Restless child 3 years old. The child sleeps restlessly at night: advice from psychologists

Hello dear readers! Sometimes it seems to me that our son was sent to us precisely in order for me to understand what it means - restless baby. It is easy to write articles about if your precious child sleeps without you during the day, plays by itself for at least half an hour, allows you to calmly cook food or take a calm shower. Many mothers believe that my children are just like that. Yes, the eldest daughter did not deliver big problems. But now I will like to tell you how ours turned out to be. younger son. And also about how I manage to survive in such conditions. And I'll try to give practical advice to all mothers who are faced with the same situation.

Is the child sick?

First, let's talk about why babies are restless. Sometimes it really is a consequence of some disease. And sometimes... Sometimes objective reasons not for this kind of behavior. Of course, neurologists can almost always find something to attribute all the cries of babies to. The same hypertonicity, for example (which, to one degree or another, occurs in very many babies). Or an imperfect ultrasound of the brain. A baby is rarely perfect. However, the reasons why a child behaves restlessly can be very different:

  • tummy hurts (usually up to 4 months, but sometimes longer);
  • teething (from 3-4 months);
  • consequences of birth trauma;
  • fear of losing a mother, caused by separation in the maternity hospital and remaining in the subconscious;
  • any problems during pregnancy;
  • increased attachment to the mother, as a feature of your child;
  • the most various diseases or a variety of stresses in the first months of life.

Not bad, right? The point is to install real reason child's anxiety is very, very difficult. In most cases, you just have to be patient. Of course, if the baby suddenly suddenly became restless and began to yell heart-rendingly, it's time to call ambulance. But if the little one has always been distinguished by loudness and affection for his mother, and doctors do not find any serious problems- just be patient. It is likely that in a year, two or a few months everything will change in better side.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky on this issue:

What can you do to help your child? Sometimes the following can be helpful:

  1. Always carry your baby in your arms. Master . Apparently, your child needs this especially badly.
  2. Visit an osteopath. He can work through birth trauma. This helps quite often. But of course, not always.
  3. You can try giving the child something like baby espumizan (for stomach pains) or smearing on the gums special gel(if teething). It helps someone. It never helped us.
  4. Try to be calmer yourself. Your mood is transmitted to the baby.
  5. If the baby sleeps terribly at night, you are shown. Of course, this does not always eliminate the night festivities. But it can make your life a lot easier.
  6. If the baby is restless about feeding, turns over on the chest, squirms or cries, call a lactation consultant immediately. Do your best to keep lactation and solve these problems! Go to artificial mixtures is often the result of carelessness of parents and unwillingness to turn to professionals. Believe me, infant formulas (as well as medicines) are much more expensive than calling a consultant!
  7. Try different means. Maybe the baby feels better when peaceful music plays? Or after a long swim? Or walking in nature? It is not always possible to identify any regularities. But try!
  8. Learn how to massage.
  9. For some, going to the pool and diving helps. Although I believe that this method is not suitable for all children. For some babies similar procedures are a lot of stress.
  10. Try not to bring the child to severe fatigue and overexcitation. Get home on time. Finish on time emotional games. Respond to the first signs of baby fatigue.

It often happens that the baby has Negative influence family situation. Frequent quarrels, tensions, many strangers... But again, not always the reason lies in the family. Why is everything peaceful and calm in our house ...

Our son

To be honest, in the first months after the second birth, it seemed to me that our son was quite calm. Despite the fact that I endlessly wore it in my arms. We've been passed severe colic. And he slept much better at night eldest daughter... Moreover, we had a chic period somewhere from 2 to 4 months. When I almost stopped using the sling and could safely leave it on the floor for 10-30 minutes. However, from the age of 4 months, teeth began to be cut ... And then it turned out that this was worse than colic. After all, colic pretty quickly pass. And the teeth ... They can climb up to two years.

Now our son is almost 10 months old. We have already run to the doctors, no one has found anything serious. Moreover, looking at the child's gums (and they really are constantly swollen), many doctors brush off with the words: “Oh, yes, your teeth are climbing. Be patient! Are you familiar with this remark?

me and my son

I must say that we really do have “clearances”. About once every 2-3 months. During this period, the baby forgets about his mother for almost a week, plays on his own and feels great. But then ... I think it will not be a big exaggeration if I say that our son spends 90% of all daytime in my arms. And it's good if it's just on hand. And then he whines, demanding that they run around the apartment with him!

Sleeps during the day only next to me. Every 10-15 minutes you need to poke his chest. Waking up with every sound. And without rustles. Wakes up 7-15 times at night.

And these are not bad days. So almost all the time! And then, in this moment I think there has been an "improvement". Because sometimes (!) I manage to eat sitting, moreover, with free hands. I used to eat only standing up, putting the little one in a sling. And now you can do something for a few minutes. And then, quite often I eat with him in my arms. I regularly give him a breast at dinner so that he stops snatching a spoon from me or smashing a plate.

90% of the time I do housework in a sling. Although now, when the son is so big, it is very inconvenient. He refuses to sit behind his back. It’s not interesting at all and it’s very difficult to interfere with mom. In front - yes, please, but at the same time it strives to grab everything around. That's why I only cook as much as possible. fast food. I use frozen vegetables, I do not disdain cereals.

AT good mood he is ready to play with toys. But only while mom is sitting next to me on the floor. Again, now there has been some improvement, the son periodically flirts, sometimes even crawls into the corridor, but if I suddenly leave the room (even for a couple of seconds) or just get up, a cry goes up, and more kid does not want to play. Never.

Do you still think that my posts are for those who have "perfect" children?

How can mom survive?

I didn't write all this to complain. And to show that you are not alone. And even if you have a restless child who does not leave you for a minute, you can still do everything you need. And most importantly, feel good. Of course have different cases. Sometimes children behave in ways that I never dreamed of. It happens that babies yell all day long, even wear them, even dance, even stand on your head. Some children sleep catastrophically badly at night, and their mothers simply cannot get enough sleep. Luckily, I don't get up at night now. I just stick my chest to the little one and sleep on. Although I got up earlier. And she jumped around the room with him in the dark, if only she didn’t scream and wake up the eldest ... I know my mother, whose endless screams at night were not a rare occasion, but the norm. And not the first two months, but two years. I really hope this isn't the case for you.

  • Everything that I wrote in my articles is relevant for you in triple size. Articles, "", "", "" and in general everything that I publish in the section for mothers are especially important. That is, you need to be triple attentive to yourself. Take care of yourself with triple strength. And be sure to learn how to have a good rest in a short period of time!
  • Sometimes you have to complain. The main thing is not to get stuck in this state. Do not be afraid to whine to a friend, tell about your hard life. This brings relief. And then go and do something positive. Order yourself a new dress online or just dance to your favorite music.
  • I repeat this for the hundredth time: try to master the sling or ergo-backpack. Yes, it's not easy. Sometimes it seems that the child categorically does not want to sit there. But refer to experienced mothers or professionals. It is in your best interest to accustom your child to a sling or backpack. Trust me, it makes life a lot easier! I think I'd go crazy without a sling. Although now it is not easy to use it, but still for 10-20 minutes the sling helps me out!
  • Just because your baby only sleeps on your chest doesn't mean you can't rest! There is nothing easier than reading books or listening to audio while feeding. What do you think, how do I write blog articles with two children? At the moment, my son is half asleep suckling his breast, and I am lying with the phone in my hand and typing.
  • My husband comes home from work very late. We are all already asleep. But that doesn't mean I can't brush my teeth and take a shower. I brush my teeth and wash off my makeup while the kids take a bath. Sometimes - if the son does not want to swim for a long time - in a sling. I take a one-minute shower while the child sits on the bathroom floor and examines the towels. AT last resort- with him. Yes, you can undress it and take it with you to the shower!
  • I won't repeat myself here. Read other articles on my blog and remember that all this is possible even with a restless baby. The main thing is to take and do. Not only to read, but to apply it in life. Look for affordable joys for yourself and actively introduce them into your life. Rest. Find a hobby for yourself (this was discussed in an article about). Don't demand too much from yourself. Learn to enjoy motherhood. And get rid of the guilt.

Motherhood is not easy. But it can give you lots and lots of happiness. You just need to open up to this happiness and just hug your children.

I wish you to feel like the happiest mom.

Is it okay that my two year old worried and worried?

During infancy, children do not yet have an idea of ​​the world as a whole. Growing up, they begin to understand that sometimes something happens to them that they do not know about and cannot expect or foresee. Bees sting, other children take away toys, parents sometimes leave home for a long time. Your baby, for example, may refuse to go to school because her mother is sick. This behavior is normal for a two year old. When the baby grows up a little, he will not react to similar situations. And there is no cause for concern here: manifestations of anxiety - except for unusual fears - are typical of the behavior two year old.

Do two-year-olds have a special type of anxiety?

Yes, we provide below short description some types of childhood anxiety:

Anxiety due to separation from mother
Although the peak of this type of anxiety occurs at the age of 18 months, sometimes periods reappear when the baby begins to worry about. These periods may last until the child enters the Kindergarten or even longer. An aggravation can provoke some event in the baby's life - for example, a nanny was unexpectedly assigned to take care of him or a child stayed overnight in a house that was not his own. Anxiety due to separation from mother is also explained by the fact that the child is already beginning to understand what time and distance are. At the age of two, the baby already knows that if he does not see his mother, this does not mean that his mother has disappeared - she just does something interesting without him. This type of anxiety has one positive thing - the baby is worried because he loves his mother very much.

Fear strangers
Any unfamiliar face - even if it is a friendly relative - causes anxiety in two year old baby. Your child - and now his thinking is more complex - perceives a stranger as a threat. In most cases, the baby will calm down as soon as a stranger for him leaves.

The most common fears
Monsters under the bed. neighbor dog. Noise of flushing water in the toilet. A two-year-old child has a wide variety of fears. They are the product of his developing imagination and emerging ability to imagine various fantastic images. The cause of this or that fear can be real case- for example, a dog scared a baby or a scary book was read to him at night. It is also possible that the child is frightened by some imaginary creature or something that once struck him: the sound washing machine wringing clothes on full speed, darkness or flashes of holiday illumination. Add to all this the fear of new things common to all young children, and you will understand that something completely ordinary can scare your two-year-old, from his Everyday life. Children at this age are easily suggestible. If your child has seen something scary on TV or if elder sister afraid, for example, of clowns, he can also be frightened when he sees strangers with strange makeup on their faces.

Childhood shyness or social anxiety
Almost all two-year-olds experience bouts of shyness from time to time or often. Some children are timid in the company of children they have not met before, others in the company of adults. There are children who feel uncomfortable in any situation that is unusual for them. Fortunately, most two-year-olds outgrow childhood shyness over time.

What can I do to help my child deal with his or her fears?

If your child is anxious and worried, hug him often and reassure him. But don't stop there. If you decide to help your baby overcome his fears, you will need all your ingenuity. Approach problem solving creatively. Perhaps our tips will help you with this:

You need to understand what those fears are.
Some of your baby's fears are absolutely normal for his age, it makes no sense to deal with them. If, for example, he is afraid of getting lost in a large store, tell the child that this thought frightens you just as much as he does. And explain that this is why you follow him so strictly and want him to be in front of you. And always remind your child when you leave him with his grandmother, nanny or in kindergarten that you will definitely come back to take him home.

Talk to your child about his fears
Two-year-olds have a very developed imagination, but their active vocabulary is not yet large. Therefore, it can be difficult for them to explain what scares them. But with the help of a mother, a child can learn to talk about what causes fear in him. Help him identify his emotions: is he sad, angry, or afraid of something? Many parents noted that simply helping their child pick up Right words to describe their feelings, they greatly alleviated his condition.

Do not shame the child and do not force him to do what he is afraid of
Some parents try to deal with what they consider to be excessive "attachment" of the child to them. Not realizing at the same time that it is close and constant contact with parents that is very important for a two-year-old during the process of forming such qualities as self-esteem, self-confidence. No need to tell the baby "stop crying, it's stupid" or "you already big boy". If you persuade a child to pet a dog that he is afraid of or, this will not help him overcome his fears. At this age, it is better not to force or put pressure on children - let everything take its course.

Use your imagination
In the fight against childhood fears, your the best helpers- Humor and laughter. If the baby is afraid of thunderstorms, come up with funny story(as the ancient Greeks did when inventing their myths) about a fabulous creature that magically causes flashes of lightning in the sky. What if the child is afraid scary monsters, who hid in the closet, tell him like this: “I checked: there is not a single monster in the closet. But you can take this magic lantern to scare away any, even imaginary monsters, on occasion. And of course, you need to tell your child that a night light is the “best thing in the world” for scaring away ghosts, and besides, it helps children navigate in the dark if they suddenly wake up in the middle of the night.

Do what is best for your baby
Until your little one outgrows their fears, do whatever you can to comfort and encourage them. If, for example, the child thinks he might be sucked into the cork hole, allow him to bathe while sitting in a chair. Give him a special washcloth and help him wash himself with a shower. You can also fill the bathtub with just a little water (explain to your child that there is only enough water in the bathtub to (“just wash your feet”), and then gradually add water.

Plan ahead
If the baby is shy around other children or adults, or is anxious about any new environment, it is probably best to prepare him in advance. Tell your child that you will soon be going to interesting place where he meets other people. Be positive about it. Ask if he would like to bring his favorite blanket with him or Teddy bear. And when you come to visit, stay close to the child until you are sure that he is comfortable in new environment. Even if for this you have to hold the baby on your lap for an hour.

In which case should you seek help from a specialist?

Although the fears of a two-year-old baby are often alarming parents, they are completely normal. However, you should contact a specialist if your child's excessive anxiety disrupts family life, if his fears become a constant excuse not to go to kindergarten, if they do not allow the child to fall asleep and lead to impulsive behavior. If necessary, your pediatrician will give a referral to a neurologist or advise you to seek advice from a child psychologist.

One of the common types of developmental disorders is increased activity, reaching a degree of disinhibition: the child does not sit still for a minute, constantly fidgets, grabs surrounding objects with his hands, and makes many unnecessary movements. A variety of violations mental activity may have a "facade" in the form of anxiety and excessive activity. But doctors distinguish a condition in which painfully increased motor activity is the main symptom, the core of the syndrome, which violates social adaptation child. This state is called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, quite often it is also called hyperdynamic or hyperkinetic syndrome.

It is clear that such a child causes concern and irritation of adults, who often believe that he does not want to work with concentration, to obey disciplinary requirements. The child's trouble is that he does not "want", but cannot behave accordingly. general rules behavior due to specific disturbances in the functioning of brain systems.

Scientists associate this condition, first of all, with microorganic lesions of the brain that have arisen due to complications of pregnancy and childbirth, somatic diseases in early age or mental trauma.

Although this syndrome is often referred to as hyperdynamic, i.e. motor activity syndrome, the main defect in its structure is, first of all, a defect in attention. At hyperactive child attention span suffers greatly, he can only focus on anything for a few moments, he has extremely high distractibility, he reacts to any sound, to any movement.

Such children are often irritable, quick-tempered, emotionally unstable. As a rule, they are characterized by impulsive actions: "first they will do it, and then they will think." This leads to the fact that the child often finds himself in situations that are dangerous for him, for example, running down the street without looking at the approaching transport, engaging in dangerous activities without thinking about the consequences.

hyperactivity syndrome may occur very early in development. Babies have an increased muscle tone, overly sensitive to stimuli (light, noise), sleep poorly, eat poorly, cry a lot, and are difficult to calm down. At 3-4 years old, the child's inability to concentrate on something becomes clear: he cannot calmly listen to a fairy tale, is not able to play games that require concentration of attention, his activity is predominantly chaotic.

The peak manifestation of the syndrome is 6-7 years. Its main characteristics are: excessive impatience, especially in situations requiring relative calmness, a tendency to move from one occupation to another without completing any of them, fidgeting, squirming at the moment when you need to sit. This behavioral feature becomes most evident in organized situations (school, transport, clinic, museum, etc.).

The most ordinary children are sometimes very active, uncontrollable, angry, without passing through the category of hyperactive. Any excited child should not be classified as hyperactive. The following manifestations in the behavior of the child are characteristic of the hyperactivity syndrome:

  • Sitting on a chair, the child writhes, wriggles, cannot sit still. He touches everything with his hands, there are restless movements in the hands and feet.
  • Easily distracted by extraneous stimuli, moves from one unfinished action to another, does not sit (stand) still;
  • Cannot calmly wait for his turn during games and different situations requiring discipline (classes at school, visiting a clinic, excursions, etc.).
  • He often answers questions without hesitation, does not listen to them to the end, interrupts;
  • It has poor appetite;
  • Cannot keep track of his belongings, often loses them (toys, pencils, books, etc.)
  • Sticks to others, interferes in the games of children, sometimes aggressive.

The presence of a child similar symptoms, which are observed for at least 6 months, is the basis for contacting a neurologist. The diagnosis of "attention deficit disorder" is the prerogative of the doctor, and in overcoming the syndrome important place belongs to drug therapy. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that such a child is under the supervision of a specialist.

The improvement of the child's condition depends, of course, not only on specially prescribed treatment, but to a large extent also on the kind, calm and consistent attitude towards him in the family. Indiscipline, disobedience, lack of response to remarks greatly irritates parents who are forced to resort to frequent, but not effective punishments. Many children have low self-esteem, in part because they often suffer comparisons to siblings whose behavior and studies are held up as examples.

Among peers restless children are a source of constant conflict and quickly become rejected, as they do not know how to give in, get along with each other, establish and support friendly relations, and in a state of excitement, they can break an object that falls under their hands or throw it.

When dealing with such a child, it is advisable to avoid two extremes: excessive pity and permissiveness, on the one hand, and on the other hand, making increased demands, combined with excessive punctuality, harshness and punishments. Teachers and parents should be aware that the child's existing behavioral disorders can be corrected, but this process is lengthy, requiring great effort and great patience from them.

With an unfavorable pedagogical influence, destructive behavior may occur in children: aggressiveness, stubbornness, deceit, a tendency to steal and other forms of antisocial behavior.

Adults need to feel the problems of the child, to understand that his actions are not intentional and that without the help and support of adults, he will not be able to cope with his difficulties.

For classes with hyperactive children, teachers and parents can use games that require attention and self-control. It is desirable to teach children how to play folk games, as well as in games, such as: "Yes and no, don't say", "You drive more quietly ...", "Edible - inedible", "Cold - hot", various lottos, board games etc. Try to adhere to the "positive model" of education, i.e.:

  • Praise the child in every case when he deserves it, emphasize successes. This will help build the child's self-confidence.
  • Be sure to maintain a clear daily routine. Eating, homework, and sleeping times should follow this schedule.
  • Useful daily physical activity on the fresh air: long walks, running, sports activities. Find him an opportunity to expend excess energy.
  • Remember that staying in in public places(large stores, markets, at a party, etc.) has an overexciting effect on the child. Protect him from fatigue.
  • It is recommended for a child to play with one partner, and not in a noisy company.
  • Speak to your child calmly, gently, and kindly. Avoid repeating the words "no" and "can't". Don't really threaten.
  • Give the child only one task for a certain period of time so that he can complete it.
  • Reward your child for all activities that require concentration (for example, working with blocks, coloring, reading).

When organizing the training of hyperactive children, the principle of matching the training load is especially important. real opportunities child, taking into account his cognitive abilities and impaired concentration. The learning process must be built in such a way that the child's activity is successful, and the goal is achieved. It is impossible to allow permissiveness for mobile, restless children. They need a clear definition of a model of acceptable behavior, including rewards for purposeful, focused activities and punishment for socially unacceptable actions.

Hyperactive children are especially difficult for the teacher, as they constantly attract his attention and interfere with other students. Often, teachers, unable to cope with such students, under various pretexts, insist on their transfer to another class, another school. However, this measure does not contribute to the solution of the child's problems. If the teacher understands the reasons for the misbehavior of the little "violator", does not consider him a conscious intruder, he is more likely to establish a benevolent contact and help him.

Use the following guidelines during your lessons:

  • Pay special attention to individual work.
  • If possible, ignore the challenging actions of the child.
  • Keep distractions to a minimum during class. This can be facilitated, in particular, optimal choice seats at a desk for a hyperactive child - in the center of the class opposite the blackboard.
  • Give your child the opportunity to quickly seek help from the teacher in case of difficulty.
  • Build training sessions according to a clearly planned, stereotypical schedule.
  • Teach the hyperactive student to use a special diary or calendar in which he will mark the events of the day. This contributes to the development of reflection (tracking) and planning their future affairs.
  • Write the assignments for the lesson on the board.
  • Propose a large task in the form of successive parts and periodically monitor the progress of work on each of the parts, making the necessary adjustments.
  • During school day provide opportunities for motor "discharge": classes physical labor, sport exercises.

Practice shows that with proper educational approach, by adolescence, motor disinhibition decreases or disappears altogether. Impulsive actions may remain, but this does not prevent a successful personal development child, allowing him to adapt in society, establish himself professionally, learn to establish and maintain friendly relations with others.

In unfavorable, neglected socio-pedagogical conditions, some children and adolescents show a predisposition to anti-social actions, violations of behavior and drives. More often this happens in the presence of secondary (personal) disorders that arise as a reaction to ugly relationships with loved ones. Therefore, along with drug therapy treatment of hyperactivity must necessarily include elements of psychotherapy, therapeutic and correctional pedagogy, taking into account his physiological resources and the level of intellectual development.

Only the patient participation of adults in the problems of the child, understanding the reasons for his actions, competent educational impact and faith in his abilities will help the child overcome his difficulties.

Shantarenkova M.N.,
teacher of St. Tikhonovsky
theological institute

Child's restless sleep frequent occasion for the concerns of parents. The baby spins all night, falls asleep for a short time, but his sleep is not strong, disturbing, any rustle can break it. What is happening with the baby? Experienced Parents with experience, as a rule, they are well versed in the needs of their child, but even they sometimes have questions related to the restless sleep of the baby.

The reasons

There may be several reasons. Both physical and psychological.

  • The child sleeps restlessly at night if he starts to get sick. The disease has not yet manifested itself in physical level and the baby looks healthy. But he already feels unwell, and begins to worry in advance. If the baby is already 5 months old or more, then the reason for disturbing sleep can become cutting teeth. In any case, it makes sense to show the little one to the pediatrician so as not to miss the onset of the disease.
  • bad dream may be caused by increased intracranial pressure. Only a doctor can detect this problem and prescribe treatment. restless sleep at small child may be a consequence serious illnesses- encephalopathy, rickets or brain tumors. Otitis media, dysbacteriosis, as well as various infectious diseases. Therefore, the search for the cause of disturbing sleep should begin with a visit to the doctor to rule out the disease.

  • In newborns up to 3-5 months common cause restless sleep of the baby - intestinal colic. The intestinal microflora of the peanut is still not sufficiently formed, besides, his body is still only adapting to independent living. These processes are accompanied by increased production of gases. The baby "swells" the tummy, especially strongly - in the evening and at night. Barely dozing, the baby wakes up, screams piercingly, turns purple, pulls her legs up to her tummy. Make it easy for him discomfort you can use various drops and syrups based on simethicone, dill water, gas pipe.
  • The baby may not sleep well if he is cold or hot. Many young parents, having heard enough "good" advice, strive not to spoil the baby, so once again they try not to take him in their arms, but to co-sleeping in the same bed with a child, many mothers and fathers generally have a negative attitude. But in vain. Because the baby may worry because he feels "torn off" from his mother. And he needs physical contact with her. In addition, at night the body temperature drops slightly, and the baby needs to be warmed. mother's hands. At the other extreme, the baby is hot or stuffy. Mothers are afraid of catching a cold, so they tightly close the window in the room, wrap the baby up.

The room where the baby sleeps must be ventilated. The temperature in it should ideally be about 19-20 degrees with an air humidity of 50-70%. This is the most comfortable conditions for the little man.

  • Another reason for restless sleep is hunger. Perhaps the baby did not eat at the previous feeding, and in this situation there is no need to refuse night feedings. A baby may need a nightly meal up to 6 months. After this age, according to pediatricians, the child has no physiological need to eat in the middle of the night.

The crumbs that are on breastfeeding may experience hunger if the mother's milk is not nutritious enough. Review your diet. And also contact the pediatrician with a request to conduct a control feeding with weighing the child before and after meals to determine how much the little one eats. If he does not get enough of your milk, the doctor may allow "complementary foods."

  • "Artists" often swallow a lot of air when feeding, this creates false sensation satiety. Hunger returns again when the little one relaxes and tries to sleep. Therefore, babies who eat adapted mixtures, be sure to let the air burp after eating. Small regurgitation at the same time is a variant of the norm. The nipple on the bottle should please the butuzu, be comfortable. Some babies prefer latex, others prefer silicone nipples. Choose for your baby the option that he will perceive in the best way.

The cause of restless sleep may also lie in the violation of the daily routine. For example, the baby had a good night's sleep, or even mixed up day and night. The regimen of the crumbs should be brought in accordance with its age-related needs.

  • A baby aged 1 to 3 months needs 17-20 hours of sleep per day.
  • The sleep requirement for children aged 6 months is 14 hours per night.
  • At 1 year old, a child should sleep at least 13 hours a day.
  • At 2 years old daily requirement in a dream - 12.5 hours.
  • At 4 years old, the baby should sleep at least 11 hours a day.
  • At 6 years old, the need for sleep is 9 hours.
  • At 12, a teenager needs 8.5 hours of sleep per night.

Tips from a popular pediatrician to improve the quality of sleep for babies in the next video.

Vitamin deficiencies also lead to sleep disturbances in children. And also the kids are very weather-sensitive - they react to changes in atmospheric pressure, to precipitation, and often "anticipate" them.

Psychologists say that the restless sleep of the baby may be due to age characteristics. The fact is that the structure of sleep in children at 2 months and at 2 years is different. From birth to 1 year, superficial sleep in crumbs prevails over deep phase which is why babies often wake up. Only some fall asleep easily on their own again, while others need the help of their parents.

It happens that a calm baby begins to wake up and toss and turn restlessly by 7-9 months of life. At this age, the baby has the first psychological problems that prevent you from sleeping normally is the fear of being away from your mother. If parents sleep in the same room with the baby, then the child will not experience feelings of defenselessness and such nightly disturbing awakenings will gradually come to naught.

At 2-3 years old, sleep can become disturbing and restless due to the development of the baby's imagination. He already knows how to fantasize, it is at this age that the appearance of nightmares, fear of the dark. A cozy night light by the baby's bed will help to cope with this, beloved soft toy which he can take to bed with him.

Another "critical" age is 6-7 years. At this time, the child's sleep may be disturbed due to the experiences associated with the start of school.

Children of all ages are very sensitive to psychological climate that reigns in your home. If they often quarrel, get nervous, worry there, this will definitely affect the quality of the child’s sleep, and not from the best side.

Create a calm, peaceful home environment for your baby

Restless sleep can also be an "echo" of the innate characteristics of the baby's character, his temperament. It is known that choleric children sleep worse than phlegmatic children, and sanguine children have a harder time waking up in the morning. Each child requires an individual trip, taking into account all his personal characteristics and common factors affecting the quality of sleep.

Effects of sleep deprivation on children

If the problem of a child's restless night's sleep is ignored, pretty soon the baby will begin to suffer from lack of sleep. Sleep deprivation will affect all the functions of his body. First of all, there are violations in nervous system. Then will give "failures" hormonal background. The fact is that growth hormone STH (somatotropin) is better produced in children during sleep. If a child does not get enough sleep, he has a lack of growth hormone, and, as a result, he grows more slowly and develops not only physically, but also intellectually.

Another "night" hormone - cortisol helps the body cope with stress. If a child sleeps little, his cortisol level is underestimated, which means that the crumbs' psyche becomes vulnerable.

Chronic lack of sleep reduces mental and intellectual ability child, such kids have a hard time learning, they have severe memory problems.

Be sure to adjust the baby's sleep in order to avoid problems with the future development of the child.

How to fix a child's sleep?

If restless night sleep your child is not an exception, but rather the rule, you need to contact a pediatrician. He will advise a way to improve the baby's sleep, taking into account the age characteristics.

If the cause is in the disease, the treatment will be beneficial, and the baby will begin to sleep normally.

If the child is healthy, then you can “even out” his sleep on your own.

  • Bathing before going to bed helps, a light soothing massage helps. In the water in which the baby bathes, you can add a few drops of valerian or motherwort.
  • In the evening, it is better to avoid increased activity, try to arrange all noisy games and educational activities with the child in daytime. An agitated toddler, by definition, cannot sleep soundly.
  • Do not forget that walks are important for the baby. Children with whom they walk little are more likely to suffer from sleep disorders. If the weather and season allow, take small evening walks.
  • Bed sheets in the baby's crib there should be only their natural fabrics, the mattress should be even and moderately soft ( the best option- orthopedic mattress), and the diaper - proven, high-quality and reliable. Children under 2 do not need a pillow.

Special rituals help to establish a night's sleep. Each mother can come up with them, taking into account the needs of her child. In my family, this is a mandatory reading of one fairy tale after bathing before going to bed. Make your ritual a must. Whatever happens, it must be strictly followed. This will allow the baby to quickly understand what his parents want him to do, and he will wait for the events to occur in a certain order. This reduces stress levels, making going to bed softer and smoother.

Birth of a child big event for any family, along with joy come various chores. But what if the child is also very restless. Restless baby is the focus of the family. He demands permanent care and communication. Usually such a baby does not sleep well and cries a lot. Then the parents, a completely logical question arises: maybe something hurts him, or he suffers from a wet diaper. It is very easy to find answers to such questions.

Most newborns have several bouts of angry crying. This state alternates with unusually deep sleep, when it seems that the child cannot be awakened. This behavior does not mean that the child is sick. It takes a little patience and it will pass.

If the child is extremely active, he needs to take special soothing baths. They can be with valerian root, motherwort, mint or nettle. For one bath, you need to take 30 grams of each herb, pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. This infusion needs to stand for 2 hours, and then it needs to be filtered. The decoction should be added when bathing in the water in the bathroom. If the child suffers from diaper rash, then it will not be superfluous to add oak bark, string, chamomile and St. John's wort. You can use the herb as a collection or separately.

If the baby is crying, do not feed him immediately. First, check if his diapers are dry and if the clothes are causing him unnecessary discomfort. If during crying, the child pulls his legs to his stomach, then he is tormented by pain in his stomach. To save the child from pain, before feeding, put it on the tummy for a while. Can do special gymnastics with baby. Vigorously press the child's legs bent at the knees to the stomach. If after that the baby cries and worries, then it is worth attaching a warm heating pad or diaper to the tummy.

If the child is excessively restless, then it is worth taking him to the doctor. If, during a loud or harsh noise, he flinches, rolls his eyes, and while crying, his chin trembles, then be sure to contact a neurologist. If these phenomena are not very pronounced, they will pass on their own.

A restless baby is a constant reason for parents to worry. Before going to bed, you need to shake the child, a slight movement can calm him down. You can try to put him to sleep with music. Be sure to monitor your own condition, as it is transmitted to the baby. And nervous breakdown mother can be a cause for concern for the child.
