers quickly become wet;
  • startling in sleep;
  • rapid shallow breathing;
  • blanching of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • refusal to eat or sluggish suckling.

If you notice any of the symptoms from this list, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Why can a newborn sleep too much

There are a number of reasons why a newborn sleeps a lot.

1. Pharmacology during childbirth. In the case of complicated, protracted labor, during which the mother was injected with any drugs, the child receives a dose of drugs through the general bloodstream, which affect its activity in the first hours and days after birth. In this case, the baby sleeps a lot and skips feeding.

2. Wrong organized process feeding. A baby who does not latch on properly due to the shape of the nipple or awkward position body, expends excessive energy trying to get food, and falls asleep from exhaustion when left hungry. If the child is not gaining weight well and is inactive, be sure to consult a breastfeeding specialist to rule out this problem.

Problems can also arise with a powerful rush of milk, due to which the breast becomes hard. In this case, it is enough to express some of the milk so that the nipple and the area around it become elastic.

3. Environment. Contrary to the belief that newborns need silence and no bright light to fall asleep, babies find it easier to fall asleep in noisy environments - it works. defense mechanism that protects the nervous system from overload.

This means that in a house where the TV is on all the time or music is playing, people are talking, noisy Appliances, the baby will constantly want to sleep. At the same time, his sleep is restless, the body does not fully rest, which negatively affects health.

wake up and feed

A newborn should be fed on demand, but what if the baby does not require food, but continues to sleep for 5-6 hours in a row and even more? Pediatricians believe that the maximum allowable interval between feeding a child in the first months of life is 5 hours.

Some babies ask for food every hour, others do not show concern with a feeding interval of 2-4 hours - it depends on the baby's body and the nutritional properties of breast milk. But if you see that the child does not wake up for more than 4 hours, wake him up to feed him. This will give the baby strength, and, getting stronger, he will wake up on his own.

It is desirable to wake the child in the phase of REM sleep, since the body is reluctant to leave the deep, and this is reflected in well-being.

To determine the stage of sleep, hold the baby by the hand:

  • if the hand remains sluggish - deep sleep;
  • if the muscles are tense - superficial sleep.

Superficial sleep is also indicated by facial expressions on the face of a sleeping baby, movements eyeballs under the eyelids, twitching of the arms and legs. It is not necessary to fully wake the baby - just give him the breast, and he will have a sucking reflex.

Before feeding the child, remove excess diapers from him - the baby should not be hot, this reduces his appetite. Make sure there are no bright lights in the room. After eating, change the diaper and diaper, as feeding after a long sleep

In the first weeks after birth, a newborn and his mother only get used to each other, and much in the behavior of the baby is not clear to the mother. Why, for example, does a child worry at the breast during feeding? There are many reasons for this, and we decided to describe them and suggest ways to overcome difficulties. Let's start with the cause of the child's anxiety, which mothers call the first, but which really exists least of all.

Lack of milk

This is the first thing that comes to the mind of a nursing mother, whose child cries a lot, including at the breast. One of the biggest challenges with breastfeeding, oddly enough, is that breastfeeding moms don't know exactly how much milk their babies are getting or if they're getting enough.

If your child is overly restless, most third-party well-wishers will likely point out to you that the baby is probably hungry. Since you are a mother, such remarks can make you feel guilty. After all, it is your responsibility to feed your baby! How to dispel doubts and fears associated with a lack of milk?

  1. Watch your baby urinate and defecate. After the sixth day of life, you should receive at least six wet diapers and one dirty diaper per day. If so, then your baby is getting enough milk.
  2. Frequent feedings are normal. In the first few weeks of life, a newborn usually needs 8-12 feedings per day. At the very beginning, you may at times have to keep it near your chest almost constantly. For several hours he will demand it very often, and then fall asleep for four to five hours. As the baby learns to suckle more effectively, the number of feeds decreases.
  3. Keep track of your baby's weight. By two weeks, the baby should regain the weight he was born with, and gain at least 150 grams per week for the next two to three months.

If you are still worried that you are not getting enough milk, you may find it helpful to have a lactation consultant who will monitor, assess your baby's weight gain and suggest ways to increase your milk supply, if needed.

breast swelling

Sometimes the restless behavior of the baby at the breast is caused by its swelling. Excessive breast swelling most often occurs in the first weeks after childbirth. To reduce it, express some milk by hand or with a quality breast pump to make the breast softer and easier for the baby to latch onto. Don't express too much milk, as this can cause more milk to be produced later on, which will only make the swelling worse. Apply cold compresses to your breasts between feedings to reduce swelling and soreness.

Flat or sunken nipples

Also, the baby may be nervous when applying to the breast if the mother has flat or sunken nipples. To stretch them, you can wear special pads between feedings. Turning on the pump for a few minutes before putting the baby to the breast will help elongate the nipples and also start the flow of milk so that the baby will receive it immediately and with more likely continue to suck instead of dropping the breast and crying.

In some cases, a woman has to use pads that encourage suckling until her nipples become more prominent. This should happen after about two to four weeks of breastfeeding. If you're having trouble with flat or sunken nipples, seek help from a lactation consultant as soon as possible.

Incorrect attachment, uncomfortable posture

Another cause of restless behavior at the chest is wrong position . Both the mother and the baby may be uncomfortable, causing the breasts to be pushed in the wrong way, and a sufficient supply of milk is disrupted. If your baby is very nervous, your best bet is to use the underarm position (when you hold the baby to your side, holding him tightly against the nearest breast) or the "cradle" position (when you hold the baby horizontally at your chest), as these positions allow you to control his head.

These positions allow you to guide the baby to the breast and hold him there. The baby's nose and chin should be pressed into the mother's chest. As a rule, he suckles better when the mother holds him tightly. If something makes you feel uncomfortable while feeding, contact a consultant. Perhaps this is the reason for the anxiety of your baby.

Gastroesophageal reflux

Almost all children have some degree of gastroesophageal reflux. This medical term refers to a condition in which the annular muscle (sphincter) that blocks the entrance to the stomach has not yet fully formed and does not always completely close the opening. Because of this, some milk along with gastric juice can flow back into the esophagus, causing a sensation that we call "heartburn".

As anyone who has ever experienced it knows, it is quite an unpleasant sensation. Just as an adult can relieve heartburn by sitting with a straight back, a child can also usually benefit from being held upright.

Sometimes reflux can occur during feeding. Its appearance can be prevented by holding the child more upright or periodically taking breaks so that the baby “stood” a little. As the child develops, so does the musculature, so that cases of reflux become less and less common.

Sometimes the problem is so severe that the child is unable to eat normally due to reflux. In such cases, you must consult a doctor.

Increased gas formation

All newborns have flatulence. When a child begins to eat, he starts reflex gas production, which is necessary for the waste generated during nutrition to be removed from the body more quickly. This prevents constipation.

Since breast milk is very easy to digest, for the passage of this food through gastrointestinal tract the child needs very little time. You can often hear characteristic sounds while the baby is still suckling. Although all children have gas, some people tolerate it better than others. The time of day can also affect this. Apparently, the problem of flatulence becomes more noticeable at the end of the day. Traditionally, this time is considered the most hectic. The child does not seem to want to let go of the breast at all, and this, in turn, can aggravate flatulence. This problem disappears on its own as the baby develops.

How to calm a crying baby
Many of the methods that promote calming are somehow related to the imitation of intrauterine conditions. Make sure that the air temperature is comfortable - not too hot and not too cool. Change diapers promptly. The baby can feel peace if he is firmly pressed to himself or rocked. Swaddling or monotonous sounds - music or the buzzing of electrical appliances - can be effective. You can carry your baby in a sling, thereby providing him with comfort and getting the opportunity to do some business at the same time.
You can involve one of the family members, such as a father, grandmother or grandfather, to calm the child; in this case, the baby will not feel the smell of breast milk coming from the mother, which can excite him. In addition, this will give the mother the opportunity to devote some time to herself.

Physiological lactase deficiency

At the beginning of feeding, mother's milk is more saturated with milk sugar - lactose. It's called "front". After 10-15 minutes of feeding with the same breast, she begins to produce "hind" milk. It is richer in fats, which neutralize lactose and thereby reduce gas formation. If the baby is getting too much foremilk and not getting enough hindmilk, excess lactose and lack of the enzyme lactase, which increases flatulence.

Try to have your baby suckle from one breast for at least 12-15 minutes so that he can get back milk. When the baby grows up and sucks more efficiently, it will get to him after a shorter period of time after the start of feeding. Hindmilk has a calming effect and helps restless babies fall asleep. Most newborns naturally fall asleep at the end of feeding due to the sedative effect of hindmilk.

Child chokes on milk

While the baby is only learning to suckle the breast, the so-called milk ejection reflex may be too strong for him and cause him to choke. Because of this, the baby can drop the breast and start to get nervous. Press firmly on the breast for about a minute to stop the milk flowing too fast, and then put the baby back on the breast. Try expressing some milk before a feed and see if you can trigger the ejection reflex before the baby latch on. Feed your baby in the underarm position. As your baby gets older, they will be able to cope with the consequences of the milk ejection reflex in any feeding position without any problems.


AT rare cases the child is nervous and throws the breast from soaps or creams you apply to your breasts or nipples. If you start using a new remedy and the baby becomes more nervous, wash it off and start feeding again.


The child in the mouth or the mother on the nipples may develop yeast infection- the so-called thrush. You will see white spots in the child's mouth.

Your nipples may become bright red or itchy, and burn after feeding. During feeding, the baby may be more restless than usual.

See a doctor. If he confirms that you have a fungal infection, both you and the child will have to undergo treatment.

Too noisy and light

In some children, excessive anxiety is associated with hyperstimulation. They may be calmer when feeding if it takes place in a dark and quiet room.

Wants to settle down with breasts

Until 12 weeks, babies have little to no self-soothing skills and often reach for the breast just for comfort. They begin to suck to calm down, not experiencing at this moment the need for food. For parents, this need of the baby should be on a par with all other vital needs. necessary things that you provide to the child.

The main causes of restless behavior of the newborn disappear after the first six weeks. Some problems may exist for a little longer, but they are usually resolved by three months.

During this period, you must definitely take care of yourself. Eat well. Drink plenty of fluids and exercise outdoors. Try various methods for relaxation - yoga, meditation, massage or a warm bath to help you get through a difficult period.
Share your feelings with the baby's father and other family members, and have them take turns comforting, lulling, and rocking the baby.
Set small goals for yourself, like reading one chapter from a book or going for a walk for 15 minutes.
Group classes for new mothers are very useful because you will learn there that other mothers and their children, just like you and your child, go through exactly the same period of adjustment.
The main thing you need to remember is that this is a very short period in your life. own life and your baby's life. Try to hug and cuddle your child as often as possible to help him through a difficult time for him. Together you will succeed.

Nancy Nelson licensed nurse, member of IBCLC

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I am grateful to the nurses in the maternity hospital who immediately showed me how to properly apply, how to express. How and what to anoint after, so as not to hurt. And fed with pleasure for up to a year.

Tell me please, my daughter is 3 months old, she will cry when I start to feed her nervous 9 and she doesn’t take her breasts, she’s already yelling, there’s no reason, I can’t find a reason for a month now, she’s been tormented by sucking and sucking again and starts crying

11/12/2018 19:06:18, Zilola

I breastfed my child for 1.3 years and we managed to establish breastfeeding in just one month

Highly useful article, and most importantly, a very sensible description of what foremilk and hindmilk are, otherwise there is really no information anywhere. And with the problem of depressed nipples, good advice, it’s a pity I didn’t see it before, otherwise there were the same problems at the beginning of feeding.

My setup was up to a year. In principle, it happened, but there were moments that I thought it was all over (((In three months it was lactation crisis, only thanks to Apilak I saved breastfeeding. It is natural and contains many vitamins. In general, now even if they are fed, they try to quickly deal with it. I don't understand moms like that, to be honest.

Comment on the article "12 reasons for the anxiety of the child when breastfeeding"

12 Reasons Your Baby Worries When Breastfeeding I breastfed my child for 1.3 years and breastfeeding Why, for example Why, for example, does the child worry at the breast during feeding? Why baby cries. This rarely happens during night feedings.


Hello, we have such a problem, we have been eating milk from a bottle for almost 3 weeks and I have been breastfeeding now for 3 days I cannot suck a bottle, although I want to eat and pull the bottle, I will eat a little and again because of what it can be help please

07/10/2018 04:21:14 PM, Mary Rafikovna

Mine also pulls his ears :) Well, he just comes across under the arm :)

The baby is crying while feeding! child 4 months screaming while feeding. 12 Reasons Your Baby Worries When Breastfeeding Why is the baby crying. The baby cries while feeding. What are you doing before that? It was also the same in the evenings, I...


Maybe gasses? We have it. As soon as you eat, it seems that pressure is created in the tummy and the baby wanders.

Most likely, the tummy hurts, but it can also hurt the throat and ears. Look at the neck for redness, Press on the middle of the ear, where the cartilage is, when the child calms down, if the ears, then he will cry. Feel the tummy, is it swollen, soft?

Why is the baby crying. The baby cries while feeding. Herbal tea for nursing. During the second, third month - 150 -200 grams per week. Can you breastfeed during colic? Breast-feeding. The child has a stomach ache, probably colic, crying ...

Breastfeeding: tips for increasing lactation, feeding on demand, prolonged breastfeeding Therefore, the child begins to turn away during feeding, often does this with the breast during Why does the child cry. The baby cries while feeding.


1. Before feeding, it is necessary to express (a couple of “squirts”) from the breast that you will feed.
2. Regarding "unreasonable" crying: review YOUR DIET. Perhaps you eat FATTY food (sometimes a shortbread biscuit is enough for colic in a baby: ((). It is NOT recommended for a nursing mother to eat dishes with all kinds of seasonings, spices. One puff of a cigarette will give milk a tobacco flavor. One sip of alcohol will give milk a taste of alcohol (for reference :)).
3. It is recommended to feed (in one feeding) ONE breast. AT next feeding- another.

maybe you should go back to one breast and eat it completely? Here several girls have already shared their experience that if a little foremilk is expressed before feeding, the child feels better and his stomach bothers him less. M.b. do you get that the baby from both breasts eats only foremilk and because of this, he gains worse weight and his stomach hurts?
Also try to look for positions where the child eats almost vertically.

Baby crying with hot flashes!. My chest. Breast-feeding. When I have a “rush” and the milk flows by itself, the child will grimacing all over, sharply remove his head back and cry! then "looks for breasts" again, but if the milk again flows by itself - the same thing. can't swallow...


Hello Ol. How are you? Didn't you come back home? Your daughter is clearly with character, then milk does not go - do not like it, then it comes - again do not like it. It's time to educate. You will probably have to suffer a little, you need to hold the baby at your chest in these minutes, it will move for five seconds and suck normally. It'll all be over in a couple of weeks. True, if he dodges very much, I read such advice - remove the chest, calm the child, vilify for about five minutes on the handles, then give the breast again. It seems like the connection between mother and baby begins to weaken, and the child shows his independence in this way. Growing, uh.....Good luck. We are also in crisis infancy, if we sleep nearby, we begin to shove our mother with our feet. And I’m already silent about milk, I have to arrange whole performances in order to give breasts. That's how we live. Write if anything.

You can pump a little before feeding. But usually such difficulties arise with children of the first days of life - they adapt to the flow of milk. Usually passes in a few days.
Breast milk is not a heavy meal, so don't suck so you don't overeat - it's kind of weird.
Mom should not adapt "to the child", but rather, do as she pleases. Insist on your own (gently and patiently), he will listen to you.

Crying while feeding. Increased lactation. A child from birth to one year. 12 Reasons Your Baby Worries When Breastfeeding I fed my baby for 1.3 years and Why is the baby crying. The baby cries while feeding. What are you doing before that?

Belly ache - how familiar. Maybe our experience will help. 1. Not bad was "sub-simplex" 3 times a day, 15 drops each (diluted with milk - given from a spoon, it is sweet). You can also smect (it says on the bag how).
2. But the heating pad went even better. I filled the usual adult heating pad (the nursery was not at hand) with water - warm, but not hot, made it flat, flat, wrapped it in a diaper - and the baby was placed on the tummy on the heating pad. A few screams - and it was turned off! And this is after two days of continuous screaming! After that, things got easier for us. First, all the time on a heating pad (well, how to cry). Then - with a heating pad, she warmed the crib and on the tummy for a warm one. Then - just on the tummy.
3. Masseur - as usual, with the palm of your hand clockwise. We massaged until we thought he would have a callus on his stomach. Nothing, it worked :) 09/22/2001 08:07:23 PM, Family
